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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Friday, June 30, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 23:04

Hooray... finally is weekend again.. Yr 3 days are juz so hard to pass alrt..the 15 weeks of attachment is realli not enuff.. it should be extended to perhaps 6 months alrt.. i think skool realli sux.. not a cool place to be at all...So tight schedule and so many things the lecturers expect of us.. Dying.. seriously dying.. Am realli working hard to find my 5 journals for my lit review yea..but... i juz couldnt get any... Lord pls show me some light...

Anyhow, MEERA MOO MOO and i decided to change our plant to TABERNAEMONTANA.. So if there's any kind souls who are free pls do not mind to help us research on the tissue culture on Tabernaemontana... Thanks in advance den hee...

Tmr will be dragon boat race.. am not realli prepared i guess.. but i juz hope i can endure thru and give my best performance.. dun wanna let myself down nor my teammates.. duno if we can make it to the finals.. but nonetheless, juz have gotto do our best and the rest juz leave it to god to decide i guess.. Going for the MILk run on sun.. 8.4km.. duno if i'll die along my way.. another challenge for me.. but heng.. been running lately.. thanx to Jel who wanted to train.. so we can prepare for real run tog.. and there's SHAPE run coming up too.. but i'm still so not prepared.. Sian... run run...

Today went running with TAY BIG LUNG GASHREE.. kanna bluff by the councils.. ran round te campus like kuku.. very stupid.. but nice to see the members.. though is realli a handful of them.. but is nice to see the members enjoying wat they are doing... i think thats realli important-->Enjoying what you are doing.. Damn.. i realli feel like taking up biking license lah.. realli wanna do it behind my dad's back already.. arrgh.. but i realli wonder if the YR 3 schedule allows me to not.. sian..
Bike.. i'm coming!!!!!

Time for my FORENSIC HEROS.. nice show..watch it!!!

My plans...
Walking away
Dont wait
Lay low
dun ask why.. coz i'm effort-less..
I'll nv be the one u wanted me to be...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:06

Finally... Finally... got my IAP final report done and ready to get it bind and hand it up... at least i can feel my load over my shoulder getting perhaps a little lighter.. But damn... I think this SEM for me realli suxxxxx..I tink i'm gonna get myself screwed up like nobody business..

Alrt.. i realli need to grumble, rumble and watever u called it to be.. I'm realli stress and irritated right now yea*totally no mood.. coz today Mag (Meera) and I spend like hrs in the library and infront of our lappy.. we still unable to find the journals on our beloved plant-> Pleiocarpa mutica... Super shitty alrt.. our search efforts that proved futile made us realli demoralise and dishearted.. Not only feeling like killing ourselves.. we also like to kill Dr F***** and Dr K** Thanx to them i guess... for allocating to us this kinda project!!!!and setting such a rush deadline to submit our literature review and project management.. Mag and I are realli DYING.... Yes we are alrt!!!!


Dear Lord, Now i'm trying to be realistic with ya...i dun wish for the sky to drop money anymore! but can you perhaps make the sky drop some journals *at least 10 journals related to my plant!!!

Mag and I are gonna turn into Pleiocarpa Mutica Journals Desperado soon.. while other groups progressing so smoothly and fast damn damn... wats up with our plantttttt... where did all the plant tissue culture on my planty gone too... Dun tell me Qing si wang actually burnt tat...ok i'm realli going crazy!!!!Arrrghhh Okie, one cool thing... if u ever being nice and trying to help me with the Pleiocarpa mutica journal hunt..perhaps when u are typing in Pleiocarpa mutica in the yahoo search, you might get my blog link ha..


