Saturday, August 26, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 22:34
Alrt.. Yst went cycling with sissy, ah hao, jel, weiyi and shurong... very very fun.. though is realli tiring too.. up-slope, down-slope and into all the darn cool and rocky trails!!! I wanna be back again...i swear!!! hee
Ok.. shall let the photos do the talking...
Cyclists of da DAY!!! (Part 1)
Cyclists of da day!!! (Part 2)
Setting off...(p.s. i think i look cool in tat sunglass lol)
At our destination...
First Check point...
To Sok... Lucky u didnt go yst.. if not think we'll be finding u landing inside there haha...
Sok.. where are u???
We trespass into the quary
Jel and da coconuts!!!
At the Eng Mo Cottage Jetty(3rd check point)
Sissy trying to lift tat big brick and Jel.. (MISSION IMPOSSIBLE) ha
Mayb i can help them with this haha
The YELLOW Team haha
Tat was what we're trying to show for tat previous pic...
The way to HEAVEN!?!?!
Siow How feeding his buddy (*not to be mean.. but they belong to the same family)
Last check point... Nodin beach... Saw two gays too... how sweet...
On da Way...
2 happy kids!!!
Lonely Elmo on tat baby swing...
Fans of sesame street and banny hahaOk... today met up with Anna, Woei chyi, Serene and Amelia.. ate over at Marina Square-> Kenny Roger.. its been realli long since i last ate there.. and its been kinda long since i last see Anna.. She always assume i'm busy.. so always dont bother to ask me out.. but u noe.. i'm a super free dude waiting for ppl to date me out lol...
After the dinner, we went over to Ben and Jerry for ice cream and also find a place for chilling out... was nice to have such great companion... Anyhow.. on our way back.. saw lotsa people wearing green shirt.. Anna and i tot today might be some environmental day or sth.. why most ppl wearing green coz Amelia and her mama both wear green haha... Anyhow,
We should meet up soon!!!
Its just the effect you have I dont quite understand myself but
I just somehow wanted to put it on your mind
I think that you are one of a kind
You make me laugh one thousand ways
And I am enchanted by your smile
I must admit it took a while for me to see it
But seriously, I hope to god you feel the way I feel
You really got a way that I just cant deny
You be on my mind from night to sunrise 24/7, 365
And even if I try to fake it, I know i will never shake it
It was quite disappointing... i thought i will get to see ya today...
Friday, August 25, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:03
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 12:54
Haiz... super sian lah.. think i juz cant break the curse alrt.. for each bike pract i muz repeat at least twice... super MALU lah.. but i duno.. yst i tot i did well lah.. my stopping was good i tot.. i didnt lane with my right foot yea.. but mayb i juz dun satisfied that bloody stringent instructor tat taken me b4.. And yst everyone in my grp FAILED all rite.. we are all made to come back for the 2.01 lesson again...
But i think most of us did well lah.. is juz tat bloody freaking instructor.. keep yelling and and putting so much pressure on us... can pass also let him scream till FAIL!!! I realli feel like yelling and screaming at him.. if ya are not happy den dun teach.. realli na bei!!!!
Okie.. Thurs gonna try to clear my 2.01.. hopefully i wont get back the same instructor again lah.. pls give me a nice instructor!!! Anw.. repeating aint tat bad lah.. okie.. not to self-console but i think at least u get more practise and get all ur turning, signaling and stopping all nice nice and zai zai... but i juz hope i can faster move up the stages and pass my bike tats most imprt... Pls do pray hard for me.. and i think i realli need to visit the church more often!!!! Need a lot of blessings...
Sun went real run.. saw Carmon, Bernard, Benjamine (ex-councils of TAS) and Rico.. duno did i run faster as compared to last yrs timing.. hope the results are out soon... and JEL, i wan the photos hee.. and i realli hope the photos of me taken by the crews are nice this time.. coz i actually posed when i see the camera lol.. *watever.. call me a CAM WHORE!!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:05
