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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Thursday, April 28, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 09:50

haha.. yst went for sports climbing again... the usual company.. Jieling(Boss), Dora and GuoZhen as well as our double boss of the day = ELF... Did route climbing again.. as usual, i cant complete my route.. realli super weak.. but at last last last, with Jieling and Guozhen help i finally complete route 2 b4 i left.. but with a little cheating haha.. muz try harder with my nxt time visit.. Yst, the authority oso very nice.. only charge us for entrance fee and free equipment.. ha realli thanx him.. hope he's there again on my second visit...

Well beside sports climbing as usual we'll sit ard tok craps and stuff.. but wats more interesting abt yst sports climbing was tat, we not only acquire new skills of sports climbing, but oso self defence skills and some campfire dance and songs lolx... realli a grt day man.. have lotsa fun with all the peeps present... oh yea.. we oso learn to do some stunts yea haha.. but till now, i still cant flip and flap like Elf, Dora and Guozhen...*yell: How u guys do that!!! Nxt time muz teach me again!!!lolx... Guess we not onli spend the money to climb.. but oso spend the money to abuse their Mattresses there haha.. duno how the pro climbers there will think of us... think they'll tink that we're totally out of our mind haha...

Guess nxt time round there, Jieling wouldnt dare to buy filet bread or even waffer.. coz Dora and I will squash it all up for her haha.. Jel: enjoy ur meal haha... Alrt..two days away from CTC.. have realli a grt fear towards ctc.. sigh.. Yea, today went for the interview cum briefing for the CRC stuff... alrt, successfully got it.. finally.. get a chance to go OBS!!! WOO-HOO... will be a thrilling experience for me...7 days!!! but stress yea.. coz, cant afford to fail the test.. if i failed, gotto pay the full amt!!! which is seven hundred over bucks!! So pals.. do wish me luck alrt.. hee juz hope everything go smoothly for me.. May god bless me!!! Realli lotsa event coming my way.. duno did i made a right decision for signing up for so much stuff.. guess, juz have to take one step at a time... juz take watever, that is coming my way!!! no fear!!!

Alrt, am doing self-consolation again... but it does boost ur spirit to handle things better yea lolx..anw.. am in super good spirit today, coz got my FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST OFFICIAL FAN BOOKLET Vol. 1 as well as BOOK 5 of it!!!Yippeeee... Looking forward for all the upcoming series... but if deathnote can be put soon, i would be even happier.. so hurry up chuan yi comic.. faster get the copy and print!!! I want deathnote book 6!!! I oso ate the CURRY CRUCHY MEAL of KFC today haha.. finally..but think, gotto realli run a few runs after that.. all the fats and oils i gain.. wah.. words cant describe...

Think thats all for this moment.. gotto rush for my dinner.. wanna catch my LAO PO ZAI!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 11:47

M E A N I N G O F F A M I L Y >> >>I ran into a stranger as he passed by, "Oh excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said good-bye. But at home a different story is told,How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My son stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked him down. "Move out of the way," I said with a frown. He walked away, his little heart broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken. While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said, "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the family you love, you seem to abuse. Go and look on the kitchen floor, You'll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue. He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes." By this time, I felt very small, And now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt by his bed;"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said. "Are these the flowers you picked for me?" He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree. I picked 'em because they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue." I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;I shouldn't have yelled at you that way." He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway." I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."FAMILY >>Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss >>for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more >>into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? So what is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means? FAMILY = (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU

Sunday, April 24, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 14:00

Just Me, Myself and I


Stars of the day!!! 21/4/05

Saturday, April 23, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 05:46

Yst, went climbing with Auf and Kevin as well as Jel, Elf and Cheryl.. as usual, the two big guys are late.. n i'm the early.. nxt time shall adjust my watch and clock or sth to fit the timing of them... alrt.. nxt tues.. gonna go down to climb adventure again, and conquer my 2nd route as well as third route... my arms are still aching!! damn.. realli gotto follow the routine of Jel.. to bring my butt down to climb adventure every week...

As usual.. we took lotsa pictures rather then doing lotsa climbing haha..nxt week gotto chiong le... with more ppl coming oso.. so Dora.. die die oso muz join us nxt tues alrt!!! This Sat oso have programme le haha.. all thanx to Kevin.. the organiser of the trip.. we'll be spending our day at Sentosa!!! Yippeeee... finally can get myself tan again... woo-hooo... Realli gonna play hard..the thoughts of skool starting soon, realli demoralize my spirit...

