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♥ Lessons to learn and Remember

Sunday, February 27, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 12:44

Yea... another V I C T O R Y!!! Though we nv beat the DB teams.. but nvm.. at least we complete and gotten 2nd!!! Yea!!! realli proud to annouce that!!!

Realli wanna thanx Khairi for his motivation and pushing.. if not dun think i can make it alrt.. guess i'll juz give up half-way again.. damn-- i realli got very poor endurance level... everytime b4 a competition, heart ponding like shit.. and my legs are so super duper jelly.. duno wats WRONG man..too nervous!! juz too nervous i guess... everytime b4 the comp, u can oso see me and Guozhen whinning to one another.. saying taking part in all these competition or events, we'll have my lifespan shortening... but nvm.. getting into more comps and events oso means, we are being expose to more experiences out there... i cant deny that, whenever i finish/ complete the race, i realli feel proud about it.. there's realli a sense of satisfaction yea... realli feeling damn good, though at the end of it all, u're damn tired like shit..

Thanx to Rong too!!! Help us to open the door wide and cheering for us along!! ai zai!! thanx pal... ur support realli means a lot!! thanx.. sorry that didnt went to support u for ur badminton.. duno u'll in it!! nxt time muz tell me alrt.. so i can go support u haha.. long time since i last see u play badminton man!! mayb nxt time we muz catch up a little!!!

Cheerios!!! to all TASIC A AND B TEAM!!! U guys did a FANTASTIC JOB!!! *THUMBS UP...
realli glad to know each and every of u man.. without u guys.. i dun think i'll be signing up for all these marathon and stuff... is realli the best part of my life of getting to know all of youuuuu!!! thanx guys!!! u guys rox yea!!! The neoprint taken today looks grt with the trophies too haha.

But somehow am realli disappointed with the instructors!!! they saw us during the comp, they aint cheering for us.. somehow i realli feel tat, are we actually a family!!! Nahz.. is realli not a nice thing to do, when actually u see ur family members running in a comp, n u're not cheering!!!damn---

Result for National Vertical Marathon (temasek building) out!!!http://www.nvm05.cjb.net/
My timing:

Sigh!!! isnt good enuff!!! muz train harder harder muz harder for nxt year!! MuZ WIN!!!!

To Anna: THanx for holding a wonderful birthday chalet yst.. realli enjoyed myself.. grt to see Mrs Ku, Mr Aman as well as all the sec 5B peeps!!!

Today saw Gracia on the way home too, she still tok as soft as last time haha.. but realli grt to see her again as well as hearing that she's doing fine!!! cheers to all my pals out there!!! Love u all!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 11:32

Your Brain is 66.67% Female, 33.33% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

What Gender Is Your Brain?

Monday, February 21, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 11:17

Yipeee!!! Finally completed the 51 storey high steps... my legs are aching like shit now...*pain
Is realli a satisfaction to be able to complete it alrt.. am realli proud of myself as well as all my team mates: Khairi, Guo Zhen, Dora and Daren!!! U guys did well alrt!!! Hope nxt year, we can take part again.. or mayb we can successfully set up a new VM cca... hope is not onli a dream but we can put it in action...

Although we did not win.. yup did not get into top 10.. but overall guess all of us push ourselves to our limit... even over the limit i guess... But the sad thing is we're not on tv haha.. we're all craving to be on tv alrt.. but sad.. duno if is the np shirt or wat, they treated us like transparent.. even though, we are right beside or infront of them... damn-- so dont bother to see the news tonite.. coz there's no us haha!!! but guess u guys shld still see the news.. as u can see how the stairs are like... is realli damn steep.. guess i've not trained hard enough..alrt.. came in 12, but 3 more days to go, b4 able to noe our personal timing.. hope my timing wont be tat bad...*pray.. gotto jia u man!!! Am realli not fit sia.. half way already dying le... oso have the thoughts of giving up alrt.. but cant.. coz if i do, i'll cause the team to lose.. so no choice but to climb n climb n continue climbing... n... yeah!! we did it haha...

The nxt happy thing to comment on is the goodies bag that we received.. man.. damn lotsa things alrt.. u got drinks, vouchers, cert, badge, udon noodles, energy bar.. and the nicest is of coz the t-shirt haha..is a white base shirt with the combination of orange words.. damn nice!!! but it would be better if we can get the yellow and black base one.. but nvm.. at least the 12 bucks of admission fee still worthwhile...

After the comp, went bugis.. we actually walk there alrt haha...for me, my legs r realli tired.. but is a good walk there though.. but i still cant find my TVB mag!!! My Hsuan Suan!!! *scream... but good for Guozhen he find his present.. Yup.. we went to take neoprints too haha.. a fun day i muz sae.. with a good experience too... alrt.. time for me to chiong my vcds again... damn exciting part now!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 09:53

JOHN CONSTANTINE...KEANU REEVES!!! my love my love haha Went PS to watch it with Serene and Woei Chyi today...saw lotsa NP peeps...Oh i would say some parts of the scenes is kinda scary..realli kanna sudden shock.. but overall is a damn nice...the sound and visual effects.. damn good..*thumbs up--worth the money!!! But i found the movie realli focus on lotsa demons...after the movie... i realli hope that demons from hell wont be able to cross over and live with us humans.. is realli scary man if this realli happens... Hell aint a place to hope for after death.. certainly not for me...

