Thursday, October 26, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 23:30
Alrt.. super careless like wat the 8 days mag Horoscope section says.. I lost my
NETS... how great!!! But lucky there's kind souls out there... they are kind enuff to return my card to the bank... Juz hope i dun lost any of my money... if not i'll sure die of terrible terrible death... =x
Sorry Mag and Shilin tat we again unable to catch Deathnote.. I wanna watch sia.. we muz catch it soon alrt haha... I wan watch The Guardians too.. any takers? Sat will be my RTT.. need to realli study and practise hard... Jia you, aizhi ha... Blood donation tmr too.. And lovely slacking Sat will be burn by going to the career fair doing networking and finding setbacks for future life.. Sun db and rushing for proteo presentation again..wat a life to lead u muz be saying..
Teach me how to lead a better life!!!Duno Class 95FM played nice love songs at nite.. but it realli sting my heart and ears at this moment of time ha.. I guess, for is not in the air but in the drain... Cheers.. You've found the one=)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 20:04
Happy Hari Raya to all the malays out there... but this year for me is particularly sad coz my malay's neighbour moved in the early june.. if not, i will have yummy kuehs and curry to eat... Hmmm perhaps green packets too haha... Alrt, i sound so cheapo... Hmmm but I think is time for me to get to know my just-moved-in indian's neighbour.. so at least nxt year Deepavali i may get some nice snacks or greeny packet from them instead... Okie.. cheap i am... nvm...
Alrt.. here are the photos i promised to upload... Happy viewing and saving ha

Baby pumpkins... Cute but expensive

Yay.. ready for Halloween celebration =)

Yvonne's porcupine with my sock and jel's hat.. cutie--


Aint it cool lol

Graffiti rox....
Toy'r'us spree... All geared for Halloween!!!
Starwar IV? Maybe i can take the lead as Dark Vader lol

Next Elvis?


Here i come.. M.J.
Alrt.. enuff of me...Now...
Here are some snapshots of
Angeline aka Xiao Pang that you've nv seen b4

Take 1: The feminie side

Take 2:The man side haha

Take 3: The beast shouting "where's my Pei Xuan!!"

Take 4: Here comes Spidey!!!
Identity crisis it is... duno male, female, beast or mutant??? hahaha