N yup.. i didnt do as well as i thought i would do for my 2nd Semester... someone pls console me...*crys..I guess the best pill to cure my sadness wld be.. buying me the original Shaman King DVD!!! anyone??? is 227 bucks alrt!!! sigh--Anw,though my mama did not comment on anything.. but i still believe that i've disappoint myself as well as my dad...Guess i'll get another long lecture from my dad.. saying i keep going for camp and not focusing on my studies.. damn.. i duno wat he would say abt me getting involve in the councilship den... juz hope he wont throw me out of the house after seeing my terrible result... i noe, wats done is done.. but now.. juz hope he could just understand me for a little.. *praying hard Though i duno wat can i say to him for my poor result obtain... coz i cant deny, this year final exam papers aint as hard as i thought.. is onli me, myself and i to blame.. i did not study as hard as i should...*scream!!!

I guess i shld pray more.. not always waiting for the critical moment den i think of praying.. i noe that isnt the right way.. not a holy person shld behave yea.. really shld get to the church someday.. long time since i last step into church...realli missing the furniture of Nativity Church... blah.. realli disappointed with myself at this point of time.. moody-less--realli gonna put my socks higher up.. realli gotto strive harder nxt yr.. in order to be like Moses.. go to UK for attachement... I realli hope to have an overseas attachement... but guess is gonna be so hard for me... gotto realli buck up.. in physical, mental, social... more to come my way i guess.... a long battle ahead... Lord pls guide me along the way.. Amen

Thursday, April 21, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 02:06

Thanx god.. i'm still alive.. stil able to walk and jump.. Yst training by Khai.. though is not as bad as Commando training.. but i think is good enough to kill all the fats and ache every part of the muscles in my body... I do expect more for the nxt training haha... but am realli looking forward for it.. i'll be expecting more weirdo work out i guess.. coz yst, learn a new kind of push up known as Scorpion push up.. cool name, aint it... but i think is realli hard to pump in the style of a scorpion.. i guess 10 already can kill, but we've to do thirty.. air cycling aint easy too.. but guess all these work out play an impt role in giving u the packs that u want!!! Anw.. future PTI is gonna be Khairi i muz sae haha.. anw.. good job done yst.. the training at least let me slp better.. coz i feel that i've burn some of my fats in yst training hee...

Oh.. i guess, those who still cant see my posts, muz be realli piss with me and my bloody blog rite .. i apologise haha.. guess my blog realli test a lot of patience out of u guys rite... Congrats Dora for finally finding my taggy haha.. lucky u guys found out late.. or i guess my tagbox will be like Khai's... Tsunami attack...

Yea.. later gonna go for renewal of my passport.. very far.. think i'll juz rot in the bus or building cod-web in the bus on the journey there aha... Hope they can help me take a nice photo for my new passport dun wanna look ugly.. though i noe, i've not been good-looking b4 haha.. alrt, is juz a self-consolation... Anw, the feeling of being praise is still super great alrt haha.. yst after training meet up with Mei See, our VP for some discussion... a lot of secret are being revealed haha n here i thanx u once again for saying i look good in the levis jeans haha... alrt.. shld not be so yaya over it.. alrt..CTC drawing nearer each day!!! Endure man.. hope i can pull thru with all my might.. May the lord be with me and all the 30TH Councils-to-be.

Time to go pom pom and set off for my destination.. anw, tmr meeting up Jel for sports climbing... anyone interested do feel free to join us!!! Time for me to exercise exercise and pump it up!!! Trainnnnnn!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 03:01

Rite... today is the first physical training for me.. since the start of exam till now.. have not been exercising alrt.. yea.. even my mama and family is saying i'm putting on more weight!!! alrt.. today finally train and exercise alrt....

