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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Saturday, December 31, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 15:17

Yea.. am not studying again.. i noe i'm suppose to, but u noe.. today is like new year eve.. suppose to like go celebrate and countdown or sth.. but here i'm trying to study.. but guess my heart is already with the people out there in town having FUN ha..Arrgh.. i wanna concentrate, lord give me the power!!!

Again.. i wanna thanx to all the people out there who wishes me Happy Birthday thru smses, cards, msn voice clips and testi.. realli appreciate it very very much..Thanxxxxx

Alrt.. few more hours to go b4 2005 come to an end... Guess some of u guys have already come out with a list of 2006 resolution haha.. For me i duno.. this year and semester to me was realli a sucky one.. Beside all the play and cca time.. guess i did not realli enjoy a single bit.. so many things so little time.. can realli die of stress and depression.. Alrt.. juz blame myself having no discipline and good time management.. So perhaps my 2006 resolution would be.. Hope i can be a more discipline person as well as able to plan my time well for both study and play..

Guess this year, i realli spend a lot of my time playing and playing but not studying.. I'm kinda tied down by my SONY TV set as well as VCDS and DVDS from POKKIM, TS, VIDEOEZY.. watever u mention.. N yea cant forget my Acer desktop.. all these are realli ruining my study life.. Help!! Alrt.. cant complaint.. without anyone of them, dun think i can even live...*CONTRADICTORY Hmmm guess i oso like to waste my time blogging, chatting on msn as well as day-dreaming and sleeping... And.. i always wish i can juz one day disappear to some other planet where i dun need to study but can do all my adventure stuff.. For this i better add another item to my 2006 resolution list.. is tat to be more mature ba haha.. many ppl are coming to me saying i too childish haha.. last but not least i've not given up the hope of growing TALLER and FITTER.. so yea.. Lord pls watch out for me, let me grow grow grow TALLER AND BECOME FITTER hee.. Food industry and Pharmacy.. here's u chance to invent the sure grow tall product for me.. Scientists out there too.. dun slack.. pls help those short people out there like me to grow tall.. if u need human test.. i'm most willing to go for it haha.. but the deal is.. i muz grow tall.. and i shall become shorter okie haha

Anyhow.. my 2006 resolution is definitely to be a better and useful person.. i think i'm realli a jerk.. juz a little better den useless, juz aint get things going on the right track.. i realli need to work hard.. N i definitely need to learn to grumble less and do what i'm suppose to do.. Juz wish 2006 is a happy and fruitful year for my frens and i as well as my family... Hmmm guess tats realli all i'm asking for... Success to watever i do too.. hope things goes the way i want it....

Going to try to STAR-DEE!!!

I seriously need to exercise!! Long time since i went muay thai and PT.. Feeling tat i'm gonna die of high cholesterol level or heart attack or stroke any min-- damn

Someday somehow, i hope that u'll feel the same way as i do...


Thursday, December 29, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 23:27

Yea.. today was a realli fun day for me.. thanx to all my classmates... esp to Shuwen,Shilin, Vanessa, Maggie, Mingli, Jiaying, Yixuan, Tony, John, Irene and her boyfriend ha.. Thanx for taking ya time to prepare this surprise for me as well as spending all ya hard-earn money or pocket money on me.. i realli feel very embarrassed but thanx for all of your effort.. Thanx John for treating me for this one.. but tat's the way man should behave rite lolx...

Anyhow.. I realli enjoyed the cake and SINs chocolate... Thanx Once again!!!!
Love all of U!!!!*muacks and huggies

Thanx all who wishes me.. i realli appreciate all your greetings!!!

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world Only for you
All the impossible I wanna do
I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth
And baby, Everytime you touch me I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything's easy now
I have you here
And baby Everytime you touch me I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me
In a world without you I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

Anw.. i have finally gotten my orange G8000 G-shock watch yipeeee--
[Currently listening to this song--> Ramily is good... good malaysian food haha]

Monday, December 26, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 18:45

Your color is red, the color of racy sportscars, blushing cheeks, and luscious roses. Red symbolizes passion, romance, and love. So, since you're ruled by red, you probably trust your feelings more than your brain and tend to act spontaneously. If you see something you want, you go for it without thinking twice — impulsive is your middle name. You don't wait around for people to make decisions, either; you dive right in. Quite the romantic, you pay close attention to your emotions. In fact, if your heart isn't in what you're doing, you won't be satisfied. Of course, even when you do pour all your energy into the projects you tackle, your impetuous nature means your passions can shift as frequently as the wind. That's why some reds have trouble with commitment. Our advice? Next time you're feeling fickle, think before you act, if possible. You might be surprised at the results. Overall, though, it's great to be red. No one lives life more completely than you do.

