Yay.. after a long wait.. i finally gotten my Gingy.. and without spending a single cents lah.. count myself lucky today man.. and thanks to whoever that absently left it at the chilli counter or purposely left it there..
My Gingy!!!!
I want to watch Shrek 3!!!
Okie.. yst was a good day overall.. though morning have to wake up early for some NE programme over at Singapore Discovery Center.. And we are all told to wear Smart-4..
Yup.. look at the whole load of us.. waiting for the day to start..
Too Boring.. so started cam-whoring with Cindy haha..
Some family day event over at SDC.. so we decided to just pop by and join in the fun.. Irene Ang was hosting.. and the children are competing in some "you cant move, blink and breathe game" and dancing with the music from one end to another.. but it was darn funny when u get to see those kids doing funny actions and being comment by Irene Ang.. haha
After the SDC NE programme.. Gwen, Dan, Dan's girlfren and me went to Jurong Swimming Complex to tan and swim.. coz we realli cant stand our fair skin and uneven tone.. but in the end, Mr Sun didnt been helpful, i did not get much of a tan and got myself an uneven tan line.. After spending hrs at Jurong complex.. we say goodbye and headed on our separate ways.. I wanted to go running initially.. so went to jio Jel and Dora.. den jel replied asking me to go over Habourfront to watch the bouldering compeition...so i went down.. but was just a few seconds late and miss the ladies pros climb.. but lucky there's still the man's open category.. so here are some shots that i've captured.. And Aishah's boyfren->Hata is damn good.. completed 3 routes out of 4... but it was a pity, i didnt manage to capture him, as my hp was far far away=( at tat time...Jel and Aishah will be taking part nxt year.. i really wish them all the best and train hard girls!!! Do urself and us proud haha=)
This is the first route...
And i must say.. their route are all duper tough, so not easy at all.. but their singles that they issue.. is realli damn nice...
Here's the second route... incline wall and the starting requires climber to dino..darn cool..
Night view at vivocity rooftop..
The "pink tight" guy!!! my Idol.. he's just superb at Overhang!!!
Getting close to the end point(the tile box with black masking tape)
With not much effort..
Another Climber using sit-in technique
See the way they overhang.. Nice
Front view of route 2
For those who are interested to noe wat i'm doing in army.. here are some photos for u guys to explore and enjoy.. (Following photos are all edited and taken from my fren's blog)