Wednesday, May 31, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:39
Okie.. yst was disasterous for me.. went muay thai training and it was like HELL... the running part of still fine for me.. but when it comes to the warm up... juz three words->DIE... Yst realli duno wat happen.. super weak alrt.. 3 sets of push ups, neck exercises and sit-ups cannot even do well.. my skipping was also damn bad yst.. realli can die!!! Endurance dropping..=x
Alrt.. den move on to the kicking and punches.. Si Jie decided to train me.. coz she say long time nv see me liao.. so she hurry me into getting my gloves and ready to punch.. but punches was still alrt.. my kicking realli like SHIT.. no power.. den si jie was like what happen.. and commented that all my kicks did not realli hit the right place.. and i'm using the wrong part of my sheen to kick.. Arrrrgghhhh wat happen to me... Juz skipped one week and i'm worst den beginners... damn damn.. N worst of all.. juz a few kicks i'm already panting like HELL.. so si jie say i take a rest.. Haiz i think i realli disappoint lotsa ppl..even si fu nv train me yst.. think he see my face like wanna die le...siao lah-> so weak...wat are the reasons for my weakness it becoz of the late night movies i stayed up for, is it becoz of me eating too much or is it i've not been working out enuff...i'm so jialat!!!
Ah bao (one of my Muay thai senior) getting more and more zai.. yst kanna his kick can feel my leg splitting into two already.. *Ouch.. but i think he hasnt exert all his power yet.. if not think i'll be wheelchair bound now... How i wish i can spar lah but i juz cant get my basic KICKS damn.. think i realli gotto go down more often.. Friday muz go down Bukit Batok train le lah.. If not i'm gonna be panting like some asthma patient juz after few kicks and punches...making my si jie buay tahan of me... Think i've got to run more too... legs all no power.. need to climb more slopes too...arrghhhh
Yst was AGM.. didnt went becoz of muay thai.. juz hope things went smooth over there.. and realli hope after the AGM.. the 31st councils can preform much better den they did... I hope clubhouse and store can stay as neat and tidy as ever?
p/s: Aizhi need to be strong....
No mood
Monday, May 29, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 20:47
Saturday, May 27, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:09
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 09:37
Alrt.. today it may be another procrastinating day for me again...but i duno if Mingli and I able to chiong our da chang jing vcd to pass our day.. coz today office got lotsa ppl.. not like yst.. so little ppl(almost not a single souls) and yi zhi mao and da Teng nxt door not in... so today abit da sian la.. so many eyes on us like tat.. if we realli kanna caught watching vcds den i think realli jia lat liao...
Okie.. watever.. i'm taking the risk here to blog..but i think since i start my attachment with this company.. i've been taking risk in doing lotsa things i not suppose to do.. but yea.. being a human you juz normally like to act the opposite.. and rules are meant to be broken isnt it.. and as long as u're not caught, u're safe from being accuse of breaking the law.. i guess i juz need to pray more that i can go lucky and run away from the rules i broke ha... Duno wats up, dun feel like working on my report.. always reading and doing the same old stuff.. it juz kill me!!! I hate doing the same things over and over again... sian.. But guess life is juz like that... SHIT.. that yi zhi mao!!! duno if he saw what i'm doing.. damn... Juz hope he is blind or my cpu is big enuff to block what's on my comp screen.. shit!!! Arrgh... visitors again.. and yea.. we're like animals in the Zoo kept in the cage and being introduce to ppl(mainly the visitors) by our "Zookeepers"
Alrt.. i juz cant wait for today to end.. coz later in the evening i'll be meeting my mama at the rendezvous to get my SONY ERICSSON W810i... yay.. finally i can owe my very first walkman sony ericsson hp.. duno if it is a right choice.. but the functions and all seems rather cool.. except it does not offer a 3G function nor infra.. but yea.. it still not tat important to me yet...Stil glad that i can finally get rid of my that oh-so-lousy motorola v3 haha.. No more couple phone with Jel liao..

The phone of my dream... finally can lay my hands on it tonight!!!yay--
Oh.. yst saw maggie and gotten the newsfrom her that Dr Ho has given birth.. eh but i forgot that is it a baby girl or a baby boy.. but anyhow as long as both parties are safe and sound...
Wish to drop by and catch up with her.. but duno if it is convenient for her.. coz u noe.. after giving birth like very tired..need to rest and like do lotsa stuff...perhaps later will call Mag to discuss on the visit... Oh.. let me grumble.. this week have not been exercising.. damn.. eating as much as ever or ate even more..coz been going home early for dinner nowadays.. sigh.. think thurs i muz realli grab the chance to sweat and burn all my fats out.. den fri mayb need to head back skool to run or sth..*ramily coz Sat my bro will be having a buffet at Changi holiday resort for his R.O.M celebration with DA SAO with the relatives and friends... I juz hope i'll enjoy the gathering.. coz usually... big family gathering i usually dun enjoy it.. i think i'm insular towards them...