Izzt Human nature or Human Errors... why we always love things that we cant get or have them... Eh, there are days where i wish you will still here...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 18:35

Okie.. today is my first day back skool after my attachment program... Nice to see all our classmates cum lecture mates again.. Get to see many familiar but not very familiar faces too ha...Anyhow.. today talk realli sux alrt.. coz after the tok.. i realli feeel damn stress... got so many assignments and reports waiting for Mag and I to complete... The shitty thing is.. I haven even completed my IAP final report..(Alrt.. blame it on my own that i'm juz too lazy...) and all this shitty assignment and report-to-be-done-and-submit-soon are all pouring infront of me already.. realli feel like a dead meat now!!!!*Stress.. realli stressss But it was sweet and nice that the talk for today didnt ended at1700 as schedule.. but ended unexpectedly at 1500++ And.. i am suppose to run today but heh.. LAZY again... Moreafter Jel oso not running so yea.. final conclusion=Nv run ha.. Tmr still have another stupid talk... very sian.. gotto wake up darn early again... and still muz bring my heavy and duno-is-it-working laptop ha...

So instead of running, i went to visit my ah ma again.. It's been quite some time since i last visit her... She's getting much better as days goes by.. very happy.. but she still lack the strength to move herself around...But finally she'll be discharging tmr.. so nice to have her back alrt.. miss sharing the room with her!!! But once she's back home.. think at nite when i slp gotto be extra careful and alert so as to be there for her when she needed me....so juz hope i wont sleep thru the nite like a pig ha...

Alrt.. Now my skin is starting to peel like shit again...(Sian, Dragon boat cannot wear sleeveless le..=x) Why cant the tan juz stay as it is... I dun wan to be back to my pale and look-so-weak skin colour ha..My dragon boat training didnt manage to help me to maintain the tan healthy colour.. coz my training is during the late noon.. where the sun is going to set.. damn sad lah... Arrghhh

Okie.. the past few days update.. Sat went Sentosa tanning.. with a tiny company making up of only Gashree, Wild boar and Momo but the outing was still quite fun.. play lotsa sports ha.. Guo ren came join us later... fun to have him ard too.. at least help us increase the no. from tiny to small company ha.. After a good Hottt tan.. went to meet Ma Ta Dawn at Habourfront Coffee Club.. N we all so mountain turtle and short sighted.. walk one round den finally saw the coffee club.. and the toot me still walk to the reception counter to ask for directory... super pai seh!!! Sun father's day.. very obedient.. went home for dinner haha.. but didnt get papa any gift.. coz i juz have a weird papa that dun like gift.. so dun blame me for not buying one for him.. But i guess the most important thing is deep down inside i noe that i love him and he noes that i love him too ha... Sun also receive a stunning news from Sok alrt.. she went cycling with her neighbour and flew off from her bic... damn jia lat lah.. Juz see her bruises(Photo below).. U should know how bad her fall is...

Ouch it is...

Mon met up with Sok Yin, Sok Kim and Shurong... catch a movie.. very very nice ha...den went MOS burger for supper coz Rong haven eat.. I have my Meiji milk (Coz no low fat Milk already.. no choice) den have some muscles...nice nice.. Went Espirit to get Rong's shirt... and playing with the sunglasses over there ha... It was fun hee!!!
Look.. we are actually charging free to be Espirit Sunglass model ha...

Sok->the one who flew off her bic... But she still look as good aint she ha..

The two SOKs!!! Kim and Yin..

Finally my turn to be the model lol!!!

Yan dao Ah Rong here to kick in!!!

Hmmmm...Wow... haha

Now i noe why they dun get me to be their icon

Yst went muay thai again.. good timing went i reach there.. juz nice to run tog with shijie.. she keep insisting i run fast den very scare to run with me.. but in the end still did haha.. den after the run.. both of us got the pang sai sensation.. very funny ha.. She keep blaming me for inducing her pang sai sensation.. this kinda dirty business the ultimate culprit is always me to be blame...Juz born to have a shit face i guess lol... Yst learn lotsa stuff from shijie too.. She taught me short punches and long punch.. teach till she wanna vomit blood ha.. coz she say i juz cant get what she wanna bring across.. and the truth is.. i realli cant haha.. but she still didnt give up.. she say by hook or by crook.. she's gonna make me master the 2 punches ha.. And of coz.. without failing her.. i did finally master the punches.. Now my knuckles are hurting like shit now coz didnt wrap or wear any punching gloves....But pain is good ha...