Alrty... Very Happy and relieve today... finally last paper already.. But is a KILLER paper alrt.. I doubt i can realli do well for this Sem.. realli jia lat.. *shake head vigorously
I noe what's done is done.. and what's over is over.. all i can do now is to pray and pray and pray real hard that i dun repeat my genomics yea... I think i did really bad.. misread question and like somewhat got nth to write for each question..totally like blank out!!! Shit-- And the questions like all so heavy weightage.. and moreover is a 60% PAPER!!! god damn shit lah alrt.. think i'm like duper SCREWED this time.. I cant imagine how my dad will react when he sees that result slip on 15th Sept... Mayb i'll be thrown out of da hse.. sigh... I dun even noe how can i face myself with that lousy result slip i guess.. I realli hope i can pass this time.. *no repeats for me pls..
And.. i'm seriously down with cash recently.. realli need to go find a decent job, so i can feed myself for the nxt 1 1/2 mths or so.. If anyone has lobang.. Pls call me!!! *wave hand
Plans ahead:-Take basic theory test- Chiong for bike pract- FYP...- Job Search- Running running and more running... -Muay Thai!!!You just simply turn my world around...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 21:14
Alrt.. wanted to blog.. but due to my laziness, entries have been like delayed.. so usually my each entry will be like darn long ha..anyway.. i doubt if anyone still reads my blog *shrug
Okie.. as usual.. have a stressful and eventful week... before skool term coming to an end again.. Mag and I of coz have to chiong and finish all our projects... as well as preparing medium for our FYP... and Now all of us are pian-ing for our papers.. damn... i juz hope i wouldnt repeat any modules lah... this sem realli a bad and tough one for me... not been realli focusing and studying hard.. duno why.. grades are dropping like those figures in the stock market.. how much i wish it will raise lah.. damn sian alrt..
I realli gotto buck up... study study.. love my lecture notes and love all the studying moments... i muz study!!!! Mug Mug Mug... Ok... been running lately with tay big lung(*this is a good sign.. coz at least am training for my upcoming real run ha).. considering of joining standard chartered half maraton.. but this means that every week i muz go clock distance and run at machrichie or sth.. eh...wil i have the discipline and mental?!?! Shurong and i are nice ppl.. we went all the way to east coast early in da morning on sun to support BIG LUNG ha... but dat sun was definitely an eventful one... esp for rong and i lah... Big Lung without fail... did well.. she finish the race b4 rong and i have even reach the finishing line.. so u can see and predict how fast she is alrt... first timer somemore.. ZAI AH...And it is a TRI-Athlon event.. was not easy i muz say.. u swim, run and cycle...for me.. think i'll juz drop dead half way.. i realli salute those young kids and old pek pek as well as aunties tat participated lah.. they are superb i muz say... anyhow.. we'll kanna scolded "get off, idiots" and kanna splashed water by two of the participants.. realli super na bei okie... duno if rong or i am the jinx ha..Rong and i so wanted to throw pebbles at them.. but we exhibit charisma, let them off this time round haha...
Okie.. den during our way home..ended in some place we dun know.. so anyhow approach a bus stop and find a bus that can bring us somewhere that we noe.. it was fun.. and shurong keep claiming tat she has got street smart.. but i guess Singapore is juz too small for one to get lost lah.. and juz a piece of advice.. if u landed somewhere u duno.. juz approach any bus stop and board any bus u see.. so at least u get out of tat freaking unknown place.. and i'm confident.. the bus will sure take u to somewhere u're more familiar and u can work ur way to ur destination already ha...Oh den we went to have
