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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Saturday, March 25, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:08

Tired of my blog???? Anw.. i also lazy to even read my own blog after posting.. lazy to change my skin also though i'm as tired as any of u out der who still are trying to read my blog ha.. bear with it.. hope i've the time and energy to change something nice....
Back in action again.. am realli happy this few days.. coz i finally get to go to workshop and learn as well as do some hands on stuff... Fun Fun... Although i did cause some messes for the 1st day of my workshop.. butin the end still able to run away without scolding/lecture.. so count me lucky to have a sweet, kind and nice supervisor tat dun scold and always so so forgiving ha...

Anyway, i'm realli turning to love my attachment company more and more.. though i realli hate researching.. but when u get so many nice people and sporty people ard u.. is realli a good feeling haha.. all of the ppl there are realli good good company.. of coz not forgetting my IAP partner Mingli aka SIAO ZAR BO, MLM N SHI SHAN DIAN lolx...

Anyhow.. mingli and i actually come out with nick-name for one of the top management.. he's real name is actually Ric***d.. sorry dun wish to reveal the name in case he also blogs and drop by my site and saw his name guess i'm realli gonna be GAME OVER.. so i better to safe den sorry haha.. alrt.. his new nick name is yi zhi mao... hard to explain though... but u guys juz try picturing a man..a 40 yr old man with a medium mole on his bottom right chin area and with long hairs sticking out of it.. and the hairs are realli long.. think is as long as ur last finger... i swear.. i realli did not lie.. anw, u should be wondering why he has this nick name.. Not tat mingli and i are such free people tat have time to trying to crack our head and come out with a nick-name for him.. but he's realli getting on our nerve... demanding freak... cal us do so many things.. always spy us tooo... worst till complaint us sleeping to our supervisor.. damn idiot rite... realli a sly man... juz dun like him*puke... I juz hope he wont shoot mingli and i so badly during my presentation nxt week.. juz hope everything will go on smoothly for us....*pray

Okie... enuff of me being so bad and wasting my time in commenting on tat yi zhi mao... now i muz complaint on my body... think i'm realli getting old... my muscle ache did not recover even after 2 days.. damn... am i getting SARS??? Anw, beside muscle ache am suffering from sore throat, coughing and block nose... damn.. am realli weakening.... I realli wonder in this conditions how can i ever live a day in Sikkim.. think i'll juz die ha.. Anw, my muscle ache starts after i return to muay thai training.. but i realli wanna thanx shifu for still not giving me up, still training me.. i hope i can realli learn to fight well one day... of coz i muz learn to keep up with my muay thai attandance.. have been realli bad after exam starts...*pout.. Muz realli make my return...

Alrt.. back to my company... realli happy to join them every tues and thurs to run.. coz running makes me feel good.. coz at least i've a reason to eat more haha.. coz i believe i can burn the extra fats during run...anyway i duno how true izzt tat running can help.. but i onli cover a short distance i guess... nxt week muz realli cover longer and run more often... at least 4 times a week... Coz my supervisor and i aiming to shed 2 KG in 1 month lolx... so yea.. do look out for me to run if u wish to shed some fats off too.. i'll be most greatful to join u.. but do inform in advance as i've other activities going on hee...Oh.. thurs was also a day where 1st time in history i played badminton for so so damn long.. i realli sweat it out haha.. i'm realli loving badminton now...

Today CKK came down to inspect us.. but u noe we're too good haha.. Supervisor praise us too... But CKK he's like so darn nervous tat he stutter most of the time when he speaks...haha.. anyway, u muz get this right.. am not trying to be proud abt the praises by my supervisor, so dun be offended in anyway ha... Yup, to me.. praising rises the stress tension in me.. and the more my supervisor trying to treat us so well, the more it make me feel to not let her down in any way... so yea.. i realli trying to give all the best tat i've good to give her my help in anyway.. dun wish like to owe her a flavour or sth.. coz she's realli realli nice... so...

Dear lord, i hope i can give my best and do watever is entitled to me to the very best of my ability so i wont let anyone disappointed including myself.. and thanx you lord for allowing me to do pretty well this sem.. am happy with my grades.. but think i should have work a little harder to obtain better result..so i hope i can realli learn to manage my stuff well and obtain watever i should obtain but nonetheless thanx for everything.. for always being there to listen and look out for me.. as well as guiding me thru, showing me the light to the right path... thanx for always showing a reason behind wat u've done for me eps when u decided a pathway for me.. thanx lord.. u noe me and love me so well...

