Sunday, January 29, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 19:43
Firstly of coz... Happy Doggy New Year to every everyone out there... May all of you have a fruitful and prosperous year ahead!!!
Today only spend my day at the ah ma's place.. nth much.. but wat can i say.. the amt in the ang bao i collected definitely put a big broad smile on my face...thanx to all my Ah Yis' and Ah Kus'. Seriously.. i dun realli think, this doggy year will be a good year for me.. i've been like getting into so many shit tat i feel tat i should have nv gotten myself into.. mayb i've been really naughty and nasty for the past few years.. n this are all my retribution...
First-> i got myself a final year project which i nv chose, second->liking someone that i shouldnt ever have, third-> got the news of me being in the first sem whereby i've to go for my attachement first and it really sux.. as it clashes with my Sikkim trip... damn.. alrt lastly, the worst of all.. gotten my attachement location at Singapore Technologies Kinetics.. damn wats that all abt.. i realli dun see any link of Biotechnology with STK... arrrgghhh.. Why all my frens got all the good and well known posting.. Maggie.. my beloved final year project mate gotten her attachment at some pharmautical company.. aint it cool.. and best of all Shuwen.. she got her attachment at some pre-natal diagnostic lab... why i cant juz get some places as interesting as them... i realli like shuwen's attachement location.. is like at thomson there and is like working with those specimens.. damn...
I seriously feel like shit this year.. things juz aint going my way.. i always tot i've good lucks n stuff.. but this year.. it all prove me wrong.. i didnt get the project i wan to do.. and all these shit all coming up.. Many have console me.. so if anyone have anymore comforting words like "mayb is a blessing in disguise" to say to me.. save your breathe yea.. i'm numb... seriously numb... Guess i've to summon to fate... N telling myself is all the arrangement of god and god knows wats best for me... N the steps tat i'm gonna take later in my life seems to have no U turns.. Guess i seriously have to carrying on moving forward no matter wat shit i'm getting.. Lord, i seriously need the strength to move on and believe tat i can break thru all barriers and do all things to the best of my ability... Amen.
Anw.. i should be happy also.. as i have Mingli being in the same attachement location with me.. at least we can eat snake tog.. not so bad after all ba.. juz dun wanna dwell over this sucky attachment thingy.. CT2 coming and so is Exam... i still not having the will and right attitude to study...hope after new year i can realli sit down n focus and study.... Hmmm New year, i shouldnt be so saddist rite ha... alrt... shld try to work real hard this year... hope i can get good results and GPA... this apply to all yea!!! Good luck everyone... Once again Happy Chinese New Year!!!