The Chipmunks first ever Neo-prints LOL...
Yst after skool dead tired..went home and took a short nap.. den went to meet up with xp for gym den Cap Aud for dinner... Hougang gym is realli good.. lotsa facilities as compared to Toa Payoh and the songs they played are nice.. coz drive u to exercise haha And i muz say.. the female gym instructor figure damn good.. her muscles darn lean.. I wan to be like her sia, but i think, it'll take me another 5-10 years... sigh... Nvm.. tmr going gyming again, as db training cancelled.. realli need to burn those extra calories... i think i realli getting fatter and weaker.. need to do more runs too.. slacking again.. shit... skool starts not been attending muay thai regularly again.. jia lat.. i realli gotto manage my time well...
Outing with Xiao pang and Cap Aud, sure bound to have lotsa funny things happening... But is always fun to have them around.. they're always there to cheer me up and make me so hyper haha And they definitely make me behave like some sec skool kids or mayb pri skool... Nonetheless.. i'm realli glad to have them as my chipmunks...
Thanks XP AND AUD!!! Thanks for always being there to listen when i need a listening ear... thanks for those shitty days, where i need u guys to tolerate my shitty attitude.. And thanks for all the forgiveness you guys spare, when i did something carelessly or recklessly... I love you two though both of you are not my girlfriends ha Rmb we carry the motto: one for all and all for one ha =)From now on.. no more sad nor lovey dovey quotes for this blog...I think you've make it quite clear.. and I'm clear of what path to take now...Easy come, easy go... Time will heal all pain...I can get over you.. *positiveGoodbye my lover, goodbye that emo AizhiLive stronger...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 14:06
Weekends is here.. but i'm not enjoying every moment of it.. coz i need to realli cherish each and every moment to complete the tasks and assignments entitled to me.. How great!!! Juz the start of skool terms onli alrt.. tons of project assignments are piling infront of me like nobody business.. we're ask to form groups of 4 or 5 for each and every class modules we go to... I juz hope i can handle it and endure thru yea.. Is my last sem already.. realli have to chiong ar..
Anyhow.. yst went to celebrate big lung and fark machine birthday.. was realli fun yea... i think they're realli touch by wat we have done for them yea haha the "3 figures" dedication... I shall save some of the exciting details as it is not too nice to be blog out haha..
Alrt.. waiting for the slow aunty big lung to upload and send us the photos.. time to head for my db training...
*row row row da boatHow i wish skool is juz not abt PROJECTS, PROJECTS and more PROJECTS!!!Get that feeling out of me.. it killing me slowly..feels like shit!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm sittin here blamin myselfWhy i'm feeling this way inside, I misused it, i misused my heart and soulThis time it's all my faultThis time I really wish to let it goBut my head keep dizzy with the thoughts of youThe more i wanna stop thinking about it, the more it attacks me like a seizureWhat am i supposed to do to cure myself?How am I supposed to behave?Can't let my weaknesses showHave my fixed fate caused me to miss this first chance at real loveI really wish i could deny every little truth and fact that i want youbut damn... the heart and mind are still not trying its best to get over youThere are too many moments that my heart trembleand there's too many times when i cant take my eyes off youbut so what if i've got something realI dont wanna lose it allCause the thought of you gone gives me chillsAll this time, my heart and deepest apologiesI dont know if its enuff to cover up all my sins...I seriously feel like shit...Cheap i am...
Friday, October 13, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 15:32
Sad to say skool will be starting nxt mon... am totally not looking forward.. i still have not slack and play enuff alrt.. And worst of all.. this sem is gonna be my last chiong-ing and killer sem.. and yes.. time realli flies.. with the blink of an eye we'll all be graduating and going our separate ways=(.. Friends around me are already thinking and planning for their future route..However, the road ahead of me is like still so uncertain and blurry..i realli duno wat i can do for a living after poly..
Though, i've officially sold myself to SAF..but i'm not certain if i wanna spend the rest of my life working for them.. there's so much in life i wanna try and do.. But, somehow i dun even realli noe wat i'm capable of doing... I wanna be a gynaecologist but i think tats a dream tat is not realistic ... Coz base on my results i dun think i can even make it to the local uni and into NUS medical skool.. and most importantly.. being a doc is not easy..Hmmm come again.. i'm interested in forensic science.. but again i duno if my results are good enuff to get me into the course of study..and that the future prospect in Singapore is still doubtful.. I duno... my last resort will be becoming a PE teacher.. at least is not like working 0800-1700 everyday and sitting in the office accumulating fats under ur ass and abdominal.. but i guess anything could juz happen.. mayb i'll be working in da office Eeee.. i cant imagine... Sigh.. If only being an adventurer can be a career too... it would be realli damn cool to scale mountains, travel round the world and also being paid ha.. Mayb getting to work with National Geographic would be cool ha..