Sunday, December 25, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 15:44

Oh yea.. is me again.. i realli need some serious discipline here...

I'm seriously getting out of hand.. I'm lazy to study my lecture notes when is like the tests is in few days and weeks time.. and i'm not exercising and going for my muay thai... arrrgh-- i'm seriously shaking now.. but wat am i doing.. still in my christmas mood, watching mtvs!!! and eating like nobody business...Arrghhhh!!!wats bloody wrong with me!!! I realli need some pills or ice cold bath or watever shit tat juz get me waken so i can realli pull up my socks and study real hard for watever is coming.. damn...oh as well as get myself back to my fit image again.. i feel feel the lump of meat under my skin growing--*sux

Dear Lord... i seriously cant concentrate.. i duno why.. realli trying my best to sit still n study and absorb watever i need to.. but i juz dun see it working.. juz so many things going around me and distracting my focus.. i realli miss those days where i'm still hardworking.. now.. i realli feel like giving up everything.. juz feels like i cant do well in anything and everything..dun wanna keep trying anymore.. i duno.. i'm juz realli tired.. I know all my frens around me shld be mugging real hard now, grabbing all the time and chance they have to study and study!!!while i'm stil online blogging and whinning and watching MTVs award... Pls save me lord or anyone.. i realli need to get my brain filled with info i need to sit for all the upcoming papers... How i wish diffusion do happens btw lecture notes and your skull+brain..

I'm stress and i understand all the consequences of not studying.. but lord.. why i cant see the drive in me to work harder...

I'm so SCREWED!!!

Still in Holiday mood!!!!


I never want to play this love game that people play
I never want to fall for you like people do
But somehow i cant run away, from the fact that i see everything in u..
I know you'll never feel the same way as i do, never ever i know...
But what can i do, as i cant lie to myself that i don't love you..

If it's wrong to tell the truth
What am i suppose to do
When all I want to do is to speak my mind
N be there for you by your side

I know i'm guilty in loving you or even feel the way tat i do
Damn.. it juz all went so wrong...
I hate myself!!!!


Sunday, December 18, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 00:21

When u get too bored, try typing this way: Olny srmat poelpe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd
waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan
mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it denos't mtater in waht oredr the
ltetres in a wrod are, the olny iprnoatmt tihng is
taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling
was ipmorantt!

Brazil!!! Preparation of 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP!!!

My new baggy!!! Pls comment only if u think is nice haha.. Keep the rest to yourself if u think is ugly, thanx you for the cooperation


Always never have a chance to watch it.. hope this mon or tues meet up, i'll be able to watch it!!! Let me watch it plssssss
Aeon Flux

Mayb i'm realli a jinx, always nv get to catch good movies--sigh.. Let me watch pls!!!


My Collectable item!!! 1 in a MILLION

Squashed!!! Stacks!!! TEAMWORK!!!

The way i see me and u

Exam stress!!!Arrgh

Been hanging out a lot lately.. guess my parents aint realli happy abt tat, though they didnt mention it.. guess they''ll given me up.. tats a good thing for me..coz i'll have freedom to do watever i want.. but suddenly i feel do they still love me.. coz everything i do, they juz seems to show no concern.. mayb they think that i'm mature and sensible enough to make my own decision and look out for my own safety.. Yup.. to be truth, i aint tat small little child tat they used to need to hold my hand to cross the road or even the bridge.. Now i can do it all on my own, i have grow up-- Weeks i'll be a year older than wat i'm now.. but how i wish i can stay like a child forever.. So i wont be bother with things tat i should not have been thinking... Why there's juz such trouble ppl like me in this world tat like to sit around and think of unneccessary stuff which sometimes, u cant even get an answer out of it.. Guess, i'm juz a super dumb ass or i juz have too much time to the day i die.