A photo can say a thousand things
But it can't say the million things I wanna say
A photo can capture the way we were
But it can't capture the way we are
'Cause you're far away
What it's like to know you
What it's like to touch you
When you told me that you loved me, were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
and I know that hurts
'Cause I'm looking at your picture
'Cause it's all I've got
Maybe one day
You and me will have one more shot
Timing lost minutes and moments
And I might be lonely, girl
But I'm not afraid
In a second
It all comes right back to me
Nothing's forgotten now
Everything's saved
What it's like to touch you
What it's like to know you
You were my life
you were my faith
You gave me hope every day
Thursday, January 26, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 00:07
Alrighty.. have not been updating my blog lately.. as usual.. is all abt skool and cca work again... am realli busy busy like hell... N i've not realli recuperate physically and mentally after my last camp as well as last event.. Have been dozing off in lectures.. i realli need a lot of caffine to keep myself awake!!! N the worst is, nowadays always overshot when heading home... always need strangers to wake me up when reach the terminal.. and u noe.. i always ended at some places so far from my Wulu home.. den gotto find my bloody way home...sian realli super sian... Guess am not as young and fit as i tot i am.. i juz get tired out easily nowadays.. Mayb i'll juz collaspe in the middle of nowhere and die soon, one day...
Anw.. realli like to thank those helpers who came down for my Mass Kickboxing event.. realli appreciate all ya help yea... Most importantly oso thanx all participants who came down to show us ya support... without u guys guess our event wouldnt be a success yea.. so a realli big thanx you...thanx for not ps-ing us ha
Yup.. finally my event has come to an end.. realli happy tat we did well and is finally over.. the planning stage was realli hell.. would realli like to apologise if i didnt do much or help much for this event.. But i realli feel tat as a group we still perform rather fairly well... so three cheers for each and everyone of u yea... Thanx shilin too for getting participants and helpers as well as getting things organised and done.. u're da best hee...=)
Chinese new year is coming.. is like juz few days away.. get my clothes only today... spend like a bomb... now my wallet and pocket have holes as big as the black hole... N yea.. i still haven talk to my mama.. she lost my beloved PUMA trackpant.. is like i onli wear it for once only.. n i realli love it very much.. but she lost it... i duno how she did it.. but it realli pisses me off.. N i realli swear.. if i nv gonna find tat trackpant.. i'll nv gonna tok to her ever.. Yup.. say me petty, say me childish.. i'm sorry for treating her this way..but tats my trackpant.. N i swear i realli love it very much... damn... Alrt.. enuff of my mama, or i'll start flaring up again... as thinking of her will make me think of my lost trackpant..*sob..
This sem was not a good sem for me.. i didnt do well for my two major papers... which are instru and cell tissue culture... i noe i have no one to blame but myself for not studying hard... i seriously gotto pull up my socks and buck up for my upcoming common test 2 as well as exam.. i realli need to obtain the minimum of B grade but no C.. or i'll seriously die of terrible death... IPPT test is oso coming up for me.. i'm ordered to submit my result by end of FEB.. realli gotto train... so ppl who wanna train and run with me are most welcome.. i need ppl to push me ha--
Haiz.. thinking of Chinese new year.. doubt i'll enjoy it.. there's presentation and common tests like juz a week away after it.. how can i enjoy... sian sian sian... so many chapters so little time!!! Arrghhhh i hate the skool schedule... so many work so little play... shittt
Things that are not supposed to happen juz like kinda happen in this sem.. i duno why... i realli dun wan it and dun expect it to happen... i'm realli sorry tat i feel for you... i noe u're like the sun tat i'll nv have a chance to go near.. but damn... u're the one that i wish to be there for you when u need a shoulder or even a shelter... U're spinning in my head like 247... esp the time we spend tog... n as Valentine's day get nearer each day, how i wish i can ever say this three words: I love you right infront of you.. but i doubt i'll ever ever have a chance... i noe u'll nv love me like the way i love u... once again.. i've gotto remind myself tat i'm juz a passer-by or a bus interchange where u'll juz leave me un-noticely... U'll nv feel the same way as i do... but i'm realli sorry, i still feel for you.... Juz hope tat u can find someone tat u realli love and love u so... Loving someone aint as easy as i tot... N worst, when it was u... i'm like Caught in the puddle of mud where i juz cant get out of it...
The hole in my heart need to be amend.. will any angel out there to fix my broken heart...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
rumbles & whines posted at 15:58
Ok Aishah Mina.. here i'm to update le alrt haha (read it well, hee)
Finally.. common tests have come to an end.. But i doubt i will do well.. out of all the 4 written papers tat i've sat for..i'm onli confident to pass my ABC.. the rest.. juz a three letter word to describe- DIE... I realli need to plan my time well man.. i cant always study so last min.. can realli die.. muz change muz change..
Ok enuff of my winding again.. shld progress on with all the fun i've got in my class chalet!!! 2F04 roxxxx.. the class chalet day, starts off with a photo-taking session in skool yea.. all of us have to wake up so bloody early juz for taking a photo.. N the most damn-cocky part is tat, we all have to dress in black bottom and white top.. I was forced to borrow a white shirt from Shurong again.. so ma fan rite.. haiz.. My bro oso damn lousy.. a white long sleeve shirt oso dun have.. all black, brown or grey.. Anw, than shuwen for lending me ya Bro's tie.. thanx for those who helping me to tied the tie too ha.. Alrt.. the photo-taking session was realli horrible for all 2nd year bio-tech student.. onli a few ppl come to represent each class.. thanx god my class all girls still turn up.. and Tony my class rep oso turn up.. at least this time round 2F04 didnt run away.. coz i think my class is tat kind of like.. when's there is event, 2f04 sure be the class to MIA haha Seems like 2f04 have progress to be more active students..
After that looks like funeral photo taking session (titled funeral taking session, coz all in black n white attire ha) all went for lunch den heading down to our chalet.. Here muz realli thanx John.. no shld be more specific, thank john's secretary in helping us to book a chalet ha.. We realli have a good time, i realli cant deny that hee.. Alrt.. we reach there.. den Tony(class rep) who's acting like a house keeper or papa, he goes like, "everybody please go wash your legs, dun dirty the bed" I duno if is realli funny.. but he definitely sound funny to me hee.. Den of coz cleaning up ourselves and get all things place one side, all of us start our gambling stall... Ok not actually gamble.. juz playing some number cards with few coins involve haha Oh i muz comment, if anyone who loves playing UNO.. pls use Shuwen's card.. she has got a UNO card tat a group juz cant finish playing.. for us, think we spend hours playing n the games like still cant come to an end haha.. i think the most best part of her card is.. it has got +1 all the way to +10.. damn shiok ha okie.. den play play n eat eat.. living a life of a king.
Alrt.. here's the photos of the first round losers for UNO haha
Proudly present to u: Tony, Shilin and Tian Yin

Their fore-fit pose!!!

