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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Thursday, May 01, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 12:02

aiya.. i think this blog can turn mouldy and be forgotten for good.. have been quite quite a while each time i log in and write a new entry.. yup, busy is an excuse... time can always be plan out or allocated out for things u wan to do.. is always base on one's will and determination. yup, i'm just plain too lazy... brunei trip was the best of the best.. the sweat and tiredness that i have over there is really made worthwhile. I dun say that the course was easy nor i say is hard. but is an experience that is hard to put it in words or explaination unless you go try it out urself... mental strength is really important.

Today is labour day, but at night gotto book in again.. yup very sian.. should have had a long long weekend like "G". nvm...i'm from A, so cant complain. ATP had come to an end tooo. Yup, did not get my marksman.. sad lah of course, but wat can i do... mayb my shooting and fundamental is really very bad.. esp when kan-chong... just hope as i go to unit i'll learn to shoot better along the way and slowly get my marksman badge... still left with one last fieldcamp and major event like the pt excellence and PAC... as hope i dun be a burden for good... my combat fitness drop like hell.. i think my physical too.. damn old and weak already. my last 10km clock a horrifying timing of 53mins... yup so SLOW!!! need to really buck up and train up.. duno izzt mental weak already or muscle just hasnt recover. darn!!! i just hope i can have a smooth sailing progress till i commission. cause this is the most critical phase and time for me.. if you screwed it up that's it... not only will i inflict my previous pcs and ocs, i'll throw the organisation face and name... i really need to maintain and be careful and be on my toes!!! cannot be complacent and ignorant. stay as humble and just do the right thing at the right time. fulfill all duties/responsibilities to the best tat i can.. And zero usage of vulgarities like the zero sugar coke ha!!!


Tuesday, April 01, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 17:15

Last sat went to meet up with Judy and Jesmine for K (by right) but by left we ended up going for movie and chill out at tcc ha... but it was a great evening.. enjoy myself a lot.. its been like years since i last see both of them.. but nonetheless, the feeling with them is still as good as ever.. guess we're just a bunch who can really talk cock sing song but not play majong though ha... went to watch The Leap Year.. not that is a very fantastic show, but casting wong li lin.. of course the movie is good haha.. i love her lah... look as hot and as pretty as ever.. nv change...

But some feels that the storyline is too far off from reality.. mayb still naive or izzt stubborn, i believe there's still possibilities in this kinda scenarios.. mayb one is always blinded by those lovey dovey scene.. to me, i really believe that the right person that fits u perfectly will come ya way.. all it takes it patience and time.. it better to have love and lost, then better to not have love at all.. but why waste time with someone u can live with and not someone you cant live without.. i always hope to see her coming my way.. always in the search or waiting just hope somewhere, somehow she'll just appear... in the show the dream guy was blue... for me.. she's the orange blurry picture.. i dun expect her to appear only when the leap years come.. but mayb i duno when ha...hope it mayb just can come my way=)

Alrt, like what i've said flying to Brunei like very very soon... just hope i can be back in one nice piece and not missing a toe or finger or even my head... and not hav mushrooms or fungus growing all over me like what my sir has actually curse!!! i must come back surviving and strong.. NV DIE!!!
Sigh come to think of my domo.. so sad lah.. i actually caught one when i went tw.. and i only spend a freaking 50 cents to catch it.. and then i lost it.. darn!!! I miss my DOMOOOOO!!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 15:52

Finally get to book out... been like out of touch from the world like quite sometime.. duno who all of my frens are doing.. during outfield at tekong saw zhixiang.. he lost his voice.. but still looks good.. and commissioning parade help out my sispec frens came down.. but didnt have a chance to see them, coz was stuck at wing line =/.. sigh.. really miss them so much lah... alrt, 4th of april will be flying to Brunei for good.. gonna treat it like the survivor brunei.. though is 20 days lesser den the real survivor series.. just hope i can survive and get the jcc badge.. nobody says is gonna be easy though.. but watever it is.. i guess, die also muz get that badge... so i must stay focus and jia you.. take care of myself and do well for every part of the elements...

duno wat to update though beside more whinnings and complaints.. now i just comtemplating if i should attend the bloody comms ball... but deep down in me i really dun wanna attend.. is really shit.. arrrghh den come the LSA and the SAS issue.. should i study this year or the next... ma fan ar!!! why in life so many decision to make...oh i just want a simple life!!!

enuff say and i'm just too lazy to carrying on... till nxt time den...