Cool... Perfect ten is playing my fav song->BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP haha
Singing along...
Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down)and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart
"I'll be over at ten", you told me time and again
But you're late, I wait around and then (bah-dah-dah)
I run to the door, I can't take any more
It's not you, you let me down again.
(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time, and I'll make you happy
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home, I'll be beside the phone waiting for you.
Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart
You were my toy but I could be the boy you adore
If you'd just let me know (bah-dah-dah)
Although you're untrue, I'm attracted to you all the more
Why do I need you so?
(Hey, hey, hey!) Baby, baby, try to find
(Hey, hey, hey!) A little time and I'll make you happy
(Hey, hey, hey!) I'll be home, I'll be beside the phone waiting for you.
Why do you build me up (build me up) Buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
And then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
When you say you will (say you will) but I love you still
I need you (I need you) more than anyone, darlin'
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart
I-I-I need you-oo-oo more than anyone, baby
You know that I have from the start
So build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart...
Recommended song for this week-> Teenage Life by
Is realli catchy, at least for me haha.. and cool lyrics..after listening, i bet u'll also experience having the kids' voices keep running in ya head.. and u'll be chanting the lyrics wherever u go...
Now hear this
"What did you learn at school today?
"That's what the teachers used to say
But they don't know Don't understand, do they
Why do they always give advice
Saying "Just be nice, always think twice
"When it's been a long since they had a teenage life
Dwelling on the past, from back when I was young
Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song
Classroom schemes and dreams
Man they couldn't save me
Cos my days were numbered when I signed down on Avy
Teenage kicks running out what could we do
I still show respect to my boys who made it through
And getting told off Mr T how my life would be
Then giving him a signal So everyone could see
Sunshine and shade
Those girls I'd serenade
Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave
Hoping that those days would go on and on forever
Every day something new
Just friends running together
But suddenly school ends
Your teenage life gone
All your mates are growing up now
They're moving on
And now I'm looking back
I'll tell you what I know
Do you listen to your teacher?No I don't think so
"What did you learn at school today?"
That's what the teachers used to say
But they don't know Don't understand Do they
Why do they always give advice
Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"
When it's been a long since they had a teenage life
Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine
Ooh ooh ooh shine
And if you give the kids time, they won't do the crime
Won't do the crime
Now my bad old ways
Were during my school days
Messing on those grade A's
My life is just a haze
I'm going through the struggle
Five ten and kicking back
So I could lock my flow
Lace it up now on the track
Oh yeh I felt the pain
Whilst chasing all the fame
I'm being told I'm nothing Just a player in the game
But now I walk tall
Stand proud for you to see
I'm driving these fast cars
It's five stars for me
"What did you learn at school today?"
That's what the teachers used to say
But they don't know Don't understand, do they?
Why do they always give advice
Saying "Just be nice, always think twice"
When it's been a long since they had a teenage life
*seems like perfect ten is playing lotsa nice songs today...
It gives me an omen of having a Good day ahead ha=)
Monday, May 22, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 20:13
Alrt.. am here to update again... Been having lotsa fun over the weekends ha.. thanx to all my cool and fun companion!!! Thanx for making my day.. u guys are the best!!!
Okie.. Fri went to watch Da Vinci with Amy, Woeichyi and Serene.. den i also brought my Nike Ronaldiho shirt.. Yay... but this time round.. i have learn my lesson.. i'll always try on my clothes before buying.. if not i'll be like wasting my money buying shirt that cant fit me.. damn.. juz like the Fox shirts that i brought.. sigh...*hitting my heart vigorously Alrt.. now all i can do is juz hope that Maggie can succesfully get my shirt sold *praying hard and pinning all hopes on Maggie... Oh.. dat day also took neo-prints.. N it was like the second time i took neo-prints with Amy haha.. cool.. and it was all nice shots hee.. That day will be an unforgettable day for Amy i guess... coz that was her first time where she ran for movie and chilling out late with us... Guess many will be saying.. going out with me.. one will definitely end up running for sth.. be it bus, train or movie haha ( not that aizhi love to run.. aizhi juz hates to wait ha)
Oh.. den for that i muz realli praise myself for able to catch the train that schedule 1 min arrival. ha.. alrt.. Head swelling again.. Okie.. actually got off the train at Dhoby Ghaut station den walking (in fast pace of coz, ha) towards NEL coz i wanna faster reach home so to catch my show hee .. den u noe the big TV that show the schedule for the nxt coming train and it was like 1 min.. i was like still at level 2.. but still manage to react fast and run in time to catch the train..*phew but i think during my run.. many ppl should be betting if i'm able to get on or miss the train or should they think i would fall hard on my knees or roll down the escalator ha..coz their looks will kinda in bizarre when they saw me dashing across them ha Anyhow.. Cheow.. See.. it is possible to catch the 1 min train alrt.. so nxt time 2min dun try to stop me and say it would be impossible to get on the train.. U noe i juz hate waiting.. No patience haha
Okie.. Sat morning wen to run again.. this time run at Rifle range.. the course that i always wanted to try... finally got a chance.. Thanx Big lung for bringing me along.. cool run ha.. Eh.. it consider quite a bad run too.. coz again.. for like how many times.. i forgot to bring my shoesssss.. den ran bare foot haha.. of coz as usual.. Kanna Blister again.. my ugly foot gets even uglier again... Anyhow.. Rifle range is a good place to run and train.. Nxt time muz go run more and muz bring camera along.. ha... After finish running the long and winding road.. head back to skool den wen to club hse to see its conditions as well as the councils... But somehow.. kinda sad over wat falls infront of my eyes.. eh.. juz didnt expect to see what i saw...disappointing thats all i can comment.. Alrt den play a short badminton game with big lung.. den kanna smack like wat i always kanna when playing with my attachment colleagues... Haiz.. all so pro ppl.. Think my only strength is hitting far lolx.. Mayb i'll be better in golf lolx
After the short game.. went Zooo
took lotsa photos.. but i think the animals are the highlights of da day ha.. But of coz Maggie, Dora and I make it up by taking lotsa snapshots on da bus.. damn funny.. very fun!!! We shall do it more often i muz say ha Eh.. but i wanna go back Zoo again.. coz i didnt manage to get my elephant ride.. damn sad la.. arrgh.. should have gone to that station first.. Idiot..Oh not forgetting.. those girls i saw working in da zoo not bad looking haha...