Alrt.. enuff say of all my shit.. i guess all the ans will soon come my way.. wat will be will be ...yst was realli a duper tiring and draining day for me.. chiong report on wed from noon to thurs 0330... den catch a 2 hrs plus sleep den went to skool to prepare media.. fyp can realli turn me into a zombie.. Anyhow we're lucky to have Dr Koh as our supervisor, cancelling the point whereby being a man living in this era he has no hp and gentle soft spoken, at least he's understanding..coz to him yielding results was not important.. but the experience that each of us gain during the experiement process.. and he's nice to listen to our problems and give us advices... so i think mag and i are rather gladful for that ha...
And yay.. finally we've our explants responding to our treatments.. it like over 12 weeks already.. grow mutica grow!!!After the tiring preparation of 240 tubes of media.. mag and i went to meet shilin at Kallang for dinner at DA CHANG JIN.. anyway that da chang jin is the China version one.. coz the shop actually has more China national visitors rather den Korean visitors.. And u dont expect them to greet you with Korean when u enter the shop.. but nonetheless, the shop attendants are still nice and friendly people... We ate like nobody business yst... and we took so much food (thanks to maggie lol) at the end, we'll thinking of ways to clear those food so we'll not be fine for wasting 100grams of food ha...
After the meal.. was realli too full to board a train or bus to go home.. coz i think we'll all be puking our way back.. ha So went walk walk at Bugis, Bugis street and den Chinatown...
Shilin and Mag with the snowice green tea dessert.. NiceAnd the meeting was supposed to be U4(Usual 4: Shilin, shuwen, Mag and Me)but turn out to be U3 ha.. coz shuwen is sick... but anyhow.. the outing was fun.. have lotsa laughters haha.. More outings like this please=) Lets go watch movie and K soon!!!!
Alrt.. for the few days left before skool starts.. i would realli wish to go vivo city and exhibition at agnes b., raffles city shopping centre... any takers? ha
The renovation going on above my flat is driving me nuts!!! When will it stop...And when will i just stop thinking of you?!?!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 15:21
Alrt.. my dad found out tat i actually went to take bike license..And till now my sister and i have still yet to come out with a conclusion of how my dad actually found out abt my helmet.. coz i think i hide it very well.. Anyway it was realli sudden and unexpected, lucky i do not have a weak heart.. if not guess by now i'll be dead or in da ICU ha.. Alrt, it happened like tat->
he called home yst and saying who gave him a miss call.. den i was the one who was answering the bloody damn call, i was like "huh, no one called you!" Den he started asking me: "Aizhi why u have a bike helmet at hm? " Okie i admit.. i was totally dumb-founded and stood rooted to the ground for tat very moment, when i heard those sentence.. juz like kanna shock by high voltage or freeze by an iceman... Duno how to react, but my brain just send a msg to my mouth and i go on with the respond.. "No.. i didnt, that helmet belongs to my fren" Of coz my dad is smart.. he wouldnt believe in this kind of lousy story i made it up ha.. so he was like" dun bluff me" so i go on lying... "you said that i cant learn wat... so i didnt" He was like "Ok... but if u are going to take bike license let me noe alrt.. i'm ur dad" So i was like " ok ok" faster end the phone conversation... He was realli nice over the phone lah.. he actually didnt interrogate me like a prisoner or shout till my ear-drum burst.. and tat make things worst for me.. coz if he's nasty i dun feel guilty in hiding the truth from him.. but he's like nice and makes me feel damn guilty if i continue to hide the truth.. After like 1/2 hrs of thinking and consideration.. decided to be honest with my dad... i mean am already 19 going 20.. shld realli learn to stand up and tell the truth and accept all the consequences rather den hiding in da dark and running away all the time... And i think if i continue lying.. i'll betray my dad's trust again.. So i gave him a called when i'm on my way to my bike pract... and indeed i felt much better after getting it all out.. no more hidings.. now at least i can go hm with tat helmet openly hanging over my shoulders.. ha.. But today i think i'm gonna see him face to face as training is cancelled sian.. duno wat will he going to be saying to me... Anyhow, yst was realli lucky lah.. heng heng 12 demerit points and yay i pass my circuit evaluation and going to apply PDL once i pass my RTT den 6.01 bleh bleh.. so now realli gotto practise and study hard for RTT.. if not muz re-take circuit evaluation again coz it onli valid 1 mth.. N saw Fatilah at bbdc too.. she too, took up bike and going for circuit evaluation soon.. she was even more anxious den me, if i pass my evaluation ha.. But she realli slims down alot.. slim till i almost cant recognise her ha.. mayb i shld start fasting too sia.. my double chin is like poping out already.. sian... i muz learn the value of
eat to live and not live to eat... Enuff of my ranting.. time to work on my FYP project updates.. I'm freaking a dead meat right now.. tmr submission how great!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 12:22
Alrt.. over the weekends, went to a 2 day 1 night camp at Senai by i camper.. Hav lotsa eye opening events... Basically, we'll there to help out in cleaning the main office. And during the clearing and cleaning up process, it was the first time that the others and i saw billions or izzt zillions of ants and termites.. and it realli gave me a yucky creppy crawler feeling..totally gross out, if you cant picture the image, juz imagine ur room with billions/zillions of ants crawling ard.. Ok the so-gross-out scene definitely made me think of the CSI New York last season episode whereby this Crime Scene Investigator-Nick Strokes is buried underground and was attacked by billions of big ass ants.. and i mean it, they are freaking big, big ass and big head most yucky, they have sharp teeth... Nick almost wanted to shoot himself to death... i think if i'm in his position.. i'll juz shoot myself to death.. at least it is a quick death rather den slowly bitten to death by those irritating creepy crawlers...