Listening and reading of the stories tat ppl have in their life, be it courtship, Friendship or parentalship, i feel tat i aint good in sustaining any of those relationships. Since x'mas is coming soon and 2005 is ending soon, i would realli like to take this chance to thank all my friends out there.. be it an acquaintances or someone whom i've not contact in 10 years.. juz rmb, you guys are the best ppl i've get to know in this world... thanx for all the love that u guys have showered upon me thru all these years.. I realli appreciate all tat u guys have shared with me... No matter bitter, sweet or sour, the memories will always stay in my heart and mind...

To my best pal shurong.. you're always there to hear me out.. my best-ta shopping mate cum fashion consultant, being with you, i'm always able to pour my heart out and chat like there's no tmr, talking about everything under the sun and the moon haha.. Time juz kind of stay still and things juz kinda moving so slowly when i'm hanging out with u alrt haha.. But pls dun think otherwise ppl.. She's realli a very good and best fren tat i ever had and one tat i can share my thoughts without thinking twice.. thanx pal.. for always being there and cheering me on too!!! Realli appreciate it..=)

Alright-ty..The 2 Sokssss... thanx for everything too.. u gers have always been a great listener and Sok Yin especially, my fashion consultant as well as outdoor camping mate, thanx for always being such a ONS buddy and great company!!! Yup, Sokkim.. i realli miss those days where we juz pollute the bus with our loud voices and saliva haha... U're the best gossip partner tat i ever had!!!

Anna... thanx for being the teacher of my life as well as my best arguing partner.. without u.. my eng wouldnt have improve so is my debating skills and singing skills haha...N thanx.. u made me love maths...Oh.. N thanx for feeding me with nice food all around Singapore-- I'm realli fat now haha Cheow... Long time since we have played realli crazily like we used to in Secondary.. realli reminscent those good old naughty days.. Guess perhaps we juz get too sick n tired of each other after 5 yrs of habitation with each other haha.. But thanx for always being there to entertain me during Sec Skool.. u're always my best play mate haha.. though u seldom play with me now.. u're still a goody fren of my alrt!!

My Poly mates, CCA frens as well as course mates.. thanx for everything also.. after spending like 1 yr and like half a month with u guys, i realli cant imagine me without u guys.. guess i'll juz die-- *seriously speaking. U guys have been great teachers, great listeners, great helpers. great friends and great playmates to me!!! I realli cant survive without any of u..i swear!!! and my poly life wouldn't be tat enriching and fun!!! U guys realli made me love going to skool more!!!

Of coz i aint perfect, i sure did stuff tat upset or even flare anyone of guys here.. u can choose to love or hate me.. but very first.. i would like to thanx everyone for accepting me for who i am and what i am.. thanx for making friends with me, me(a person whom i thought everybody in this world will detest) coz i feel tat i'm like the ugliest toad on earth and the world shortest drawf. Thanx for accepting my imperfection and nonsense. I know there's a thin line btw having fun and being irritating.. N i believe, i'm being irritating most of the time den being fun.. haha therefore, i seriously salute and thanx u ppl for being able to accept this kinda demented freak.

Alrt.. is all back to my thoughts again..my crazy thoughts.. Love.. a verb how do u define it.. dictionary defines it as feel tender affection for somebody maybe friend or something such as a place, an ideal, or an animal, feel desire for somebody,show kindness to somebody. Somehow, from the lost touch of love for a very very long time, i've somehow forgotten how i shld love a person. Guess sometimes, i juz took things and people for granted. N i seriously wanna warn myself and anyone out there about wat i'm realli feeling inside.. coz i dun wanna fall so deep tat i found myself trapped and die.

Since i'm raise from a girl skool, some things to me may seems right to do. N i swear, i'm kinda easily tripping into ppl's well and falling into spells of another.. So pls dun treat me well if u dun love me... only treat me well if u think i ever stand a chance. I know things tat i do may seems so wrong and so gross but in my perspective of life i may feel tat it was right..sorry.. tats juz me!!!! so if u cant ever stand me anymore, den leave me alone or tell me off, so i noe i wont ever get involve with u.. i'll runaway--

I seriously afraid tat i'll hit the jackpot twice and fall for someone whom i shld not have. Like in books and song lyrics, love is juz something so complicating and sometimes or should i say, most of the time we fall for ppl we should not have, n in the end, get ourselves entangled in strings or ropes tat we cant get ourselves removed or released.