Sok.. better faster set a date for the Zoo outing!!! I'm cant wait--
Sun.. da Big Walk day.. N yea.. onli three girls went.. suppose to have 5 ppl la alrt.. but Shurong got training den Moses got meeting.. so down to the 3 free girls-> Dora, Jel and me.. and ta-da.. thats us
Jel as usual.. nv late.. Dora and i were late, Oops.. but heng.. the queue for the bus super long.. so nv miss the shuttle bus.. and Cheow who also went for da big walk with her poly chums already reach while i'm still waiting for the bus.. 
See.. so many many ppl...
But didnt manage to see her even when i reach there.. realli too many ppl liao.. Squeeze like Hell.. Anyhow.. the walk was a real pleasant one.. talk, laugh, gossip.. watever haha But u noe with good companies.. no matter how long the walk or how tired u feel in da morning.. it will all juz disappear like bubbles... So yea.. All thanx to my TAS chums-> Dora and Jel=) Okie.. after completing the walk.. went collect our goodie bags kanna squeeze and push like nobody's business..damn messy.. realli cant stand those uncles and aunties.. they juz act as if the goodie bags are like only left a few.. but in fact there's like still many unopen cartons.. Damn.. Singaporean.. they juz lift up to their spirit of Kiasu-ness ha
Okie.. finally get away from the enormous crowds... we decided to head to Suntec for food.. but we walk the wrong way.. so decided to head to Beach Rd/Bugis instead coz i told the girls that i noe da way there.. ha In the end.. i think we clock almost 20km.. coz i got them lost... we ended up at Lavendar street and Kallang Bahru.. den finally Bugis haha.. Did lotsa stupid and funny shots during the walk.. Talk abt our future plans.. In fact is Jel's future retirement plan ha.. But is cool.. i realli wish to invest in sth like that yea.. U muz not forget me Jel.. rmb to get me involve in that project of urs!!! Eh.. den after the long long walk finally get our arse into Bugis Foodcourt ha.. Ate curry rice and my all-time-fav Honey Dew Sago *yum.. absolute heaven... So in conclusion.. all fats lost during the walk is gain back again... ha Den Queck Sissy came over to find us since he insisted.. but yea.. the motive and his strong persistence of coming to meet "us" (referring to Jel and me) of coz is not da truth.. coz i think the one that he's more interested in meeting is D*** ha (speak no evil)

Jel with her Stylo-milo hairdo--

No comments haha
Today.. Monday Blues... working day again.. still haven got enuff rest and fun over da weekends haha.. But today also quite slack.. coz yi zhi mao nv come spy us haha.. den our supervisor went for course.. so no one to check on us.. except for the guy nxt door to us.. I think he caught us watchin DA CHANG JING VCDs during working hr.. Oops.. juz hope he wont complaint to our supervisor.. If not.. think Mingli and I will D I E D I E D I E!!!
Actually now am suppose to work on my report.. But here i'm blogging.. very lazy indeed... but wat can i do ha.. procastinator i'm... perhaps.. tmr i'll be more hardworking? * i wonder--
Oh yay... finally get a chance to eat Smelly Tou Fu, brought at 2 bucks at da PASAR MALAM opp my hse ha... Indeed it is real smelly alrt can stink ur whole house ha.. eh but i still ate a good 3 pieces of it coz none of my family except my sista noe how to appreciate this kinda smelly delights ha.. sour sour taste it has.. But Think for the nxt few days i'll have smelly farts, burps, breathe or armpits haha.. BEWARE!!!KEEP OUT!!