Ok.. yst kanna ps again by shilin and mag... morning msg me tell me cant make it to Dr Ho hse... Sigh... duno what life i'm born with...always kanna PS by ppl.. duno izzt my retribution that i ps my sec frens too much that now in poly i'm getting it all back...darn!!!!

i'm happy to see you=)....

Thursday, June 15, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:34

Finally.. Gashree Long Pee Tay Big Lung re-published her blog... thanx for putting up those ugly pix of me.. i think u shld take it out coz it ugly-fied ur blog entry haha... Anyway.. do send me the pics!!!!

Wed went to watch CARS with Sissy, Gashree and Wild boar... the show is not bad after all...though i did get a little restless in the midst of the show..but it ended showing monster inc., toy story and a bug's life characters very cute ha... but the show ended so late that i need to cab home with wild boar... Gashree still lucky..manage to catch the last 190 bus i guess...Alrt.. miss Wed and yst matches..still didnt manage to adjust my tv to receive TV1 (Or izzt TV9) but i'm very happy to annouce Ukraine kanna crash by Spain.. 4-0!!! Siong bo... Germany and Poland match to me i think is kinda boring.. The Germans only manage to shoot in 1 goal.. So i think Poland is either rather strong or the Germans are not performing up to standard... Anyhow.. beside France my other supporting group still perform up to standard and somewhat expectedly good... Korea seriously changes my view of them... they did well in the match with Togo... England again didnt realli perform up to standard.. heard from my colleague that they only start attacking when Rooney was put into the match... Ecuador was good... crashing costa rica flat with 3-0.. nice shots...So Poland and Coasta rica are out of da world cup finals list... Today i hope Netherland and Argentina can perform as well.. coz i'm betting for their winning haha..*Pray hard for me...

Okie.. today is a HAPPY DAY... coz is my last day of attachment... Yipeeeee Yay Hoo-Ray... There's many ppl i'm gonna miss and bid goodbye i guess... but life still gotta move on rite..Coz u cant juz always stay in one spot without moving forward... Later in the evening our supervisor is treating us.. a way of farewell for us.. Yay.. she's realli nice.. think she's juz the world BEST supervisor alrt... Of coz i muz get this very chance to thanx Ah Meng(Lim Ming Li) for always being there to lend a helping hand.. and tolerating me all along lah ha.. U noe i've got a weird temper that changes like weather and weirdo way of doing things(i'm a difficult person to work with.. believe it ha).. And i'm particularly fussy and picky over some food...N Ming Li actually ENDURED me for 3 1/2 months... CONGRATS AH MENG!!! U're FREE ha...Today lunch break gonna grab the chance to eat all the food that i'm gonna miss after i'm gone ha.. Alrt greedy i'm.. But i still tink STK canteen got the nicest chicken wing as well as Soon Kueh.. Yum!!! Think i realli need to exercise hard after all the eatings and treats i've got today....

Alrt.. glad to see my grandma health improving... But my health is deteriorating... i'm down with FLU and SORE THROAT again... damn weak i noe... think is all the late nights that i stayed up causing my immune system to weaken and perhaps breaking down... Stamina oso drop le i guess...dunoo if i can finish a campus run*dubious

Monday, June 12, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:32

And again.. is Monday again.. Monday BLUEEESSSS... 4 more days to go b4 i officially say bye bye to the company and all the peeps i noe... Anyway.. today seems particularly blue... coz while all my pals are at home sleeping and enjoying their holiday.. i still have to report to work early in da lazy monday morning.. N the damn thing is.. we 3.1 students only have 1 week break!!!!N during the short 1 week break we still have to head back to skool for some boring briefing.. sigh..Why cant the skool juz give us a good 2 weeks or 1 month break after the 3 and da 1/2 months of working... NYP students are welfared.. coz after their 3 months of attachment students are given 1 and da 1/2 months break.. damn SHIOK..Today's there's salad competition i hope my department will win ha!!!!Jia You=)

