Alrt.. here are the updates this week. Thurs have the bloody IS lesson again.. i'm not enjoying it though.. but lucky tat day was Shuwen's birthday so was kinda fun sabo-ing her.. too bad, none of us have a digi cam to video down all the fun shots.. Anw, finally got my IS project stuff settled and approved.. thank god... So now, my group will be engaging in doing either a Mass Yoga or Mass kickboxing event.. so ppl.. do support me alrt.. i realli need the quanitity!!! N-da, Thurs, i skip my muay thai again... so is like, this entire week, i onli went for training once, which was yst haha.. alrt.. am a bad student i supposed.. but i'm realli serious in keeping fit and strong alrt.. okok, i've to make this clear.. i keep muay thai not becoz of play this time alrt.. is for studying.. u noe.. every week i got lab quizzes... somemore is two times in a row.. damn stress alrt.. but lucky to have pals spreading all over the diff classes providing ans and clues to us hee.. thanx yea!!! Studying of quizzes definitely made easy by u guys--*winks
Fri was the day of water confidence for TASIC 17 members.. sorry councils tat i did not went down to help.. i went celebrating my frens b'day haha.. sorry-- Yup.. went celebrating Shuwen's and Vanessa's birthday.. went tiong bahru there to shop and eat.. have a fun time yea.. i'm gonna go back there and get my deathnote notebook no matter wat.. N maggie's is gonna get her ass back for her 11.90 RAIN album haha..hmmm, think tats all for friday--

Sorry Van for the small hearty cake.. but hope u like it hee hee

From US to Van.. Sweetest gift from our heartty!!

The TWO Nov Babies-- Wenwen and Van van
and the arm of shilin ahah

Cheers!!! A lot like Beer haha

The hungry ghost and her food *bleah

The Happy 5 Friends...

Tempura!!! Yummy Yummy

Unfinished BBQ Sotong

Shilin with the last piece of squid leggie haha
LOOK, how content she is!!!

My t-shirt design... nice.. concept taken from LIME mag and Life Made simple hee
Sat.. went out with Dora Tay Big Lung, Serene the Auntie, Meisee, Sisi, Coco the burp-queen, Maxine the curry pok and Doreen the super suay lady ha Went Bugis to jalan jalan.. jalan for retro shoes and clothes for Ann nite.. Is not for me.. but for the 5 ladies i've mention earlier.. of coz as usual, i'll bio for clothes for myself.. budden, have no money for me to spend now.. broke, seriously broke-- N worst still, my dad got my POSB card detain again... shit!!! N-da, Sat suppose to meet with Rong, but in the end i went muay thai instead.. on my way there, i realli have the feeling of skipping alrt.. coz i feel realli lethargic.. but in the end still get my ass down yea.. run the slope 3 times.. cant believe i made it.. but i was realli tired out after tat haha.. but cool.. always after muay thai training i feel i shed like a hundred pounds... yup, i may sounds Exaggerated but tats the way i feel yea haha.. Hmmm but in reality, i dun think i can shed tat much of fats.. i juz wish i can slim down a little more and get my pacs yea!!! Anw.. sat training was pretty good.. get to train with shifu two times.. though tiring, but he makes me push to my limit n limit n limit-- thanx shifu for all ur praises, i realli hope i can maintain the best tat i can.. coz i realli hope i can get up onto the ring and compete someday somehow--*dream
N, i realli gotto apologise to all cycling instructors for not able to go down and help, as i've impt things at home.. realli sorry yea.. sorry jel too for flying u aeroplane today.. but guess, u muz have a fun shopping day with weiyi today!!!
Alrt.. now is realli down to my complaining and whining part.. *readers, ignore this section if u dun like any HK news and stuff alrt.. Is nth abt my personal life, is juz my personal comment on some not life related issues.
Ok.. here i'm go... Yst was TVB 38 Ann Nite .. wanting to go someone house whom has SCV cable to watch it.. but no one actually offer me their houses haha.. Nvm.. But thank god, u guys nv offer me your houses, coz i think at the end of the session, instead of hugging u guys and say a big thank you, i think u guys gonna kill me and throw me out of the window first.. Coz Yst 38 Ann nite, Jess didnt win a thing alrt.. Damn TVB.. cancel off the top ten award for my fav tv character.. realli duno wats the management are thinking.. Anw, not onli jessica gets nth, famous and popular actresses n actors like Moses, Gigi, Kenix all went home empty handed alrt.. Damn.. N sad part is, Jessica was like so pretty yst nite, but didnt get to see her much on screen!!! Arrghh.. wats wrong with the camera-men.. all sleeping izzt!!!This year, since Jessica is busy with her filming in Kuming, so nv participate in any performance.. so is was like, making it even harder to see her on screen.. super disappointed alrt.. Anw, i believe for all the other actresses and actors, it somehow the same.. Sigh, but i realli pin high hopes on jessica this year.. thought her series of Life made simple can win the best script or sth.. but all won off by The War-in-Law.. I muz admit the series is oso nice.. budden i'm a Jess fan, u juz cant make me support a series tat there's no Jessica telecasting... Anw, the final word to describe is still disappointing... Though Jess got into top five for fav best actress, she still didnt win the title.. dammit... Nxt time gonna vote harder for her!!! Lisa Wang juz got too much fans out there... But thank god, Roger kwok won the fav best actor title.. i think he realli deserve it.. he realli act the role of ah wang damn well!!!Oh yea.. N good tat Tang ying ying won the best supporting title too.. good job yea!!Now I Juz hope tat someone can quickly upload the tvb 38 ann nite clips... i wan to watch it, though it tears my heart out ha--

Yoyo and Jess.. dun u think she looks pretty (If u think she dun then nvm)

Yess tats her again haha , i seriously like her in this gown more than the silver one hee
I realli wish to hugg her for nuts... going ga-ga soon

oKok, last one!!! The LMS telecast stars! I wan to stand beside her la!=x
Jodi Picoult... does it rings a bell.. juz bought her book--> my sister's keeper last Sat... first few pages of it can already make me so Obsessed over it.. realli cant stop reading alrt.. Nice nice.. highly recommend it yea.. Anw.. this book realli make me ponder, wats the main reason that i am born and brought into this world...In her book, she mentions tat, most people have children by accident, or because they drink too much on a certain night or because birth control was not hundred percent. So i seriously wondering, am i a result of a cheap bottle of wine or a full moon or the heat of moment. I know the scientific reason of how i was born, is becoz of my father's sperm able to meet up with my mother's egg and fuse and multiply creating a specific combination of precious genetic material in the way of meiosis division. But seriously, am i brought to this world for a reason... I hope, i'm not brought to this world to be a child-labour nor slaves, nor do i want to be in this world having my mama nagging,whinning and buzzing around me like an irrtating housefly or like a spoilt radio... sorry mama.. but u seriously annoying me most of the time.. I know u love me, i love u too.. but sometimes, u noe.. i rather be alone.. But somehow, i still gotto thank my parents for having me born intact, well and healthy... i cant imagine myself short of one arm, one leg, one finger, one eyes, blind, deaf or having immunodefiency diseases or pigmented diseases or skin diseases-- Anyhow.. though i cant predict how my life is gonna be in the future.. but thanx anyway for bringing me here to this world, that i get to learn to fall, to climb, to listen, to see, to eat, to cry, to get to noe all sorts of people...Though i seriously, hope i was born an extreme sportsman or a smart good looking dude.. Guess the overall conclusion is that, no matter wat reason i'm born for, i thank you for loving me till as long as u can love me and take care of me.. thanx mama and papa!!!
I love my sister.. thanx for deco-ing my friendster for me!!!