Alrt.. here is how the smelly tou fu come in package->

If I had my way
I'd never get over you
It ain't a day where I pray that we can make it real
Make it through the falls
Make it through it all
And I don't wanna see us fall to pieces
The thoughts of you swirl around my mind like snowflakes in a blizzard
I wish i could just sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
I don't want a conversation
And i just don't wanna see us fall to pieces
i'm in love with you if u'll ever realise
I look away
Then you may look back at me
I may try to say
The things that i can't undo
But what have i left to do
I juz hope u're in safe arms
And i just don't wanna see you fall to pieces
At least if u will to fall
There's still someone to dry your tears and pick u up
I just hope i'm capable
To keep u safe from all fire
If you don't wanna talk about it
If you don't wanna have a conversation
I could just sit by you all night and lend you a crying shoulder
I just don't wanna see you fall to pieces
Friday, May 19, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 13:44
Yay.. today is my OFF day.. finally i've got off.. is realli nice to have a chance to sleep for as long as u like(beside weekends) without worrying to be late for work or skool... okie.. i always like slacking.. Off day doesnt mean i'm not busy.. i need to help Ms Lim Mingli to burn her CDS... that she's been barking me for very very long ha.. Sorry girl.. u noe i seldom online hee...
N yes.. Yst Jel's birthday celebration.. At Taka Seoul it is.. went there but didnt ate much.. except for that Sotong Jel force me to eat..ha.. N i realise.. i think i dun like Seoul food... It's been rather long since i last step into Seoul.. But i guess i realli hate cooking infront of my dining table and having all those oily smoke steaming my oh-so-ugly face.. coz u noe.. my face already been well-polluted by pimples.. if i ever get anymore think i'll juz have to wear paperbag or mask over my face to prevent scaring ppl on the street to death... Anyhow.. it was a pleasant gathering still.. have lotsa good laugh but i think there's a lot of news that i've been missing out...haha Of coz.. Jel muz be real touch with the nice prezzie that we've got her... Sweet aint it...of coz my wish to you would be--> May you and Zane live happily ever after lolx...
N finally.. i've got my pinky skeleton boxer yst.. finally gotten the M size.. later gonna be another shopping spree for me.. need to get berms... and i think i going to get back my FOX men shirt.. coz i like the shirt realli much.. but juz so happen that the ones that i've got juz too small.. Juz hope Maggie can help me successfully sell them out..Thanx in advance, mag!!! For once ya the GREATEST.. lolx...
Okie.. time for lunch...ah ma Screaming!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:12
Alrt.. have juz reach my company.. trying to find things to cover up for myself so decided to update my blog instead... Today seems a good start.. coz kanna praise by two peeps as i walk from the guard house to my office... haha.. okie.. my head is seriously swelling up now... but anyhow.. juz hope the rest of the day i wont get things screwed.. coz normally once i kanna praise the nxt min i sure make damn stupid mistake.. So yea.. i'll always remind the ppl ard me.. dun ever praise me unless is realli necessary haha...
Okie.. yst met up with Shurong (Air pork).. but didnt manage to get my superman top.. coz after we decided to get back to get the shirt, the shop closes.. sadded... anyhow..think i'll soon drop by again to get the superman return shirt... Oh.. i think i realli realli need to be on a diet... cant go around eating so much anymore.. coz the recent Fox men t-shirts tat i've got for myself are too small for me.. i duno if it is my enlarging flabby arms or my fats are all deposited on my shoulder.. the sleeve juz seems to stick so tightly to my skin like i'm squeezing into a batman or superman outfit.. damn gross... but i realli like the two shirts alrt.. i realli hope Fox product is exchangable.. if not think i'm gonna get rid by selling it on ebay... darn!!! Fatty-licious me=X
Anyhow.. today is Jel's birthday.. So yup... HaPpY bIrThdAy to Uuuuuuu... perhaps i'll see u later haha... N yay.. tmr going to watch Da Vinci code.. cant wait alrt.. juz hope is gonna be as good as i tot.. coz Fri movie tickets are as expensive as the weekends one so yea.. Guess this month i'll be realli super duper broke.. u realli going to see me roaming ard the streets selling tissue to earn movies money ha...coz this month got lotsa nice movies that i want to watch.. like X-men (the last stand)- i'll been like waiting for so darn long for it already.. finally get to see my Jean Gray again.. N now lucky best.. Angel is appearing too.. cool cool .. cant wait alrt.. Oh.. den i wanna watch Over the Hedge too.. seems very funny... very distressing i guess hee...
Yst when browsing thru the net for some findings.. saw an advertisement for some extra elements for ur house on msn home.. so there's like so many.. but wat caught my eyes is the ur very own indoor climbing wall.. but one tiles is like a few hundred or thousand.. cant realli remember the figures.. so the total cost of ya climbing wall will depend on ur no. of routes and tiles and also the cracks that u might wan to include in ur wall..very cool.. coz they allow u to design the wall that u wan.. the level of difficulties and stuff.. If only i'm darn rich and owe a 3 storey bungalow.. i'll definitely have a climbing wall up.. so i can train and climb like whenever i wish too haha...