wonton mee at Sunshine plaze.. which shurong claim is so darn nice.. and my conclusion is.. Yes is super duper nice ha... Eh.. Sok.. if ya reading this.. i promise to bring ya there to eat for our nxt food hunt or sth haha.. am sure u'll be addicted to the fry wonton like i'm hee.. eh but the filling is so little lah haha Anyhow..
realli thanks Ah rong for coming with me to East Coast.. and always nice to catch up with her.. talking abt our stuff.. and she enlighten me abt the difference of liking and loving someone.. cool ha Thanks Pal!!!Another good piece of news.. finally move on to 2.01!!! haiz.. think for my entire biking course.. for each level think i muz repeat at least two times lah... Now i realli finally realise that getting a license is not tat easy after all.. and ppl i come to noe say that some levels they even repeated 3 times.. oh god.. i juz realli hope i can do well and one time pass lah.. I muz realli master my stopping and half crutch well.. so i'll be last prone to accident ha.. coz yst.. went for my bike pract.. due to the over-congestion of bikers in the small bloody circuit.. i knock over an instructor alrt.. yes.. i knock him down... and he looks realli angry and piss.. i juz hope he wouldnt be ending up being my instructor.. if not he'll definitely fail me immediately.. but am realli very apologetic over that event.. coz i wanna siam another oncoming bike tat coming into my lane, den w/o realising the instructor infront of me and brake in time..i juz got him knock down.. but lucky he was not injured.. arghhh.. i feel bad still...
Damn.. i'm like procrastinating today again.. I realli need to study..
God pls bless me to study with the right attitude!!! Study please Aizhi!!!Rascal Flatt- what hurts the most is my this week hot pick.. hear it.. but dun do so if u're going thru or healing from a break up...
Oh.. and i so wan to watch the BREAK UP.. Jennifer aniston... Yay!!!
I kept it insideFor the longest time that i can imagineAnd I dont know how long more I can keep this goingRemaining silence and pretending i dont careThough i do care so much...All this love that'sInside of my heartMaybe it's safer notTo say that I careCause maybe those words wontLead you to me anywayBut that’s not what gets meWhat hurts the mostWas being so closeAnd then again having so much to sayAnd watching you walk awayAnd never knowingWhat could have beenAnd not seeing that loving youIs what I was tryin’ to doIt’s hard to force that smileWhen I see or hear you with another manand I’m aloneStill Harder again to know thatI just couldnt trade away all the words that I saved in my heartAnd that I left unspokenFrom the heartJust wishing you have got yourself a good man You love and that he loves you tooYou may not see,You're the world to meBut I'm afraid to see,The way that you feel for me...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 22:05
wish i had told you how i felt
maybe you'd be here right now
but instead,
i pretend that you'll nobody special to me
and i'm glad that we'll the best of friends
peaceful walks closin more everyday
Like a clown i put on a show
painting it real
Though nobody knows
but im missing you so much inside
Sometimes i would ask myself, why didnt i say the things i needed to say
how could i let the feeling for you just fade away
i just keep thinking about the love that we would have had
And each day
I was meant to tread the water
Now I've gotten in too deep,
For every piece of me that wants you
Another piece backs away.
I just hope that you might let me know the way your heart feels
So perhaps I would be willing to take the risk and try
Cause I never thought that I'd love someone, That was someone else's dream
I always do enjoyed the little time you spend alone with me,
And though I can say I've never bought you flowers
But you're always here in my heart
I don't know how long more i can keep
Perhaps someday I might call you from my heart
May at that moment it may be a second too late,
And the words I could never say Gonna be a trash anyway
rumbles & whines posted at 00:40