Somehow, i cannot realli differentiate is this a crush, is this love or is this still a friendship... I know tat no matter how hard i try, u'll nv consider being with me.. Facing the reality, the frens, the ppl whom we know will nv allow or accept the fact tat we're together or even we can be together...there'll juz be millions of eyes out there looking at us... I'm not a afraid but i guess, you will... coz it will affect how ppl look at u perhaps... N yes.. i gotto tell myself b4 falling too deep.. u'll and u shall nv be the one for me!!! we're always best friends.

Being single you may enjoy freedom and less commitment. But having a partner wouldnt u enjoy double the joy, double the fun and double of everything-- Realli, how i wish i can have u with me...But back to the question again.. i'll nv be the standard tat u're looking for..i've already loss out for being who i am i guess.. i sux-- Out there u've the whole universe or even the whole galaxy for u to choose from.. but i'm just playing the role of a lone star or a planet out in tat universe and galaxy waiting for u to choose. damn.. if only i'm not fated to meet u.. Screwed like None other!!!

I watched the proverbial sunrise
coming up over the Pacific
and you might think I'm losing my mind,
but I will shy away from the specifics...
'cause I don't want you to know where I am
'cause then you'll see my heart in the saddest state it's ever been.
This is no place to try and live my life.

See that line. Well I never should have crossed it. But somehow i cant help it.
I've gotto Stop right here. That's exactly where I'm gonna lost myself, esp my thoughts.
Again i've to remind myself to Stop right here. Well I never should have feel the way that i should have feel for you, how I wish that I could turn back.

I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.I'm ready to try and never become that way again
'cause who I am gonna hates is who I've gonna be

Wednesday, December 14, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 19:36

Yes yes.. been away or MIA for a rather long time... Thanx to all lecturers again for working so hard in preparing us for the upcoming CTs..To speak the truth u guys got me killed alrt.. So many tests and events going on, nearly died last week.. But am relieve now, as most of the things have been all done and get over with. Phew~~

Today ACMB quiz got me shot and killed.. seriously duno how to do.. try finishing 12 chapters in 10hrs...even 24 hrs isnt enuff to cover everything-- sigh..So i went in with half of my brain working and filling with information while the other half or shld i say a quarter of my brain already malfunctioning from deprived of sleep. Only sleep for like few hrs everyday.. can die from lack of sleep.. Mayb still recuperating from the yellow ribbon project...Realli feeling super weak at this point of time.. skipped muay thai and pts... realli need to train up again to catch up watever i have lost.. Somehow, i juz feel tat i'm a loser in everything i do.. arrrghhhh Anw, i shld oso comment tat CCTA quiz aint easy at all.. nearly squeeze all my brain juice out to answer all the 20 short answer question.. thanx to Dr Kueh for being so smart, setting 6 diff sets of papers for each and every class, so none of us able to get tips from the other class... Juz hope tat i can seriously pass... N i mean what i say, i seriously need to pass.. realli cant afford to re-take any modules this sem... This sem is realli a HELL!!! Cant imagine if i have to get thru all these darn shit all over again.. if so, i rather die-- Someone pls kindly save me... where's superman???

To dora, you juz have to dress sexy during the interview.. er shld i say, u juz gotto switch ya eye-ing electric current to full voltage haha.. guess thats enuff t get u thru the interview.. coz by that time, the boss or manager or interview already go ga-ga under ya skirtty-- Alrt.. enuff of my nonsense.. Anw, wish u and Irene luck alrt.. Dun worry, i pin high hopes on you, you surely wont be rejected by the company, which company will want to lose such a capable and pretty girl like u haha N i mean it alrt.. capable and discipline!!! Anyway, with the big lung tat u have i bet u can help them so much in their research, in finding new fragrance or even running marathon for them. Good luck yea!!! U can make it thru=) N yesssss i wanna watch KING KONG, do jio me out soon haha

Eh, thanx for tat comment too dora... I wan presents.. but not all is expensive lah.. I onli call u guys to get me a jungle hat for my birthday leh.. very cheat onli-- though i seriously eye-ing for lotsa goodies like this one--> PSP SONY (market price: S$405)
Aint it look cool!!!Guess i onli can owe the phamplet or the picture of it.. sigh-- and i seriously need a nice and good watch like this--> G8000-4v selling at S$128 at all city chain outlet