Been very discipline lately ha.. made this comment coz, i've been faithfully going down for Muay Thai training after like skipping so much in the past few weeks... den Tues have a realli XIONG and fierce training.. Coz i kanna scold, kanna hit and watever u mention.. but afterall is a good training... Coz at least i get to be trained by expert and train like a future fighter ha.. rather den i punch and kick on my own.. did a lot of shadowing and punching that day.. Now when i swing my arm still very pain.. the guy is realli damn good.. Juz hope the nxt time round when i see him wont disappoint him.. N yea.. his daughter is superb too alrt.. N back to the bottomline again-> Aizhi gotto train hard!!! Ai Zai!!!
Yst have Angelina Jolie show-> The Bone Collector..damn nice though the way the killer getting ppl killed is super brutal an gross.. Yucks.. but overall is still give the show a five star coz got Angelina Jolie haha.. Hmmm but i tink i perfer her when she's single den she's with that Pitt guy..=x
Here's a song which i find the lyrics rather unique and cool.. by Rihanna-Unfaithful..
Story of my life
Searching for da right
But it keeps avoiding me
Sorrow in my soul
cause it seems that wrong
really loves my company
He's more than a man
and this is more than love
the reason that the SKY is blue
the clouds are rolling in because I'm gone again
and to him I just can't be true
and I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be... a murderer
I feel it in the air
as I'm doing my hair preparing for another day
A kiss up on my cheek
He's here reluctantly
as if I'm gonna be out late
I say I won't be long
Just hanging with the girls
A lie I didn't have to tell
Because we both know
where I'm about to go
and we know it very well
cause I know that he knows I'm unfaithful
and it kills him inside
to know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna be the reason
why Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don't wanna hurt him anymore
I don't wanna take away his life
I don't wanna be... a murderer
our love
His trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don't wanna do this Anymore (anymore)
I don't wanna do this anymore
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 08:49
Okie.. finally get settled with my new blog skin... spend like hours to do it yst nite.. But nvm if it dun look nice ha..Juz need a change.. get so sick over my old blog skin hee..
Okie.. updates..Fri was Vesek day.. very nice.. coz i always love holiday.. budden weather was rather bad.. was raining cats and dogs all day long.. but still have to go to the temple.. as it is Vesek day.. of coz during the way there and back get badly SOAKED!!! Hang Ten umbrella juz have got not enuff cloth to protect me from the splashing rain drops.. Or.. should i not blame Hang Ten for it.. but blame myself for having such a large surface area... Sigh...Alrt den again like any other rainy day.. saw one person nearly slipped and fell infront of me again.. of coz i give that sly smile instead of offering my hand haha.. But anw.. he didnt fell alrt.. he juz slipped a little but he's still agile enough to get back to his feet and gain his balance ha Good one man hee Okie.. its realli getting irritating when i hear the raining song composed by The Muttons.. Coz i realli hate Rainy Days.. Though is good to induce sleep but it juz give me a lousy feeling..=X
Alrt.. Sat went to participate and run my very first cross-country of my life.. though is onli a short distance of 3.2Km.. but somehow the feeling of completion and success is still tingling there haha.. And the most luckiest thing is that i nv let my department down ha.. N thanx to god that i have the young physical body to beats those realli damn fit aunties.. realli wonder if i'm their age will i still run as fast and fit enuff to take part is this kinda run.. or perhaps i'll juz run half-way and have my bones all broken and shattered...Man i realli salute them alrt.. so old but yet all can run so super fast.. they seems more like flying den running haha Anw.. i'm very proud to annouce that my department win again for the overall champion in the Cross Country challenge.. and everyone realli did well... Our department 5 women representative respectively took the ranking of 1,3,7,9 and 11.. so yay!!! Good job and 3 cheers for everyone!!! Not forgetting the EDC's men also.. i think we successfully gotten most of the Top 10 ranking.. Cool Cool ha
Okie dokie.. after the run still not tired, surprisingly haha.. so went city hall to meet up with Woeichyi, Serene, Judy and Peck Gek to Jalan jalan... that day realli was a day that my wallet and bank account officially declare bankruptcy.. spend damn bloody a lot alrt.. brought like 4 pieces of t-shirts N i finally got my REAL astroboy shirt hee hee.. Happy happy..Oh.. den went to buy a mean b'day card for a birthday girl who's birthday is like coming this thurssss den went Sins to buy chocolate for my mama, den to Carrefore to buy Bird nests for my two Ah mas.. Wah.. realli no $$$ NOW.. Oh not forgetting i spend a lot on eating as well.. and now gotto not onli find ways to replenish my wallet, bank account as well as shedding off my extraaa Fatssss/Calories...