Right.. den at night Dr Ho(our mentor) she came over n join us.. she was rather tired, came over den slept a little.. while the rest of us playing UNO round two again ahha.. den yea.. the 2nd round of losers are produced.. but annoucement of names and photos will onli be up once i received the photos haha Den, all of us went Loyang point Blk 258 Partyworld to have a KTV night.. damn shiok and happening ahah... we spend three hrs over there singing.. but guess is too short for us.. we all haven sing enuff.. the last time was like super rush for all of us.. skipping songs n songs to complete the 5 pages of song request hee... but wat can i say.. all of us are suffering from sore-throat now.. we realli dance and sing and shout my lungs out haha The ppl working there will so afraid tat we break their sofa or tear their hse down any min...But wat can i say.. F04 juz rox the hse!!! Woo-Hooo!!!! Anw, should realli thanx Dr Ho for everything she has done for us.. guess, she's juz the best lecturer cum mentor tat i've ever come across, she realli get our class groove tog!!! Thanxxx
Alrt.. sing n sing from 2100-0300.. shiok bo..we're all damn high.. all wanna sing more.. budden the shop juz have to close, n we're all saddly send off and walk bac to our chalet like a bunch of homeless kiddo haha... Once back, most of them que for turns to bath.. as usual for me.. i wont bath.. coz too tired and lazy le.. actually prepare to slp, as Sat i need to go for booth duty at Ngee ann city tat excapade thingy.. but in the end.. Nv sleep of coz.. coz play heart attack haha.. den kanna complaint.. but still continue play.. many ppl started to knock off le haha.. den we chat.. coz to keep me away and make me tong till morning 0900 so i can leave for home den booth duty..but i think i still doze off haha..Anyhow.. but is realli the most fun chalet tat i've gone b4.. realli play my hearts out!!!Thanx all the peeps whom are present over there.. u guys realli rox my life..
Ok.. den went homie and bath.. den rush down to Ngee Ann city.. den lucky saw weiyi.. den noe where to go.. or else blur blur again... N the bad thing is.. gotta a shirt tats so tight-fitting to wear.. n the worst thing, i was given the 1st aid position.. Lucky dora came juz in time to save my life.. or else if someone realli injured i duno how sia.. how to help.. i think i'll faint over there b4 i can even help ha Heng realli heng, dora came in time..*phew.. all my cold sweat and cold feet been save!!!
After the bloody damn long duty... we finally can sneak off... den went jalan jalan with kevin the sissy, khairi tat kuning kuning, weiyi and dora tay big lung cum china girl... but head back to booth again, coz nth to see n buy.. but headed off with dora to find her teacher den i oso sun pian go see my new year clothes hee As usual, with Dora sure bound to have funny things happen.. she anyhow ans ppl while ppl not actually taking to him but to the other person haha.. see her face expression can realli laugh la... okie.. den we realli shop like ah siao.. spending like crazy.. esp dora haha.. okie.. think she's blaming me for stimulating her in buying so many tops.. i think she've got at least5 or 6 tops yst ha.. think is oso her first time buying a top tats 39.90.. coz i think she always very thrifty, but yst haha.. cannot stop the temptation from buying.. Anw, i oso spend a lot.. so is like i'm pronounce BROKE again.. no moolah, no blingbling, no watever u call it haha.. i need a finance assistant here.. or a money sponsor oso can...
Here are some photos tat we took after the booth duty haha
Cant believe all of us are in tat tight shirtty..

Taking a little break from the booth duty.. *Cheese

They wan to tear my jeans ha

finally out of da tigh fitting shit.. yea...

okie.. think i better stop ranting.. still got lotsa things awaiting for me to do.. arrgh-- Hope my event will be a success and everything ahead juz hope is going well for me this year...
Ppl please realli consider joining my Mass Kick-boxing event.. realli despo for ppl haha.. for mre details pls refer to friendster bulletin... for NP student, juz refer to the poster ard the skool!!! Thanxxxxx