As the days of returning to skool is drawing near.. am feeling happy but stress too..coz Maggie and I have not started researching on our project.. N Sat saw Dr Kueh.. he was like.. why hasnt you started ur researching of ur project... i was like-> Oh.. i still on my attachment.. N still working on my attachment pro.. so after i complete my final report and stuff i'll work on my FYP.. But i think he's still not realli convince with my ans.. coz he given me this unconvinced face ha.. Watever i tot.. i seriously need a good break b4 i can indulge in my FYP. Fri was the opening of WORLD CUP FIFA 2006... First match Germany and Coasta rica.. The Germans did not disappoint me.. 4-2 giving a real nice and pretty start.. But i was rather sad coz Ballack and Oliver Kahn were not in the game.. Anyhow.. stay up till nearly two to watch.. den Sat went to skool to help the IE challenge with Gashree Long Pee Tay Big Lung... at first super reluctant to go coz after staying up late for my world cup realli deprive of slp ha.. But in the end stil went... den gotten myself a blue collar Ngee Ann t-shirt.. den Gashree Long Pee drop one of the extra collar shirt onto the super dirty and dusty floor den it was given to one of a female helper... I was like oh-my-god... i think she's gonna suffer from rashes.. coz Tay big lung actually wipe the collar shirt against the floor when she's trying to pick it up. But both of us didnt breathe a word to her.. We juz see her wear that very dirty and dusty shirt ha...

Den very coincidently noe one of the business studies helper who stay the same block as me.. she stays at level 2 while i level 7 haha.. But nv once i seen her before... same applies to her ha.. Is realli a small world after all...

Okie.. after the helping out event when Hospital to visit my ah ma again.. she's getting rather weak i guess.. still in her blurry blurry state... sometimes she dun hears me while sometimes she does.. Her right leg and hand is weak.. sigh.. is juz realli sad to see her this way.. she used to be tough and strong.. but juz suddenly.. everything she do she needs help and assistance... I realli wish i can help her to have a speedy recover but i duno.. it juz seems like i'm so super helpless... there's nothing i can do for her.. nothing... N juz receive a news that my ah ma has to stay another 1 more week in the hospital... *speechless

ALrt.. Sun is Dragon boat day again... N it was raining cats and dogs.. but lucky heng heng.. the rain gets smaller and stopped when we started to get into the boat and prepared to row... I love to row after a heavy pour.. coz not only is cooling.. the seawater is not so salty.. so it will not tired ur eyes and also make you dehydrated.. So yst was a good row for me though very little ppl came down.. We took the small boat and do lotsa stretch-out long rowing.. very fun..i was finally being praise haha.. Thanx peter for the praise.. i'll train harder...N again.. get to noe lotsa funny ppl.. hee 2 more sea-trainings b4 the actual competition.. I think our team do not pin high hopes.. coz most of us are inexperience rowers.. but we promise one another to not give up and do our very very best to complete the 800m row... N yea.. tats why i love dragon boat.. coz everyone's effort is counted.. if one underperform it will affects the whole team.. N thats when also the team learns to cover up for the underperform person and push each other along till the very end...N dragon boat is not about one person.. is all abt teamwork and co-ordination... So yay.. Dragon boat rox....

After training went over to meet, Dawn, Dora, Jel and weiyi for dinner at Suntec..long time since i get to see all of them.. Weiyi as usual.. the QM curse.. attracting all the kaka and fei fei haha.. Dawn getting tanner and still doing well in maintaining her weight haha... Jel, everytime see her sure got sth to say abt her (She juz got a bully-able face).. this time she has gotten herself an artificial love bites she created with her itchy hands hhaa... Guess she juz miss Zane too much lol...and she still as tough as a bull... first thing when i say Zane name she will strangle me till i turn purple...Scary aint she...and the best thing is Gashree Long Pee Tay Big Lung still can take the photo instead of helping ha..Dora Tay as usual.. always go around asking who's fault is it if someone touches her butt ha... den went over to Starbucks reminisce the good old members and tasic days and thinking back about how actually we get to know one another..hilarious i muz say... But most of us or in fact all are upset and disappointed for hows the club is doing now... realli got no comments... hatred, accursation tats what they've added into my dictionary....N sometimes i'm juz utterly disguested by all their actions... I'm sorry if i made this statement look ugly.. but is an ugly fact that you've juz gotto believe...