Anyhow, all of us successfully evacuate those bloody ants and termites with our very own insecticides formula.. i think we did an equally good job as compared to the pest control company ha But feel kinda bad lah.. seeing the sight of Andy spraying the formula on those ants and termites, reminds me of Ant bully... sorry but i guess is better to have them removed though.. is hard to co-exist with billions/zillions of them.. they've a population like India and China or mayb even larger ha... After all the ants and termites evacuation, we did some Banglah job.. which is painting and sealing the cracks of the wall with cement.. this is to prevent those survivor ants in finding their home and creating a home haha.. okie.. i sound evil..
Sun rush back for training.. very tired and hungry.. gave a duper grouchy face.. think i scare off a lot of my teammates..realli sorry guys ha... I was glad that i still can tong the power training though i'm realli dead tired.. And the good news that i've long awaited for has finally come... we are gonna have new paddles and life vests sponsored.. Yay.. cant wait.. Now to regatta is like gonna be weeks of interval only.. we realli gonna train extra hard and give it all out.. cannot face any failure again i think.. da last race 0.01s sure has awaken all of us and make all of us realise our weaknesses and strengths... For now is realli gonna be all da way even if it takes our life, we'll all gonna row till the end!!!
To Aud: Thanks for helping me to get the women's weekly mag.. though i wanted was the woman's health haha.. do remind me to pay ya back alrt.. Regarding ur blog entry too.. "the ugly gets the hot chick and beauty" i agree with wat ur cousin says.. But are they not hot enuff for us.. or are we not ugly enuff for them lol... But pal.. u definitely dun have an ugly personality alrt.. u are a nice dude yea.. though i duno u for a very long time.. but i can truely see the sincerity u gave in our friendship... u have been lending a listening ear, without any complaints or grumbles and also you've been my cycling, running and supper mate haha... Thanks for all tat yea!!! So dun doubt ur personality or character... u're who u are =) The "intended" girl thats meant for ya will soon come ur way...Everybody wants your time
I am just dreaming out loud,
I cant have you for mine and I know it for sure
I'm happy and content to have you as my friend
Yeah, I'm so elated
Cross my heart and hope to die
I dont think about you every night
I can walk around with a happy face, even when i'm black and blue
But every sight of them makes my head pound
Unsaid words that i'm trying to hold back with my tougue, seems to be tripping all over the place
And I cant seem to trace anymore what i wanted to say
Everyday i try to put the feeling for you far behind
But it keep rushing back to me again and again
Praying and wishing that all the thoughts of you would just be wash or bleach away
And what's the point in telling everybody and even myself
I'm actually over you
When hey, i still misses you
I just wish that there's a way I could make you see
Without ruining everything
Even if it takes me to drag an old guitar that I can't even play and spell it out in a song, singing every word for you, I would
I know i'm sly
Always faking it doesnt matter
Fading into your background like a piece of yesterday
But for all god knows, you matter... Sad the way we always seem to pass by one anotherHiding, so afraid of the things we might discoverCaught up in a moment that only you can live inYou never know who's giving the air that you might breathe in Love doesn’t need a rhyme or a reason to be
But will you and i have a chance to start a story of our own...
Friday, October 06, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 15:53
Finally able to get myself log into blogger.. took me like forever... damn-- Lately life been almost the same.. living like a King ha... Yea.. just wake up, eat, nap, watch tv, eat, play com games, watch tv and slp... is super routine alrt... cant believe i'm living this kinda unhealthy life... I'm gonna turn into a FAT king/ass in no time ha..
Anw.. i've been exercising lately still though.. meet Cap Aud to run in da evening, did cycling on my own and going for muay thai... but my in-take of food like getting larger or should i say enormous... my mama watch me ate this morning and she was like "Aizhi, your appetite is like a guy"... gosh.. wats wrong with me!!! Mayb i dun feel guilty when i eat coz i noe i did exercise and run.. budden i think i can nv get rid of my fats with the habit of eating so much always..yes and i mean always.. i'm juz behave and react like cookie monster when i see food i like.. Aud also cant stand me.. arrgh.. i realli eat alot!!!
Aizhi needs to control her diet and take small intake of food each time!!!
Alrt.. been rather blur and distracted lately.. is bad i noe, but there's like no doc or pills available to cure this kinda deadly illness. Arrgh.. mayb i shld take more naps haha okie, watever.. getting crappy.. today is moon cake festival..Yay... i'm gonna play lantern and eat moon cake.. later gonna meet Cap Aud and mayb xiao pang after some cycling and run..
Part 2 of da day---------------------------
Here to share some photos b4 i share my little accident haha...