Is Orange!!!!i want i want i want!!!
Shock Resistant 200M Water Resistant Auto EL Backlight with Afterglow World time (48 Cities) 2 Multi-function Alarms / 1 Snooze Alarm Countdown Timer 1/100 Second Stopwatch Hourly Time Signal Auto Calendar 12/24 Hour Formats Battery CR2016

Anw, my wish for the upcoming new year 2006 is juz a simple one.. i juz wish to stay fit and strong(so my bad health wouldn't affects the way i live my life) and able to pass my modules tats all.. No C grade pls.. I seriously need to work hard.. so i wish that i can focus and concentrate on all the work and activities that i've engage in and do my best. Last but not least, have a happy family and happy circles of friends... N i need money haha!!!

Here's the Ann Nite Photos..Retro retro!!! Everyone looks great i muz say!!! I wan more photod though, haven finish my collection yea! Whos holding the cd, pls kindly circulate it ard and pass it to me!!! Anw, good job all Ann Nite peepssss!!!
The girls and the hair, the spects, the hat and eh, one odd guy

We look better this way haha

Alrt.. the kuku/ah pek spects again tog with Charcoal Mina Lian and Weiyi da Green day Rocker

Doreen and me!!!



30th Councils ROXXXX

Mr Jalal and Us!!!

Thanx for coming Mr Jalal=)
My brother?? or the future me??

As cool as a cucumber!

We rox the NIGHT!!!

Sunday, December 04, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 15:40

December my favourite month but kinda a sad month tooo... Christmas seems like another Valentine day...As christmas approaching, couples are seen all out to shop for presents for each other or family and friends arranging for gathering and parties, churches busy in their decoration and church programme and it juz seems like i'm left all alone in da street with stray cats and dogs. How i wish i live with SANTA and all the elfs, at least i can help them in preparing presents for the different kids around the world and exploring the different chimneys worldwide. But i guess if i ever owe Santa mayb tat would be better, coz i'll get wat i want? But guess Santa will be overly drained out and broke after tat, coz i have too much of wishes. Or mayb i shall owe Aladine and the magic carpet, so when christmas come, i can use the magic carpet and get to North pole and look for Santa so i wont be that lonely here ha.

Time juz flies, now is already 2005 going to 2006, as i grow older my christmas list also grows longer. So wat does it means, i think it juz simply means that, as people get older, people gets greedier. It may not apply to everyone, but i guess that applys to me.. i realli becoming greedier and trying to achieve things tat are almost ridiculously unachievable. Alrt smack me if u wan, say i'm crazy if u think u realli need to, but pls dun dial the mental hospital no. alrt.. i'm still in a normal state of mind.. i juz like to dream tats all, i juz want to escape from the reality..

my crazy christmas list!!!
Yes, i want HER for christmas haha juz for one day (24hrs) not a very greedy request rite..okok.. is realli ridiculous, i can hear u guys saying tat, but i juz want her la, hee..
Yes yes.. my sexy VESPA... i really wanna owe it badly.. alrt, guess the better x'mas from Santa this year is a DRIVING LICENSE haha.. a more practical request!
I'm not greedy, i'm juz asking for only one piece tats all..though i realli wish u can might as well give me ten stacks of it!!!haha
Be on da MOON!!! Mayb i'll find my love there...
Have a white christmas at Mt Everest!!!
Spending my x'mas underwater.. wouldn't it be cool.. mayb i'll get to knock on Little Mermaid door or drop by the pineapple house of Sponge box square pants haha.. Mayb i'll end up having a big x'mas party/celebration with them too...