I need you to hear,
I just cannot disappear
I've tried again and again... but i just dont possess the power
I know I've said that I'll give up
Said that I had had enough
But again and again, you're always on my mind
I dont know why is it always like this all the time
I wish you're mine, all mine
Yeah and there's again the right and the wrong
Like a movie I once saw,
In the darkness again,I recall
Feeling the beauty and the pain,
when you call my name
I thought you might have feel the same way as i do
But again and again
I think it is just gonna be another false hope for me
You are never gonna be here....

Thursday, June 08, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:34

What a good way to start the day.. getting my long pants all soak... Yea, is raining damn heavily this morning and puddles of water flooding everyhere over here at Boon Lay.. so how much i wish i'm still like in bed now.. rather den sitting here in my small small office facing the comp again and trying to pretend i'm doing some work while i'm doing illegal stuff like blogging=x..

This comp also went siao siao today.. took me like almost half an hour to log into blogger.. And Ms Lim Mingli finally came.. she come with her newly perm hair...Alrt.. these few days have been rushing to complete our draft report for our supervisor... damn xiong.. coz Mingli and I have been too slack earlier so last min chiong like Hell.. but luckily we are still able to hand in almost in time although we are like 1 week late for submission.. With our final report completed we're like super slack now.. Realli nothing to do.. (Is not that we've nth to do, we should have been working on our skool final report.. butttt... we're juz too lazy i guess ha.. Procrastinator we are..) I brought lotsa VCDs from home.. hoping that later we can have a movie marathon or sort to pass the day...coz u cant probably want me to sleep through the day in the office.. coz we still have be beware of that awful YI ZHI MIAO...

Yst went bugis den head to SGH to visit my ah ma again... Had went to visit her for the past 2 days.. she still looks almost the same cant get out of bed and she still complaints about her headache and she juz vomitted yst.. it was bad coz it shows that she's not getting any better even treated with all the bitter pills, painful injections and blood plasma infusion...She has been staying over at the Hospital for nearly one week plus.. and now she's require to stay for another 1 week more for observation as the Dr discovered that she has internal bleeding in her brain cause from her fall.. Yup is realli serious.. thats why she keeps having painful headache that dont subside leaving her always in a drifting and blurry state and almost bloodshot eyes...

Yup.. it realli pains me to see her like that everytime i visit her.. It is not only that her blood is 10 times thinner than normal peeps.. her skin also gets thinner and winkled as time goes by.. i duno.. i cant stand the thoughts of losing her.. I dun even noe how i would react or get myself moving on without her... I'm regretting how disrespectful i'm to her all along.. I'm remorseful of the way i've neglect her all my life... I juz hope and pray that she'll go thru this ordeal.. and i desperately needed her too.. coz i realli cant lose her juz like that... I realli thanx god for still making her conscious and awake. I thank god for still letting her able to hear, see and talk to me.. I thank god for not causing so much painful sufferings for my grandma and I thank god for sending a good girl (My bro's wife) , sons and daughters to look after and take care of my grandma since the day she's admitted to hospital. I hope the lord will hear my prayers...

After three days of muscle ache.. my body finally recover.. and i finally can exercise again.. today will have my 45mins of badminton and i'll head back to SK for my dragon boat land training.. Juz hope i can tong the training coz seems so long since i last run... Yst watch a documentary on down syndrome's kids and kids who are slow in learning.. but they realli make me salute them.. they are smart and normal like us..but many of us juz nv sees that and call them names like retards and stuff...they are definitely no different from us..only except that they've difficulties in communicating with us and expressing themselves.. perhaps their looks may be different too.. but whatever we can do they can do too.. but maybe they juz needed more time and more guidance..Some of them can even perform better den normal peeps.. There's one kid that featured in the show yst.. thought he has slow learning problem however he excel in all kinds of sports and even take part in the olympics for those disabled catagories... N there is another guy.. he's damn pro too.. suffering from the problem of slow learning and expression difficulties but he's a superb athelete.. He runs long distance, cycle, swim and take part in Trialathon... he runs full marathon too...and he completed the run in like juz 4hrs or so...his stamina realli damn good lah.. is like above average.. coz normally for a full marathon, norm takes ard 5 hrs to complete it... I think they realli have stronger mind and determination den us norm.. Once they set their mind in doing the thing, they sure do it very well.. I realli admire their endurance, determination and passion in watever things that they do...