Life's been realli good lately.. but nxt week lotsa research, presentations, work shops and reports need to be submitted.... busy busy weeeeeekkkkkss ahead... god bless me... Nonetheless, life would be better if u'll around....=x

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 17:22

Alrt.. am here to blog about wats happening rite now alrt.. I'm actually having a real hard hard time here.. trying to entertain this siao zar bo that's beside me... she's juz getting on my nerve..forever having all the nonsense.. i have had enuff.. serious...

She can still try to laugh by my side... i seriously need to have a yellow page and find the IMH no.... pls someone.... get me a medic!!! i realli cant take it any longer.. Guess wat.. she's trying to sing.. singing those songs that are not even songs... Hear me.. Believe Me... she's realli realli realli a CRAZY CRAZY INSANE freak...

Alrt.. while i'm still trying to straigthen out my thoughts she's juz like in her own world, keep mumbling and grumbling on matters tat are not matters... i dun even noe wats she actually whinning.. Is tat the early symptoms of INSANITY!!!! i guess i have to believe so... Think she might have eaten too much... think she has gotten the H5N1 virus and mad cow disease.. so crazy and so chippy... yuckxxxxxxxxx

She still trying to murder me and pass me her disease by spitting saliva on me and scratch me with her long long nails!!!! Eeeeeee... see... how can i ever get out of the company and get home alive!!!

Now she's trying to strangle me... making alll my pores to open and making me die by playing with my nerve!!! H***y her... cant stand it..
I shadnt go on further.. i'm gonna fight her now..... till later.. pray hard tat i'll be infront of you alive...

Guess wat she's doing now.. Smelling Marker Ink and trying to poison me with it... Sigh... I dun wish to join the insanity club.. someone SAVE ME!!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 23:10

*tired Alrt.. juz finishing rushing watever i need to submit to my supervisor tmr... duno if i did it correctly.. but i've tried my very best.. juz hope she's content and satisfied with the efforts tat i've put in..*praying hard

Anw, am not looking forward for tmr.. coz as weekdays approach i've gotto work..N i noe all i do again is sitting infront of the computer and research and research for things i've always ought to find!!!Arrgh.. Anyway many of u should noe, i'm a super lazy bum tat juz hope to rot infront of the tv and watch all my beloved tv programme for all my life.. damn-- Though tmr gonna be lotsa nice late night shows on channel 5 like the desperate housewife, grey anatomy but... i'm not gonna be comfort till the time of 1745 is reached.. Why i've got to work!!! I swear to not be engage in research and development department again...

People ard me are all busy engaging in camps and making money.. i realli miss u ppl yea... long time since we get tog...Alrt.. anyhow, I realli miss doing camps somehow.. but somehow, i feel rather fearful if ever u cal me to take charge of a camp or group myself.. coz it seems like a million years from now since i last take charge of a group and engaging in the camp.. i realli envy those ppl ard me who are constantly doing camp and enjoying every little bits of it... How i wish my attachment can be as enjoyable and adventurous like those outdoor camps...*pout

Okie.. juz a moment ago, while i was rushing my report.. there's this rather big and fat and brownie beetle keep flying ard my room.. i'm seriously irritated by it.. but wat can i do.. girls are still girls.. we're still fearful of this small little insects, though we noe tat we're like a million or billion times bigger den them.. Act of smashing them is too cruel and disguesting for me and i bet b4 i ever get them smash and squash, i'll get into a coma or worst get a heart attack and die on the spot once it starts to fly towards my direction.. Sometimes i realli wonder why insects have wings and fly.. if they have got no wings and dont fly, i bet i'll get them killed in no time.. Or best of all.. if i've wings and i fly, i bet i wont even scare of all those flying disgusting and irritating insects or wat i cal it ka-ka.

Yup.. i'm not being realistic again.. but sometimes u noe.. getting away from reality mayb a time where one can have a peace of her own mind and destresss... Anway, i'm juz a person who loves to dream.. not realistic at all though i'm leaving in reality, i often wan to run away and hid.. not tat i dun wanna face the world like a grow up does but facing the real world, facing the reality, there's much more u'll have to compromise, accomodate, understand to co-exist with the ppl as well as the things ard you... coz in this world u're not alone.. everyone have diff thinking, diff expectations... the characteristics of self-less i guess tats wat i realli need... Sorry for the many times, i've never consider how you feel and juz onli think of my own thoughts and interest.. i promise, i'll at least learn and try harder from now to place others b4 me.. i shall learn to be more self-sacrifies.