But i guess this week i wont be successful in saving up my allowance.. as this week got lotsa outings.. like tmr i'm gonna meet up with Ah rong to buy Superman Shirt haha den Thurs birthday celebration den Fri->Movie.. den Sat->Zoo and eating out.. unless the lovely generous John can give us a treat haha den Sun.. should be other eating out again.. mayb going for Dragon boat training after the BIG Walk...Wah.. think if i juz ever get knock down by car and die in the middle of the road.. think i dun even have enuff capital to bury myself.. *Attention: Seeking for money donation association to help this desperate girl...
Oh my Aras won the SURVIVOR!!! Yay!!! The Sole Survivor for Panama Exile Island...

Yst our supervisor and some colleagues treat us to Crystal Jade.. realli feel damn paiseh.. always eat free lunch with them.. but mayb thats another way for me to save up for more outings lolx... Alrt.. gotto return the comp to Mingli.. n that Yi zhi mao is like dropping by so often nowadays.. see him liao oso sian.. ugly freaking mao he got on his face... *Grossed ha
Till nxt time den...
Friday, May 12, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 01:10
Thursday, May 11, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 23:49
rumbles & whines posted at 23:35
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 21:49
Alrt.. today went back to Ngee Ann... so happy.. after so so long i finally got a chance to return to skool again... I realli miss skool i muz say... the smell of the lab.. the familiar faces of the TSO, friends and lecturers.. the lift that we always take to lab lessons.. sigh.. i realli skool-sick now... oh N today so super lucky.. midst of lab kanna fire-drill.. very happy.. coz so long no fire-drill for me le.. N seriously i always been hoping for one since my attachment starts ha.. but u noe.. my company juz seldom practise fire-drill.. Lucky today finally got my chance haha Okie..tmr get a chance to go back skool once more ... Yay Yippeee Yay.. den i can go SIM to have my Lemon Chicken plus Char Siow Rice... Yummy Yum.. Today went to haven Bento... the taste is stil as good as ever.. Tasty.. Oh den saw Saifuddin and Daren.. Daren still the same old gamble freak.. coz whenever i see him in da canteen, he sure be playing decks..
Anyhow.. the purpose of us heading back skool is to use the centrifuge.. coz u noe my company got no lab..but is kinda good that my company got no lab too ha.. this give us a reason to return to skool more haha and also to get outta office.. which means i not need wake up so early to report to work too.. Alrt.. say me sly say me cheeky i dun care.. as long as i can live a slack slack life am happy haha sorry.. i'm juz a LAZY bum..... Oh...N most importantly we are some how doing a good deep for all NP students.. coz we help to use the skool facilities to the max which means all of the students are not paying skool fee for nth.. so muz use all skool facilities wisely haha..
Okie.. my supervisor realli got me dote her more and more.. coz she's realli very kind and nice..If there's a contest or pageant in finding the MS NICE of Singapore.. i'll be the first to throw in her name ha..N i bet if i have left the company.. the first person i'll miss is gonna be her ha... Coz i wont have a chance to tease her as Aunty and i guess i wont have a cool running partner like her.. N most impt i wont have anymore chocolate or soya milk from her... *Sadded..
Today as u noe.. we went to skool.. N when we'll back.. Our supervisor say she has a surprise for us (Mingli and me)... But i muz say It may appear to some of u as not a big surprise .. but somehow it means a lot to us.. I mean where on Earth, when u're having an attachment or even in the real working society u manage to find such sweet and nicey Supervisor... Alrt.. the suprise she gave to us was she actually during lunch time went NTUC to brought for us Kinder Bueno Chocolate, Kinder Surprise, Soba Soya Milk, Strawberry Pocky and Meiji Coffee Milk... damn nice rite.. Is like i juz happen to tell her i actually like Kinder Surprise den she realli went to buy it.. N she also learnt that i like strawberry favoured Hello Panda and Pocky so she brought the pocky.. my god.. she's realli damn nice.. But i think we both have great minds.. coz i brought her Kinder Bueno Chocolate too den she also went to buy for us ha.. But u noe, skool canteen only sell one packet that kind..den NTUC sell the one box packaging kind ha... so when wanna present the one packet Kinder Bueno damn pai seh sia..
Okie.. today also went Machrichi to run with my company ppl.. heng able to endure thru the whole course.. juz hope Sat i can do it as well.. Juz hope i can maintain, can give my best shot.. dun wanna see myself very weak and useless too... Alrt.. i also sign up tog with my Supervisor and Mingli for the Shape magazine run.. Went to sign up for the 10Km category.. dun think of winning la.. coz i noe i'll nv win.. juz wanna challenge myself again ha.. With this target set.. it can also make me train harder and also clock longer distance per week.. But think i better focus on my 3.2Km run first.. den i'll start to clock longer distance....