Okie.. pls let me complaint.. I've been lao-sai-ing so badly recently.. duno wat happen.. i'm sure i didnt eat wrong stuff or get myself poison with smokes.. I wondering if i've colon cancer... coz lao-sai is a consequences of large intestine infection and i think my large intestine is badly infected *kill me, aizhi dun wish to get cancer..

World cup is TMR!!!! Looking blardy forward for it!!! Is Germany Vs ??? (Not sure, ha) telecasting on channel 5 at 2350...

Aizhi's gonna turn into a panda soon after all the late night viewing of world cup...and aizhi needs to run and gym!!!!

Alrt.. need to pass the comp over for Ms Lim to blog...

*Will you fill my little world..
Sorry,but i miss you still..

Monday, June 05, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:13

Okie.. is monday again.. lotsa good and nice late night shows tonight.. but i doubt i can watch it.. coz i realli need to rush my report for my supervisor.. am already like 1-2 weeks late in submission.. totally a dead-meat now... And yup.. today there will be a NYP guy joining us.. juz praying hard that he'll be a nice guy and not some cocky, barbarous freako...

Alrt.. Sat went watch X-MEN and shopping.. spend like Hell lot again (coz is great Singapore Sales!).. think during the one week break needa go search for camps to do.. broke like shit now... 1 day spend like 229.95 bucks... I realli pray to be more thrifty...

Sun went for my very first sea training at kallang...went there first thing i saw is wakeboarding babes and hunks... coz i think yst Rip Curl have some wakeboaring comp or sth.. but Ngee Ann didnt took part.. Only heard republic and temesak polytechnic.. but it was darn cool to see them do stunts and gliding across the current.. damn nice.. but den again.. it is an expensive sport... it was fun and enjoyable for my training too.. though i think i die-ed ha..Know lotsa new people.. pretty cool... N the Coach is realli nice too but i think his training is superb la.. think nxt week he's gonna make us all die haha... But i think he's good in pushing us all to our limits.. Now.. i cant even feel my body, limbs, legs belonging to me esp my arse.. think i haven season my butt to the seat... den now walk and seat also pain.. N i realli need to train up more on my arm power as well as my twisting.. coz when rowing again still current i damn poor lah.. no strength sia...Anyhow am looking forward for the nxt training still.. coz get to see chio-bus again haha

Eh... one of the cc ppl offer me to run for the inter-con thingy coz they think i can run.. it will be held in july or august.. a 4.8km run at bedok reservoir.. but i did not agree to his idea lah.. coz i'm such a poor runner.. dun wish to let my cc down.. dun wish to ruin their good name too... but i duno.. the other part of me wish to take part.. coz is a challenge to myself.. but yea.. i'm still a timid cat, a loser.. a person who do not dare to face challenges... sigh.. should i take part in the run?

Is just another day without you...*no comment

Friday, June 02, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:09

Yay.. is Friday again.. and i'm real happy to annouce my attachment is finally coming to an end.. Yay..just 2 more weeks.. 10 more days to endure!!! Really cant wait to head back skool.. Hmmm though i have lotsa praises for my company and the people here but u noe.. working environment is still very different from studying environment.. i mean at least during lectures when u are tired you are able to sleep.. but when u are working u cant realli take a nap... coz ppl ard you will be spying u w/o u realising.. perhaps they might have a CCTV hidden somewhere... And everyday of my working life my aim and objective is to wish for public holiday and weekends... And my prayers for every single day would be wishing my boss to catch dengue/SARS, so all IA student will be so damn free and perhaps no need to report to work as we'll be quarantine!!!