Falling ill.. i can sense my throat burning...weaker den ever

The dark side:
Is Breaking my heart, for each time i see you but each time i cant show u how much i realli do care abt you...
For long ago, i already noe the ans... i noe wat i should do is to juz forget about you... forget the times tat we once shared But if onli i can have part of my brain or my heart washed or even bleach.. so i can forget how i actually feel about you, but till now, i still cant... I'm trying to convince myself tat, i believe wats cal love is not love...
I'm realli trying hard... need more time....

Bury the feelings and Keeping mute

Thursday, March 16, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 23:40

Anyway this is an email forward to me by a fren.. pretty interesting.. kinda true to me ha... i'm chose ROOM C ha...

So which Room are u???

A little test to find out about your career selection.

One day, you got lost in the wilderness while travelling. It gets dark and you have no choice but to seek refuge in a small hut nearby. The owner tells you that all his rooms are haunted. Which room will you choose?

The rooms are:
Room (A) -> A human head stares at you maliciously from outside your window.
Room (B) -> The bathroom door creaks open and close, and there are sounds of a woman sighing.
Room (C) - > The bed starts rocking violently whenever you try to sleep on it.
Room (D) -> A headless ghost sits at the foot of your bed when you awake in the middle of the night.

THE EXPLANATION. IT'S QUITE AN INTERESTING ANSWER.........> > Scroll down for explanation.

A) A human head stares at you maliciously from outside your window.
Explanation: You need a lot of private space and are more suitable to work alone. You look for stability i.e. a job that is not easily affected by external factors and provides steady income. E.g. Doctor, lawyer, SOHO , teacher, administrator.

B) The bathroom door creaks open and close, and there are sounds of a woman sighing. Explanation: You prefer a stable job that does not require you to run around or meet people. You are willing to be subjected to pressure from your bosses if that lets you sit in an air-conditioned office all day.
E.g. Civil servant, engineer, computer engi neer, accountant.

C) The bed starts rocking violently
whenever you try to sleep on it. Explanation: You are an active person who cannot sit still and does not like to be restrained. You are easily adaptable to a job which is full of changes and not routine.
E.g. Marketing, insurance, sales,delivery man, chauffer.

D) A headless ghost sits at the foot of your bed when you awake in the middle of the night. Explanation: You suit jobs that need you to meet people, especially large crowds. Your job will depend on these people, but you will not know who they are.
E.g. superstar, politician, PR, counter/frontline sales.

Monday, March 13, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 17:08

Finally finish my First Interim Report... after so darn long.. dun even noe if i did it correctly.. sigh... Anyhow.. 1 day 2 posts... i juz got nth better to do alrt... so do bear with me... though i cant even bear with myself any longer...

I'm exploding any min alrt.. i swear.. I cant stand to be doing nth in the room... the feeling is like throwing a tiger into a cage and not giving it food alrt... damn.. the feeling of doing nth and seating in the office isnt wat i'm asking for.... Stupid CYCCCCC!!!!

Anw, the room is like freezing cold... though i do have my sweater on.. anw, frens out there u guys might not see me after tmr or the day after if they continue to place me in the room doing nth and w/o Mingli... I'm realli dying of boredom as well as freezing to death...

Alrt..unpleasant and embarrassed moment happen to me again.. went toilet.. and kanna call boy and chase out.. yup.. thanx to my lovely mom and dad creation for my face as well as my shorty hair.... alrt.. i noe i noe, my hair is short and i dress manly haha but tats juz my style and tats me.. But the truth is still i'm a girl la.. so pls let me pee when i need to alrt.. if not.. do create a toilet tat cater to unisex.. so ppl like me wouldnt get stared for nth or chase out for no reason when we actually enter the correct toilet...*roar Aunties and uncles out there... i'm sure i'm old enuff to noe which toilet to enter alrt--

Now am counting down for my time to get off work.. cant wait to get out of the gate!!!!
25 more mins to go...
rumbles & whines posted at 12:48