Tmr will also be my official day to join my SK CC dragon boat training.. somehow looking forward.. but my leg damn tired after Muay thai and today's run.. alrt.. i'm weak.. so low energy i've got here ha.. but anyhow.. juz hope tmr training wont be so xiong tat i juz die there and most impt.. i can find my way there.. juz hope u dun see me on the newspaper article knowing that i either drown to death or lost.. So do pray hard for me hee...i muz realli thanx shifu again for still remembering me and not blaming me for skipping Muay thai all the time ha.. N is realli cool to be trained by a fighter.. realli learn alot on tues... think i still realli gotto get my basics rite and learn to punch with my gloves and not complainting that it is so hindering and heavy.. Coz i realli wish i can fight on the ring someday.. I also wanna go Thai to train if able to... Hope my muay thai spirit and passion can last me as long as i live ha...
Mother's day this Sun.. Gotto spend lotsa money again*pout... Lucky pay day is tmr.. Yay!!! Bling Bling.. KE-CHING KE-CHING... Time for me to Shop again-- oH yAY!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 09:04
Happiness juz runs down my spin whenever i get a chance to see u again
Serious.. you always make me feel happy and very happy...
But then again... i know at any point and at any time I should never move forward
Coz if i ever do, i know things between us will never gonna be the same again...
So things may juz better remain this way:
when you smile, please do not blame me if i'll to look away or walk away coz you know your smile is juz so contagious and infectious
When we speak, there will be spaces between my words and our eyes wouldn't meet coz if i do, i might just lose myself and tell you things that i should not have... or i may juz get myself falling even deeper for you and the crucial truth in the end i have gotto face is still i cant have you...
When we happen to walk side by side, i'll make sure that our hands do not brush...for just a gentle brush of my fingers to the edge of your palm, i'm inspired to hold your hand tight and nv let go...
Therefore, what's the point for falling into the love trap, if i always knew, u're better off with someone else? Reason: Is juz too hard to let go and forget..but guess.. i've been a good pretender...
N wats da point of lying, pretending and not breathe a word of how i feel towards you...
Reason: Perhaps you nv know...I value you and i dun wanna ruin and give up this friendship that we used to share.
But afterall, i'm still living in dilemma whether to express myself or should i juz pretend all my life...
I cant deny, i still imagined things that i never bothered to imagine after knowing you...
>Things like what it would feel like to have your warm hand cling onto mine and we walk barefoot on a volcano
And how to find and dig all my patience out of a snappy me to count all the stars in the galaxy with ya...
I also wonder what kind of ugly or good impression of me that I've left in you since the day i met you.
But after so much... you are still like a forbidden fruit that's out of my reach...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 20:36
Yay.. Is finally Saturday.. today's planning was supposed to go Sentosa.. but in da morning the weather dun look promising.. so the outing was cancelled.. Haiz.. still tot i can get myself tan but god juz dun give me a chance to have nice tan and burnt skin...*sadded
Alrt.. No Sentosa, no sun.. i oso nv get a chance to have a ride on the open-air cable car... Ppl.. do organise another Sentosa outing please.. i realli miss the beach and the sun over there.. Now with the open-air cable car i miss Sentosa more, so ppl who are going do RMB to JIO me along alrt.. i seriously need a tan so i'll somehow appear healthier haha.. Okie.. Finally the Dragon Boat of my CC called.. but they delivered bad news.. not that they dun wan me.. i think they're rather keen to take me into the team.. but guess what.. the training falls on Sunday.. which means i cant go.. damn sian alrt.. initially training was supposed to be on Sat, tat's why went to join.. Now..duno why change.. sian la... i realli wanna go rowing again.. But sunday=Family day.. how to go.. arrrrgghhhh I bet the leader of the team also wont change the training day becoz of me.. haiz.. i duno izzt fated that i cant get back to db again..=X
Today super free so went to flip thru some old newspaper... N i realise nowadays singers/artists they not only gotto compete over their popularity on screen/radio or get worried over their album sales rate or ren qi zi su.. they also have to compete and worry over the ranking or numbers of viewer they've got for their blog... From the news i muz infer that nowadays artists and singers are realli hard to be and they realli needa work extra-hard to earn wat they deserve...