But there's a rather bad news--> coz for the nxt LAST two weeks there will be a NYP guy joining mingli and i.. am not looking forward though..(but if is a girl mayb i may still feel better) Guess with him ard.. things will be different..coz it wont be easy for us to do illegal things.. coz u noe ppl nowadays so hard to understand duno wat they are realli thinking.. and you might just get stab by them w/o realising so is kinda scary!!!

Okie.. i think i'm realli being damn evil right here.. but nonetheless i still have to endure 10 more days b4 i'm finally free free freee.....and i no need to face and see ppl like yi zhi mao and hao peng you...*sorry i dun wish to be mean.. if only u get to noe them.. perhaps u will share the same feeling as me... Alrt.. yst went to Hospital to visit my grandma.. she's be in the hosp for almost 5 days le.. yup.. i noe.. many of you are saying how unfilial i'm.. after 5 days le den visit my grandma... But is realli nice to learn from my dad, ah ma and uncle that how sweet and nice is my sao sao (my bro's wife) My sao sao actually went down to the hosp every single day to visit my grandma... buying her food, feeding her and brought her milk, pillow and blanket.. i think is so wasted that she didnt become a nurse lah.. she's realli shows tender, loving care ha... I duno when can i develop the characteristics like her...*wonder Hmmm perhaps i shall pray hard to have the luck and fate like my bro.. able to find such a great girl to be lao po.. i wish i can find someone like her?

I think under my sao sao care and love my ah ma is getting better already.. yst went to see her, she dun look as tired and breatheless le.. But i realli hate the feeling of going to hospital.. coz beside seeing how bad ur ah ma hands and arms bruises from all blood taking session and needle treatment, u'll get to see different patients who suffer from different illnesses... And yst saw several leukemia and cancer patients..it realli makes me wanna cry.. i mean look at how skinny they'll already and their arms and bodies still have to be torment by the needles and chemotherapy and their bodies and immune system gets deteriorated every single day...
i realli wish i have the power to take away people's pain.. so everyone ard me wont suffer so much.. but wat one can do is always so limited... okie.. mayb the way that i'm feeling is realli naive

Perhaps the above paragraph can explain why i ponder over so long b4 went to visit my grandma.. coz i realli hate the feeling of seeing ppl lying sickly in their bed and all i can do is juz to hopelessly standing there watching them...i duno... but i still feel rather relieve to learn that the nurses in Singapore are all well-trained and professional.. realli need to thank them for taking great care of my grandma.. esp this Nurse from NYP.. she'll be ending her attachment today i think.. but she's realli nice still.. constantly checking out the patients and always ask around how each and everyone are...*sweet

Alrt.. after so damn long.. i finally exercise once again... yst went running with Mun(working colleague) and my supervisor... after that play badminton.. so darn long since i lay my hands on the Yonnex racket le.. i think my last play was with tay big lung in skool... Is time for me to train hard for the upcoming SHAPE run in july... need to realli cover longer distance during my run juz praying hard that i'll be discipline to run often ha...

Counting down for the upcoming world cup, yay!!!more staying up late in June i guess...=x


People said I feel stranded
And I can't tell anymore
If i'm going to make the move or am i juz letting go
It's not how I planned it to be though
I thought i've got the key to the door
But it just won't open
And I know, I know, I know

Part of me just says let it go
I'll nv be fit for you
I'll nv be right for you
I don't, I don't, I just don't

As time goes by
I tried anything just to feel better
But i wish i know what to do
For I can't see through the haze around me
And somehow I can't find my way
I can't decide what should i go about living a life this way

I really need a change
A change that can make me feel better
Any little thing that can just make me feel better

I'm a little far from the shore
And I'm afraid of sinking
But somewhat who's gonna save me
My soul is weeping if you ever realised

Season comes and season goes
Running round and round i juz cant find a point to stop
Dear God I need a change
And I do anything that just make me feel better
Long try to holding on
To all things I ought to leave behind is really tough
In fact so tough
I'm really getting nowhere
I really need a little help this time!

Will you ever tell me you'll be there for me when i needed you...