Alrt.. today is the best-est day that i ever had in my life yea.. Finally get over with 1.02 pract moving on to 1.03...Yahoo!!! Okie.. i'm sad to admit that i didnt make it the first time round for my 1.02 pract on Sat yea.. so actually today is my second attempt for my 1.02 class.. but it was realli fun and a fulfilling one as compared to the first class that i've attended.. toally suck like HELL!!!
The Sat pract was damn shitty.. and i learn it the real hard way alrt...realising that one should NEVER take bike pract over the weekends yea.. is not only EXPENSIVE, the traffic super congested and lotsa inexperience riders fighting lanes with ya..their wobbly act makes me wobbles and falls with them too.. damn.. okie.. mayb i'm not zai enuff... and i think leg extension mayb a lot helpful for short ppl who learning bikes like me ha Nonethless... I'm not only blaming myself for the un-zai-ness that i exhibit during Sat pract.. specially at the changing of gear part and stopping part.. but after attending today's lesson.. i feel that the instructor plays a very important role too yea.. The instructor of Sat is realli
CMI... all he noes is to smile at us.. and den tell us to come back and attend 1.02 again.. i think he feels that we're target for him to cheat our feelings and money!!! Eeyer...
But.. mayb is a blessing in disguise yea.. today's pract lesson was damn damn damn
GOOD... i realli like the instructor lah.. Love him i muz say
(XxXxXxoOoOxXXx) Learn a lot from him today.. realli started like from scratch.. a revision from lesson one.. doing main stand, side stand, stopping in a straight line and with the correct rider posture (i.e left leg down)...realli perfecting and brushing up skills pract lesson today... I realli very grateful and thankful to him lah.. he's realli GOOD... how i wish i can have him as my instructor for all the other practs.. N i think i can ride better in the nite as compared in the noon... Today the ride for me was realli swive and smooth.. change gear and stop pretty well.. realli damn
HAPPY... I realli love the feeling of riding on the BIKE....
Today get to know two new frens too.. one is the
KOVAN guy.. den the other one is an
Indonesia girl... Oh and today lesson only like 1 pathetic guy and the rest are all girls lah ha... Oh.. and most of the girls are like ard the same height as me.. or mayb some taller den me by a LITTLE (yes, i muz emphasise, only by a little okie.. ha) den u can see.. we stop in a straight line all tip-toeing.. is realli damn cute lah...ha.. Fri will be my 1.03 pract lesson.. hope it will turn out as well as today.. the KOVAN guy also enrolled the same class as us.. so will be seeing him on that day again..
Alrt.. Fri Project Nuts turns out to be good... Tri-Elite did well.. won the dragon boat team.. after that went to members act... have great fun over there.. enjoy the pizza esp... though i prefer it to be chicken instead of hawaiian.. Nvm.. Seeing all the trips videos that the 31st councils had prepared.. it realli brought all my councilship memories back.. and seriously.. I realli miss those days.. those days where i slack, slp, play, eat in da club hse and the days i get so stress up in juggling skool work and TAS, planning trips, events and TASIC programme.. Somehow i realli wish i'm back to my post again drafting and planning for a trip...But i muz say.. the 31st councils did a real good job.. can realli see that the members enjoy each and every trips very much and they have establish good relationships with the members.. Well done Peeps!!!
Okie dokie.. Sat went to watch Fireworks at Esplanade.. Super duper Wow and Nice!!! Before that met up with Jel, Weiyi, Dora, Kevin and Dawn for dinner at NEW YORK (new restuarant at City Link) Hv a real nice and funny dinner over there...Enjoy the ambience and of coz the service provided by one of da cute and pretty lady working over there.. The story abt her is realli long... she's juz known to me as da
5 cent girl, ha..
I hope to see her again when i have a chance to drop by NEW YORK again..
I muz get this chance to apologise to XIAO PANG AKA ANGELINE.. sorry for dropping ya CREATIVE DIGICAM on SUNDAY training and causing ur filming and interviewing process for ya project to be distrupted.. I realli owe u my LIFE !!! REALLI SORRY!!!Okie.. Photos time....