Die for a day and have a chance to visit both heaven and hell? Juz like Constantine...
Though i seriously have lots more to share..but i guess it will take til my nxt life to complete writing all out.. here's my last wish den..nonetheless-->WORLD PEACE..

serious, dun wish to read and see innocent life being taken, though all my life i always hoping that there'll somehow come a world war 3 and i can be the hero in saving the world, but tats was a child dream, so keep the peace going--

The song for X'mas...my only wish!!!
Last night I took a walk in the street,
Couples holdin hands, places to go,
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Santa can you hear me?
I signed my letter that I sealed with kiss,
I sent it off, it just said this:I know exactly what I want this year
Santa can you hear me?
I want my baby, baby I want someone to love me, someone to hold,
baby baby, will you be all my own in a big red bow
Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing, Tell me my true love is here
You know i need my baby so, just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

Christmas coming, I just can't sleep
Would I be wrong for takin a peek
Cuz I heard that you're comin to town
Santa can you hear me? I really hope that you're on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Oh please make my wish come true,Santa can you hear me?
I juz want my baby to be by my side and we all alone under the mistletoe
Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year,
All I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
My baby is all I want, just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

I hope my letter reaches you in time, Bring me love I can call all mine
Cuz I have been so good so good this year,
Can't be alone under the mistletoe,
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
just underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here, Santa that's my only wish this year
Oh santa, can you hear me...?
I'll be waiting here...

Saturday, December 03, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 00:06

Ritty.. today seems a rather bad day for me.. as i receive a real bad news.. a news where my partner(Maggie) and I till now, still dun wish to accept it... Pleiocarpa mutica<-- Does it ever rings a bell to u... or simply, have u ever seen this words/name b4... If u noe wat it seriously is, do join us in our 3rd year final year project alrt... Yup, Maggie and I gotten this topic-->Tissue culture of Pleiocarpa mutica for our third year FYP.. is a in-house project.. sigh.. means we are gonna be on our separate ways during attachement sem...

The lecturers tat allocated us to our respective project title juz act almost as if they'll our parents... like a parent tat make decisions for a child, thinking and feeling that, they noe wat is best out there for us...but in return, it all turn out to be the other way round, broken family starts to surface, children starts to argue or even leave the house just because they feel tat, their parents are a total control freaks not giving them a chance to voice and freedom to choose wat they want to do. This juz like wat i'm feeling rite now.. a runaway child, a child tat dun like the project title assign to her. Coz she feels that, the lecturers are blinded by the best interests of another child, hence causes this whole random choosing system to break down!!!!=(=(=(

Yes.. am seriously disappointed... juz feel realli unfair, why the other children can get their choices and me..i gotten nth from all the FYP choices tat we placed and ranked.It realli SUXXX.. all we gotten ourselves into is tissue culturing of Pleiocarpa mutica project... Juz for more of ya info.. the picture below is wat my partner and i is gonna be working with and culturing it for our FYP...

How i wish, i could have juz applied for OIAP(overseas attachement) instead... i feel tat mayb i wont get projects like this.. culturing plants again... Not tat i dun like plant tissue culture.. is juz tat, i wanna try something new alrt, like working with cancer cells, coming out with new drugs on cancer cells.. I realli wonder wat i can do to this plant so i can become a million, billion or even a zillionaire!!! Thinking of the message tat a ngee ann grad life science student has send to Mr Chang(my instru lecturer), i realli feel a little regret for not going/applying for OIAP... Seriously, after knowing and still trying to accept my project title, i realli wish i have other better choices left out there for me than plant tissue culture... How i wish to board a bus tat cost as if it was like a PhD is driving it and how i wish i have a chance to research and read on textbooks tat cost almost like is printed in 24KGold... Life's juz so unpredictable.. i always tot i lead a rather lucky life, but after this very incident, it totally change all my belief...

I realli gotto work hard from now, coz i juz cant forsee myself not being able to do well in exam and pass all my modules by just depending on pure luck.. which most of the time i always do..sigh..

Christmas is coming, so are the common tests and exam... i realli wonder how am i gonna celebrate my birthday in such conditions-- study is making me sick,but still i gotto study... somehow i feel that, i cant realli decide how i live my life but all i can do is to get into the correct frequency of wats coming on in my life-- crap...

One of a kind LOO

Alrt, VCDs TIME.. am not gonna ponder over the project title anymore.. Need a break, dun wish to have more wisdom hair growing haha

Thursday, December 01, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 11:55

1966 Lambretta SX200
The Dream of My Life!!!
My other alternative Lovers!!!

1963 VBB Italian Vespa

Just Vespa
I'm loving it!!

Vespa Piaggo
Nice colour combi, metallic green--

My all time FAVOURITE!!!

Mini Sliver Rally Vespa
Just so classy!!!

Lambretta 1956

Niceeee, unique...


Suits me well haha

My life will only gonna be exciting if i have Uuuuuuu....