Yea.. am a lazy bum.. who always stay home rot and watch vcds haha...nv exercise!!! thanx to poh kim for having 50% off for all tvb series... and now great!! i'm totally, entirely BROKE!!! sigh.. who wish to donate money to this poor church mouse here... I'LL BE MOST GRATEFUL TO U!!!Yst was suppose to join councils and TAS peeps for Sakae sushi.. no bling bling man.. sorry guys!!! den stay home continue my HK series haha... finally finish watching the 40 episodes of Armed Reaction IV... anw, nth to celebrate abt, now no more vcds to watch again... and my Fullmetal Alchemist still downloading.. damn.. take so freaking long to d/l... damn.. duno how am i going to spend my holidays!!!! No manga, no vcds,no money!!!! Arrgh... poor chap

Anw, Papa finally gave me some allowance.. hope later after training can have a enjoyable feast...Anw, juz hope later i can run..so Khai, pardon me if i'm lagging like shit... realli very long nv nv nv run le... yup.. who to blame but myself!!! always wanted to go for a run or sth.. but in the end i'll be staying home playing games, watching vcds or meeting out with my frens to eat.. sigh.. alrt.. but am enjoying every part of the holi yea.. I LOVE SLACKER LIFE!!! muhahaha but guess, soon is gonna be over.. so gonna cherish every moment i have rite now haha.. but right now, am yielding for more money$$$...lobang lobang anyone?? coz gonna join the adventure rope for some challenging rope course!!!Very ex alrt.. but yea!! finally can go OBS!!! a realli lifetime experience for me.. always wanted to go OBS alrt!! finally have a chance here... thanx Meiling for offering me the opportunity!!! thanx Another good news would be.. my Muay Thai class will start on 3rd May!!! Yippeee.. finally.. cant wait for the class.. at least i noe, if i join the class, i wont be a Growing Human Meat at home haha!!! Anw, gonna be damn busy tis and nxt week i guess.. need to get ready some stuff for my CTC and get renewal of my passport... Oh yea.. and fri meeting Sok to go jurong swimming.. hope i still have the strength to swim.. muz save me if i drown haha...

Oh yea.. all Ngee Ann Bio/BMS students taking 2.1 modules..We do not need to take IS modules... haha yea.. is a super good news to me.. i nv like IS modules, though it may be beneficial in some way or another.. but i still feel more time shld b given to core modules... N yea.. result will be release on 21 april 9 am onwards.. Luck to everyone den!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 08:32

Yox... am back blogging again.. alrt.. think it realli been quite a long long while since i last last blog... Been realli busy the past few weeks, over exam as well as AOS camp.. time is realli tight!!! But now!! wahahaha is all over!! thanx god... But now, gotto realli use all my free time to enjoy and take up wateva course i wanted to pick up lately.. Alrt, u can say me greedy or bo liao but realli wanna obtain star 2 cert for Kayaking, Level 2 sports climbing and realli get involve in Muay Thai(Thai Boxing).. yea.. n i muz sae.. gonna be damn broke soon.. so if anyone who realli like to do some charity, do consider donating some money to me or provide me with sponsership haha..

Alrt.. gonna stop all my craps... i muz sae, have not realli recover from the AOS camp.. still kinda deprive of sleep haha...n suffering sore throat rite now.. arrgh-- croak croak.. more Mosquitoes bites, more pimples to handle as well.. sigh.. pls i beg, any company who can come out with a super duper fast vanish pimples and mosquitoes bites cream!!! I realli dying to owe sth cream like tat alrt.. my entire body is almost ruin, rot and spoilt... but yst, the CSM= Closing Semester Meeting was realli good alrt.. thanx all the councils for putting up a grt show, though initially the games part was a little blurrry.. but overall, the nite was grt!!! I muz realli thanx all the Ex-councils for coming out with soooo many diff new forms of exercise alrt.. but i muz sae, yst, i can realli see the entire tasic16 mates together with all our instructors and councils, pushing hard and doing the exercise to the very best that we can... Am realli proud of each n everyone of u!!! We did it alrt!!!! We cleared every single tasks given to us!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! Oh yeah!! think yst CSM skit that we put up is damn good alrt haha!!! Everyone did a superb job!!! I realli enjoy the ppt alrt... esp the part of OSAMA'S WIFE: i DEMAND 4 MORE OREO!!! HAHA..gonna realli save as The Classic of AOS 2005!!!

Realli feels grt to hear ur name as well as all ur team-mates name, annouce as the 30th council-to-be of TAS.. thanx to the councils for believing in us, as well as giving me a second chance for the interview.. Thanx to all the tasic16 mates to make the night and the 6 months of slack and tedious training so wonderful!!! U guys realli rox my life !!! Realli cherish the times we shared in every single way... I seriously wanna apologise for all the farking attitude i gave.. thanx guys for not giving up on me yea... thanx Jieling and Dora and others for pushing me all the way during the AOS camp!! I think w/o u guys, i'm already quit...

