Alrt.. same old routine.. booking out and booking back in again tonite.. But have lotsa fun over my book out period.. thanks to all my frens!!! Fri have so much FUN with my army frens as well as my sec skool pals!!! i guess is true.. this year is gonna be a year full of sec skool pals gathering.. coz everyone is having their 21st birthday!!! I hope there's still more of this kinda gathering to come after years.. coz the older u gets, the circle of frens juz getting smaller and smaller.. and u juz lost touch of what one another are doing.. is realli kinda saddening sometimes.. like for me.. since i book out nv even get a chance to meet up with my poly classmates.. except for my cca peeps.. and like wat daren's nick was saying->goodbye to youth.. i guess army can realli take away a lot of youth esp if u are a regular i guess.. coz u get stuck with them for years and ages.. and yes.. i'm feeling lost too of wat i want and wat i should achieve for myself...i guess i realli need to find a time to talk to PC regarding my uni issue... damn..
And yes time flies.. fast enuff tat in juz 3 more weeks time i'll be having pop and 24km route march.. afterwhich will be the killing sispec training where i can continue aiming for my six pacs haha alrt.. i duno wat shld i continue with... shall wait till i receive my field camp photos.. photos still does the best talking ha...
Yin yan's 21st...

Alrt.. candid shot.. all trying to get their position haha

Okie.. got it.. cheese!!

Alrt, now with the pink birthday lady!!

ha, cam whore alert!

yea one more time haha
Yin yan: thanks for the birthday invitation... ur cake looks sexy and i think we have lotsa fun hunting for hotdogs, eating ur dessert and cracking those lame games like back into the future, black magic and all haha!!