The sperm on my hand aha... got it from the exchange of some num goody bag during SAVA sprint! Ok.. dun ask me where's the egg alrt ha

Cute Vespa i saw at BBDC.. sweet--

Today the sun at Puggol end looks nice.. aint it look heavenly...
Alrt.. b4 meeting Cap Aud and Xp.. went cycling.. cycle to my beloved place->Puggol end.. Some day i shall start running there soon too..yea muz train hard for the half marathon.. cannot die halfway sia.. Okie.. after spending almost half hr at Puggol end, watching the police on duty, seeing the teens playing soccer at the beach, seeing ppl fishing as well as enjoying the breeze and absorbing vitamin D.. And is time to set off for another destination (Hougang stadium to run).. So cycle from Puggol end to Hougang..
Took a flyover route tat i've nv taken b4 in my entire life... At first saw an Ah Pek cyclist.. From his face, he looks like he's cycling to some places very interesting like tat.. so i followed.. den ended up he cycle to some wu-lu HDB block.. so is like nothing interesting.. den i find myself ending up near some kinda flyover.. so just anyhow anyhow take tat route and see where it brings me haha..Is fun to get lost with ya bike sometimes.. Okie.. think i'm born with some street smart.. i ended up at Hougang haha.. Truely, Singapore is juz such a Small and tiny island.. just too hard for you to get lost sia.. i think u seriously needs lotsa effort to be lost here!
Ok.. my
accident part...
Below is the photo on the route i took into the canal i wanna cycle (is a very short trail only...nth exciting, lotsa mosquitos i muz say... itchy scratchy!)'s the pic of my Lao-ya bike.. can u believe it.. only have till 3rd gear only.. lousy haha.. but this little red bike is still my one and only.. coz my dad sold off my silver one.. and he didnt removed tat bike stand i installed.. idiot!!!


Can u spot the difference of the two photos?!?!
I hope u see it... is the seat of my bike den went wrong... If u still cant see.. read down to the nxt line and view the photos below..(an enlarge version of my seat!)


I bet, anyone can just spot the diff lah... The seat is spoilt thanks to the smart dude tat is ranting here. Smart Alex.. anyhow take the lao-ya bike to do trail den down slope the spring of the seat came off.. still didnt realise till she reach the pathway... den one uncle came and ask: "u okie"..I was like yea, am fine.. think he's in utter shock..coz i'm like came dashing out with my bike from some bushes.. coz usually for tat route, ppl will juz come down and push their bike.. i act smart go cycle, but was damn thrilling and fun.. lucky didnt fall or fly.. dun wan to end up like Siow How lol..*Oops.. den check my bike coz when i keep cycling den my seat keep tilting backwards.. so i decided to stop at the side of the cycling track.. den a second uncle came along:"Hey, you alrt..", Me: "Yes uncle.. but i think my seat spoil.." and i was like trying to stuff my running towel under the seat to prevent it from going downwards.. den he says.."aiyo, your spring gone already..", "me: huh.." den he laugh and cycle away.. i was like what da Hell!!! Wat an unhelpful uncle!!!

Anyway.. the towel didnt help.. my seat still keep dropping like nobody business.. but at least i still manage to cycle with it for 4 hrs haha...
Okie.. den cycle to hougang stadium for a run.. did onli 11 rounds..gonna run longer and more... saw my sec skool junior.. i think she always go for evening run.. very consistent with her running.. Mayb Aud and I will see her again nxt week haha...
Went to eat with Aud after my run at the Kopitiam opp Puggol park.. saw Julia along the wat haha den met with Xiao pang and her girl as well as her 2 beloved bros - Alvin and Aron.. Have lotsa fun playing sprakles haha..
Somehow.. i wish u'll there too..nvm
Nice bike that Aud and i saw at the SHELL Kiosk...
I'm sorry to say that i still misses you,Is never a day i dont wonder and think about how you do...I know, i've gotto surrender and stop the long pretending,I'll make myself believe that we're the pieces that dont fit.I hope i can make it thru... Bless me!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 17:06
Well, I badly want to hear from you if you've been seeing that someone
So, at least I could end the battle in my head
And just stop wondering if you like me too and,
just how to say things right
and continue hiding the truth from you.
Or could someone just tell me I was wrong to love you or even think of chasing after you.
I feel bad and seriously dying inside
We've been friends for so long
Any wrong steps that i take, can just ruin it all
So what if everyone come telling me love is a risk, just give that one shot that you've got and dont let it slipped away from you. So what if it is true about this lyrics:What good is a heart, if you're not gonna use it?What good is your love, if you're too scared to choose it?If your heart is beating, then it's for a reasonIf you're not even willing to start, what good is a heart?Many unanswered questions are still heavily chained inside my heart
Can a friend become a lover?
Can a girl who kept the honest truth inside, be too late for you?
But what if i'm that everything you never dream of being with?
Or will you just step out of my life forever once you learn how i feel...
If only I could tell what you've been thinking about me all along
'Cause I know this much is true-> You're needed in my life
Perhaps, its all that
All that i can say...
you look a little destructed... just hope u are doing well in ur life... Seeing you smile is important.I think my neighbour is having some r/s pro too.. he's playing Edward Chun- Give My Love almost days and nights... What a month.. everyone seems heartbroken... Where is da love?