Anw, the AOS camp was realli the worst camp that i've ever ever ever encouter and organised in my entire life!!! Thanx to all the councils yea... though all of ur names are realli funny and cute.. but u guys realli gave us more than enough trouble and headache!!! But haha.. thanx for being lenient yea..at least u guys still give us face haha.. thanx Mei See, Si si and Serene, helping us along.. But i muz still sae, u guys realli pro alrt.. can behave till like tat.. realli worst than secondary skool peeps or even pri.. i realli take my hats of u guys man... but the AOS was realli an experience alrt.. all the ups and downs encountered in the camp, realli makes me grow along the way... it let me learn a lot of being a better and stronger leader. Yup.. i think i realli owe a lot of ppl an apology yea.. esp the "PARTICIPANTS" haha.. sorry for the dark face and damn attitude i gave as well as the disrespect and violent act haha... but at that point of time, realli cant help it alrt.. hope u guys can understand.. u all realli driving me crazy... n i'm that kind of peep that flare up easily haha.. so watch it there yea hee

But the camp have lotsa thrilling and fun experience too, beside all the anger, piss-ism... thanx to Aishah,Jieling(Pontianak), Dora(Aishah sleeping in the tent), Khairi, GuoZhen(Sandflies cum i'm coming cum Mei see... my leg pain) .. man.. it was realli funny alrt!!! Can even laugh in my dream haha The after camp Corn flour party (celebration for Serene's b'day) as well as the dinner at KAP was grt yea.. laughing and tearing all the way... was realli nice to have a grt evening b4 heading home to rest... but sad that chee lup, zane, chen wah and sze wei nv manage to join us.. or we'll be tasic 16 full force!!!

Soon... will be the council camp... realli wonder where will be the location!!! But after the camp, all of us are then ready to be pronounce the true and real 30th council of TAS... so ALL THE WAY yea everyone!!! we muz all do it!!! JIA U!!! ENDURE!!!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 09:29

Pope John Paul II may u rest in peace....

Saturday, April 02, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 11:09

Yipppeeee... holi is here again... right.. one year in poly has past.. just like tat.. mayb short.. but gain lotsa experience since the day of skool.. realli gonna miss all the lecturer... *huggies

Wanna thanx all the lecturers for not setting the exam paper that hard.. at least still able to handle it.. but this means very hard to get A or even AD...guess moderation or marking will be damn strict, anyway.. juz hope i can pass..get a B at least... No C please..*praying hard...

But now haha.. time to play again!!! woo-hoo... play harder this time.. guess i did play a lot during my study break which i suppose to study.. but... now is holiday.. time to re-charge and refresh and catching up with all my friends.. esp my Sec skool pals!!! How have you guys been yea!!! Realli gotto meet up one day yea!! a MUST!!! catch a movie, eat out and gossips haha... realli miss those days still....

Right.. today went town straight after Physiology paper, with my old clique- shuwen,shilin,Van and Eleanor... went to eat Korean cusine at Heeren... damn nice haha.. but the portion realli a little to pathetically small.. not realli fill my big tummy!!! so we went took neo-prints and went cafe cartel eat again haha... as usual going out with shuwen and shilin, i'll always be eating most of the time... still planning of going to eat all the diff cusine in Singapore one day haha.. gonna turn into a big fat pig soon... so shurong.. die die oso muz cal me out to exercise and cycle... Khai.. get me to self-training too.... haha

Eh.. duno wat more to write... oh yea.. to all my classmates of 1F04.. am trying to plan for a class outings... is our last time tog.. hope we can all get back tog again... realli hope so... realli enjoy the presence of each and everyone of you... thanx for leaving the footprints in my life.. u guys truely rock my life in every single way!!!! i love u gals... n yea.. thanx to all TAS, Tasic 16 members as well as all the instructors, u guys realli make a great impact in my life in poly!!!! Thanx for all the people who i've cross the path with!!! nice to noe each and everyone of you yea!!! Ok gotto stop all my craps!!! Anyway.. enjoy ur holidays peeps.. play hard!!!

Gotto watch my vcds!!! a handful of love.. yeah!!