Alrt.. am actually blogging in my company... Now having break... and the comp is absolutely so sucky than the laptop we'll offered earlier... this time ard, i cant even log on to web page tat allows me to play game...*pout but luckily i manage to log into blogspot... N i realli thanx shurong for lending me her Da Vinci Code.. at least when i bored still can read...thanx pal

Today is a badddy day too.. coz Mingli my IAP partner fell sick.. went home.. So yea.. left me aloneeeee... singing the Mr Lonely song ha... Yupp i'm seriously very bored....facing the comp since 8 in the morningggg researching on my pro.. my eyes are realli drained and tired now...and worst thing is i cant even rest my eyes.. always gotto pretend i'm doing sth.. and this damn comp cannot sign in msn, friendster even yahoo mail....i realli wonder.. how bad my day can get later... Today also my very first time lunching alone haha.. anw the feeling kinda cool.. to me.. at least i felt i'm independent for once hee...

Anw, i would realli like to grumble.. the room tat i'm in rite now realli sux.. super no privacy alrt.. got this damn big clear window juz right beside me.. wan to take a short nap oso scare.. coz the worst thing is.. the director office is juz directly beside me... damn.. i realli hate the designer tat design the darn room this way... i think sooner or later i'll develop some psycho illness or mental problem coz in this room, i keep having a feeling of someone watching me... arrrrggghhh Anyhow.. i realli hope Mingli will recover by tmr.. or tmr will be another lonely day for me again... alrighty... 4 more mins for me to start work le... till nxt timeeeee

I realli hate today!!!!
Moving alongggggg with All American Rejects:
Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in yourHands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in yourHands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong we move along(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along
When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
(Move along)(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

Happy birthday Mr Quek!!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 17:42

Alrt... have been a long long while again since i blog... too tired and lazy of blogging about my life le...lotsa things going on..am now having my 3 and da half months of attachment... though i'm doing work that are not related to my module or diploma.. but i'm still glad to have mingli as my attachment partner as well as a pretty and funny supervisor.. she's realli chatty like us haha.. nice to have her ard... thanxxxxx

Alrt... beside attachment.. life been almost the same.. except now i'm CCA-less haha... so ppl who needed to hang out or some sorta company do call me... i'm realli darn free after the evening... Now my life is engaging in watching vcds again... and realli broke too.. coz spending too much over vcdsssss... ok... to a more serious matter.. i realli need to train train train... think realli turning weaker and fatter... i muz realli keep fit and strong till i get into army.... Yst went to Selarang campsite for my infantry briefing...anw, the purpose of the briefing was for the ma'am to take all our BMI.. damn.. i realli hope i can be <27>
Alrt.. my new mission to complete... train and run at least 3 times a week.. and i'm to join DRAGON BOAT!!! Anyone wanna join meeeee haha

Okie.. today is the National Vertical Marathon for us.... Yup.. it comprises again the same ppl: Dora, Daren, Khairi and Kevin.. of coz me too... the proudest thing to pronounce is tat we are top 10 grp out of da 70 team open grp...zai bo haha... anw.. to be more specific we're 8th... Eh... for this i guess i reallli need to apologise to the team... guess without me u guys can realli win the top 3 spots... sorry.. am too too too slow and weak... perhaps nxt time i shan't join so i wont drag u guys down.. sorry again.... Anw.. it is still a fulfillment to me.. at least i've completed 43 stories!!!! though last year was 8 level higher.. Rizif did a grt job too...completing it like in 7 mins damn good... I realli need to expose myself to climbing more n more stairsss... cant always be such a weak ass...

Here's the photosssss for todayyyyy..

Spiderman is here in Singapore!!!! 'Peter parker...

Daren.. why do u and i share the same mouth opening expression...
Muz be u copy-cat lolx... Cock-ka-doo face!!!
Daren new name: Daren Cock-ka-doo

Anyone need a 4-D no. we've got it haha

He's the man... da man in black...

On the mark.... Get Set...

Dora Tay Big Lung... u block meeeeee...

Alrt.. the highlight of da day-->Quek Sissy Sissy... Birthday man... Offically Aging to20 yr old tmr... Happy Birthday...

Alrt... shall update more nxt time... not realli in-da mood to continue any longer... wanna watch my Harry potter 3 haha...

p.s. Sorry if u think tat i've changed
Sorry if u somehow feel that i've lost my happy self...
U noe is hard to hide the feeling inside and pretend u dun exist ever in my life...
Do give me some time to find back my true self...
darn...who am i suppose to be? *shattered