Okie.. today also finally go to have my hair trim haha.. So happy.. i feel super light now alrt coz having to carry fewer strands of hair on my head compared to my past.. I realli feel a lot lighter and fresher now haha Okie.. maybe the lost of few strands of hair doesnt change the figures on the weighting machine but at least i wont have ppl calling me a coconut or helmet head anymore haha.. With this new shorty hair.. i wont have my old pals like Cheow and Anna pulling my hair like they are grabbing some money again ha
Tmr wil be another nice and fun weekend i guess coz get to see lotsa people haha.. coz tmr going for some concert by Ah Pek of F03... nv realli been to a musical concert b4... coz my fren esp Anna always say I this kind of freak wont noe how to appreciate good music ppl play.. But hey.. i realli admire Mozart work yea and i noe the women 12 band.. eh.. though i may noe awfully little abt music.. but i still do find those ppl that play piano and any musical instrument charming ha Anyway.. i used to dream of becoming a musician too.. but too bad i juz dun have the talent haha.. last time used to wan to learn violin and saxaphone.. but u noe.. juz too ex and i think i''ll nv have the patience to complete the course.. so yea.. forget it haha better off listening to ppl who can plays well... TV time...=)
*I'm not supposed to love you,
I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there,
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
Sorry I just couldn't help myself,
I just do feel so much for you.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 10:27
CHUNKY MONKEY! You scored 77% SWEET, 77% CHUNKY, and 85% UNIQUE! |
banana ice cream with fudge chunks & walnuts
Frankly, you are nuts and you don't give a damn! You've got it all- you're a loving, caring person who enjoys getting wild & crazy and has a mind completely open to new experiences. You are a barrel of laughs and always up to something. You could probably stand to tone it down some and get your head out of the clouds, but there's nothing wrong with livin' it up now and then, and you certainly do! |
rumbles & whines posted at 08:20
Yst went to meet up with my sec skool girlfrens doing what girls do best-> Gossips ha... but i think we do more of the updating of our own life's as well as comparing GPA ha.. anyhow realli nice to see all of them again... Sorry Ruiping for not dropping u a msg for the meet up alrt ha.. Nxt time i'm sure i'll do it hee...Think i realli miss my sec skool days like some other felt when we'll chatting yst esp when we saw our Juniors walk past us.. not that i miss my uniform but i realli miss my classmates or should i say, i miss the mischief and pranks i used to play ha.. Though we have diff cliques in the class but is realli nice to have each and everyone to make up a biggy class and a family...
Everytime we meet up i always feel realli excited ha.. i duno why.. it juz feels like a child returning home from skool, getting to see her mama again.. ha i realli duno.. though we may not exchange huggies but i realli cherish the time i spend with them yea... words here juz cant describe how great and important their company will... I guess i learn to cherish each and every meet up for it juz feels like it will take another million or billion years down the road to get to see all my girlfrens again.. coz we are all busy with our own life...and though we live rather near one another.. but it realli takes a long long time b4 our path get to cross again in a train, shopping mall or while we'll waiting for the green man to come around
Hmmm... but somehow the meet up mayb a little saddening when u get to hear ur girlfren aint doing as good.. and all u can do is juz sitting there and lend a listening ear and at the same time rationing and sponsoring her with Kleenex or Scottx... sometimes i realli feel helpless.. coz all i can do is juz listen and perhaps try to give some words of comfort or a tap on the shoulder to show some support of any sort... but in the end i guess i cant manage to solve the problem or untangle all the complicated knots for realli hurts when u noe she aint doing that well and that she's crying inside and her wound are burning but she told u that she's okie.. she can get over it juz to make u feel that ur comforting words did soothe her or u did ur duty well as a fren in lending her a listening ear or sponsoring her with Scottx....i duno... somehow i juz feel what i can do for a fren or anyone out there is juz so little... perhaps life is juz like that.. lotsa ups and downs that u juz have to go thru and pull thru all the toughest time u have got and find urself a new piece of land to settle down and start all refresh again..
I guess i realli count myself lucky for able to lead a happy and simple life... coz i nv have to experience dramatic love life that pains my heart and soul... i nv have to indulge in alcohol, drugs or cigarettes to get over some guy or sort or even drowning myself in tears... for that i realli thanx god.. thanx HIM for all the simple life i lead... perhaps i should thanx god and my parent for that simple mind they've got me.. ha i duno.. think i'm juz a girl when put infront of a TV set with nice TV programme.. i forget abt everything and anything.. Sorrows juz seems to disappear into thin air.. sad stuff that once flooded my head like soap bubbles all burst into nothing... Perhaps u wouldnt believe.. how can someone get over sadness that easily.. but i'm realli that kinda girl.. with nice TV programme, things just gets better for me ha.. perhaps my brain have that kinda auto-delete programme installed or my brain contains some digestive enzymes that will delete and digest sadness away...
Okie.. perhaps some of u may think my smile and happy looks hide tears.. but i think if i'm realli sad.. it will all be written all over my face.. coz i aint a good feeling- hider ha.. of coz i do have my down pouring moments too.. but i think i juz recover from sadness faster than the others ... so life have been always so far so good for me.. Hmmm or should i say i always waste my time get F*** up and bothered over small thingy... Small stuff like to go for the company Machrichic run or TAS trip...than to get myself troubled in big stuff like perhaps get tangle in a triangle love life or sort ha.. Guess thats when the common chinese phrase comes in->" tong ren bu tong ming" Everyone juz has their own fate i guess...
Oh.. we also took a number of snapshots yst... i realli think i'll stand out from the rest.. coz i'm the ugliest looking freak in da photos.. i realli dun understand why god juz cant give me a pretty or handsome face? Perhaps he juz noes that i'll turn into a bloody flirt ha... Ppl ard me all turning into handsome and masculine hunks and pretty babes.. and i'm still the same ugly toad waiting for a princess who will somehow come around and appreciate it or shower it with some love and kisses ha.. *fantasizing
Sitting, waiting, wishing.. i realli wish u'll here...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 12:55