Super Long Quene..

i think we look cheesy.. ha

I duno wat they're trying to express.. King and Queen?

My ART piece!!!

Okie.. the 5 cent story...

People waiting for FIREWORKS!!!

Is us.. on da MAT haha

The aunty who took this photo definitely like sissy more than me.. Juz compare the percentage of exposure of sissy and den compare it to me.. ;(

Where's the head and Who's leg is that??
I was down and my dreams were wearing thinWhen you're lost where do you beginMy heart always seemed to drift from day to dayLooking for the love that never came my wayThen you smiled and I thought I could reached out to youWith just one look and then it could all began for you and meBut that's only gonna happen in my dreamsI'll never gather the courage to tell it straight to you: I hope you could be mineThe moment that I thought that there would beTwo less lonely people in the worldAnd it's gonna be fineOut of all the people in the worldI just can't believe why you're the chosen one for meIn my life where everything was wrongThere came youAnd in the world tonightJust to think what I might have missedLooking back how did I existI dreamed, still I never thought I'd come this farRealising I still didn't able to let you goIs there a chance between me and you?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:55
Dragon boat training yst.. i muz say it was like the official first land training with Coach and teammates over at Kallang.. We used to have land training on Thurs at Seng Kang conducted by Peter Pan.. but it was not as xiong as yst.. coz we only do short jogs... and nth much...And, Our girls' land training always didnt turn out to be a real work out..either the training is last min being cancelled..or we'll turn out playing games like badminton, basketball and den have supper haha...think we realli eat and play more den we train...*Ooops...but i think yst training could be inject with more fun if Penguine and Kok Leong were there.. but they didnt turn up yst.. due to work i guess... But on my way home saw Kok Leong.. he felt sorry coz he promise to give Angeline and all the Seng Kanger a car pool but in the end, due to work constraints (broke down of machines) he didnt able to make it back on time to drive Angeline and Julia over to Kallang..So Xiao Pang if ya reading this Kok Leong actually apologised yea.. so dun be angry with him hee... he realli feels bad.. i can see the sorry-ness written all over his face yea... But overall yst's training was a lot abt
ENDURANCE yea... we did like
100 standard Push-ups, 20 mins run, shuttle run and 3 sets of stationary rowing...I noe it may seems like Nth as compared to the training of my skool DB (NPDB) and association like Safra but i think this kinda training is enuff to kill me.. I seldom do 100 push-ups in a day alrt.. And i muz admit.. i'm weak.. very weak lately..but i'm proud that i actually endure thru yea.. feeling my arm muscles hardening.. wah.. that kinda feeling.. SHIOK... I realli hope i can make it for Pull Up soon alrt...
Den again... think i realli need to maintain my weight...i can feel my fats accumulating under my skin.. damn... the fatty feeling realli sux.. Aizhi realli gotto stop eating so MUCH!!!! arrgh..
CONTROL!!!Every Sunday rowing is not a routine anymore, it has become a habit
Rowing is no longer about passion but about the love of the sport, the sea, the sun, the boat as well as the team...
Dragon Boat makes me feel good.. for i know i'm nv alone out in da sea, rowing on my own... Everyone plays an important role in taking one another to the finishing line.. Simply.. I love Dragon boating...Puggol CSC Dragon Boat recruitment drive for ladies rower is still on... Men are welcome too... JOIN US!!!N i muz comment on the Bioinformatic test.. it realli sux.. i realli did study very hard for it..*i think.. but the paper turn out like SHIT.. is so damn freaking DIFFICULT... Dr Raka, realli dun give chances.. the multiple choice question was so tricky and hard to ans.. damn...and short ans question was like so short dat i dun even understand and dun even have an idea to write wat...seriously..wat the heck with all third yr lecturers?!?!?!Do they realli wan us to repeat the sem or re-take their modules again... This Sem realli damn jia lat*an agony!!!.. Genomics paper die-ed den Bioinformatics also Die-ed.. den always chiong for last min project work... Arrggh.. i duno how long more i can endure thru this kinda way of LIFE!!!!
Tmr having cGMP presentation and by sunday, needa submit the freaking-damn-difficult-to-do Business Plan... arrgh...i think my weekends are burn in working on the project.. though i think most probably i'll get my arse out of da hse and away from the comp...*Oops
Okie.. this sem also turning me into a panda soon.. or at least to a walking Zombie first.. i'm not being exaggerating.. but is seriously true.. YR 3 SUX AR!!!! And i realli need to buck up and double up... think i realli slack a lot after attachment...and this sem is not as smooth sailing as my past two years.. change of a new class, new environment, new lecturers, new modules..i'm somewat still hasnt got myself to adapt to it.. and all my pract results and worksheet was not realli of good grading.. sigh.. So,
Dear lord, here i pray.. pls give me the will and power to study hard and study smart.. i realli need to and have to pass this sem no matter wat... Thank you Lord.. May you hear my prayer.. Amen
Tmr helping big lung team to run the project nuts.. juz hope i wont screw it all up for them.. feeling freaking nervous already... wat if i let the team down!!!! Sigh
Anyone out there to Give me the power to run tmr!!!Time for project again!! and bless my run tmr!!!!