Sunday, March 09, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 19:47

Sunday suppose to be a relaxing day.. and guess what.. i just finished typing my ops order and aop... damn... wat a weekend.. and Sir is still nice enough to msg me to remind me abt the proposal i'm suppose to prepare and do up.. suddenly just feels like there's so many things unfinished and undone.. I guess, i really have poor time management!!! And i seriously need to deal with it... cause i really hate things get pile up on me.. not tat i cant breathe or wat shit.. is just no time for myself.. and yup, i'm a person who needs a lot a lot of time for myself.. looking at all my unfinished dvds and story books, you noe how much time i actually have for myself!!! damn.. why time is always not enuff.. tmr gotto book in early in the darn morning.. i just hope i can get a bloody cab... arrrghhh done with one more to come!!! need to go pack my stuff for tmr.. and mayb more shit to come as i book in... i need to get running again... time is running short as usual=(

oh i really need to comment on this lady i saw this freaking morning as i go for a run at Bishan.. damn i really cant take my eyes off her lah.. so lean and tone.. my god.. she's really HOT!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 16:45

Just came back from tw.... training was enjoyable though is tiring and hectic... ate so much that even my Sir says that my face is getting chubbier.. yup is not a good sign.. gotto start running and getting my fitness back... this time round saw more chio-bus aha and ate a lot more alrt.. is like food hunting almost every single nite of my R&R.. till now i still miss the food very much...*just the thoughts of it make me drool

Anyhow, i still thank you ladies who took the time out to send me off from the airport.. nxt one will be Brunei already... damn scary...

This weekends will be spend on cleaning my stores and recuperating... mayb can meet up with my frens for movies or so.. too many nice movies out there already.. bua ta-han!!!

this is gonna be a real short entry, as i'm really lazy and i dun really know what to write, whine or grumble about... but my mama and papa is getting into some cold war or sort.. damn... i just hope they can really sort things out and dun behave so child-dishly...

watever.. is time i hit out for a RUN!!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 17:42

Here i am for a-long-long-one-time entry... Yup am currently in camp.. this week has been slack ha.. morning just completed a killer fast march.. Yup fast march always kill me.. i can last long but not fast.. short legs just a disadvantage ar!!! Mayb my new year resolution should be going for leg extension haha... *anyone willing to sponsor me?!?! And yup, with this weakness, it actually affects me or post a factor to me if i'm able to go to Guards and go thru the conversion course.. as they have lotsa fast march.. And in here already i've difficulties keeping up.. super lousy!!! Morning had bunk inspection by my CPT.. lucky my room was cleaned and smelling good ha.. if not sure kanna fire...

Okie.. now mayb many of u might think that, why am i so free to blog.. i also duno the answer.. this few weeks have been like tat.. waiting for lunch and dinner sorta thing.. mayb preparing for ROC, that's why... i wonder if my SISPEC friends and instructors have returned... This time going ROC but a different part and different place.. duno will it be tougher.. but i bet it'll be... cause more load to carry this time round, due to the F***king weather... nonetheless, i just hope i can endure thru man.. tough time dun last tough man do!!! Ai zai ar!!! I'll be leaving one day b4 shurong.. again cannot send her... and the nxt time i see her probably is after my commission... so we are like gonna fight our own world in diff country and wishing one another the best of everything again.. And of coz b4 her leaving, we planned to go play tat bungy over at clark quay again.. this time is the swinging pendulum one haha... i hope i dun get any blood shot eyes this time round...

Tmr we'll be heading to Khatib camp to learn to call for arty fire and den we'll head for PAINT BALL!!! YEAH is the damn first time i play.. i hope it'll be a great experience.. and i hope i dun lead my team to die in bad shape, as i'm appointed the i/c alrt.. and damn, i'm gonna command my instructors and PC... Feel honour??? No, i feel sux... stress level is there man, though we aim to not have any rank barriers.. but damn is hard lah.. But watever, just hope tmr is FUNNN!!! BOUNTY HUNTERS ALL THE WAY!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008
rumbles & whines posted at 18:49

Just gonna have a short entry, rushing for time to book in again.. sigh... this coming week is 7 days field camp.. after this will be preparing for ROC again... just hope i survive alrt.. Tues will be IPPT.. need to not only maintain gold but obtain best points for all station. Socs on Sat did not do pretty well. Though it was my best timing so far, but i still did not hit my aim which is 0700 or less.. as usual PC wants me to be faster den Meng Yean, so i guess, i've gotto run again... his expectation is high, but i guess is all for my own good.. and with all this pushing mayb i can make history for myself too ha. Whatever, i just dun wanna let the competition btw me and meng yean to affect me and her in any way.. i just want to give my best short in the 6 mths.. i should not always think that i cant and just let chances and time slip away. have enuff of regrets already. Now i just pray to god to continue to give me the strong mental... coz i guess, i always lost to myself because of my weak mental. so let me endure thru like how you do. Tough time dun last tough man do. So let me be the tough man lord!!!

I need to run.... camp sweet camp=)

enuff is enuff'.. get on with your life...