Damn-- not of any luck today.. cant find any vcds i want.. and cant find my TVB mag!!! *scream

Tmr will be the actual day of vertical marathon.. sigh-- hope i wont screw up... *pray Hope tmr will be fine!!
Alrt.. gotto go continue my date with the vampire 3 haha...

Saturday, February 19, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 12:06

Alrt, finally here to rant again.. one more day to go for Vertical Marathon... anyone interested to drop by n support my team haha Alrt.. will be running the Temasek Building... damn-- i duno if i can make it up there.. 51 storey yea... 25 storey i'm already dying... god-- i realli pray.. pray that i can reach the top and bring pride to ourselves...gosh.. i dun even noe what time it starts.. forgive me man, haha

Today have ITA test again.. as usual, the first part was alrt.. but as i move on.. guess i made quite a lot of mistake.. damn-- ITA project is still halfway done.. duno wat am i doing.. slacking ard.. realli condemn.. Yup.. am realli tired of TASIC training too.. been skipping.. sorry to say, i've realli lost my interest in everything.. esp my cca... but still do feel like training up alrt...i wanna stay fit!!! Yup.. have a deal with Dora n company.. we'll haveself training every once or twice a week rite.. we muz all keep fit fit... mayb den, we can ta-han all the punishment the instructors prepared to give us... wateva-- as all the instructors now are tearing their hair out over our attendance... i duno wat can i say to dem.. but i juz wan my money bac... sorry guys, if lately i've been asking for money..i'm like a vampire thirsty for blood, but i'm right here thirsting for money haha...realli in need of cash alrt...i wanna buy MP3 haha

Shit.. have ITP project too.. alrt.. pls let me whine.. i duno how to do it yea.. is so damn super hard.. till now.. the second semester, i still dun understand the programming stuff..god-- i realli need ur help... yo-hoo.. anyone?? I realli need someone to enlighten me about the visual basic... haiz weekends got lotsa things to rush again... rush vcds, hw...busy busy busy-- Tonite gonna chiong all the way for my "wo geng jiang si you ge yue hui" Thanx Shuwen for lending as well as thanx Mingli for finishing fast n gave it to me.. thanx gals!!!

Anyway.. realli like to thanx Dora and company for all the support during the training.. hope we can all pull thru tog and do extremely well and get wat we deserve... thanx guys!!! Love ya!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 10:23

Alrt.. yst was Valentine day.. guess how i have spend it.. yup.. spend it with Daren, Dora and Khairi.. haha we have self-training.. training for the vertical marathon on Sun..ran to clementi and do stairs climbing.. but aint proud of myself.. but realli proud of all my teammates!!! god-- i duno if i can pull thru.. am realli struggling hard... crys-- realli wanna thanx dora, daren and khairi for of ur support if not guess i wont be able to push myself up... hope tmr i can show more improvement.. realli dun wish to let the team down...*stress-- n yah.. 22nd is the skool vertical challenge for dragon boat.. god-- i duno how can i handle it.. shld have to be some ambitious.. signing up some many stuff.. wanted to gain experience... but guess, i shld have noe my limits.. i'm weak i muz admit!!! i am WEAK!!!! tmr taining again.. muz jia u jia u jia u!!!!

Dear Lord, Pls give me the interior strength as well as the physical strength that i need to complete this vertical marathon.. i realli hope i can do the best that i can.. and i wont let my teammates down.. i noe the winning is realli what everyone is hoping for.. so yea.. i pray to u.. i hope i wont be the reason that they lose... so lord pls grant me the strength, will, determination that i need...lord, hear my prayer...amen

Anw, sorry Rong nv meet up wif u all.. but u reply me too late haha.. u'll at town le den u got me a msg.. nxt time tell me earlier.. so i can arrange, or mayb skip my training haha... am realli tired of TASIC le.. am not motivated to attend any of the training.. have had enough alrt.. wanna jump.. jump to try out other cca... i noe i am a person who cant accomplised anything in life.. coz i'm a short-lived person... i cant stick n do the same thing for a long period of time... tats realli bad i guess.. realli gotto change my attitude abt it.. damn-- By the way CATS!!! sux... i duno wat to write for my skit presentation... arrghh-- SCREAM!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 09:47

The Sun Card
You are the Sun card. The light of the Sun reveals
all. The Sun is joyful and bright, without fear
or reservation. The childish nature of the Sun
allows you to play and feel free. Exploration
can truly take place in the light of day when
nothing is hidden. The Sun's rays fill you with
energy so that you may live life to its
fullest, milking pleasure out of each day. Such
joy and energy can bring wealth and physical
pleasure. To shine in the light of day is to
have confidence, to soak up its rays is to feel
the freedom of a child. Image from: Stevee
Postman. http://www.stevee.com/

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by

Monday, February 14, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 10:59

Yst stay up till one plus.. watch Keeping the faith.. man is damn nice alrt!!! Realli fall in love with Jenna Elfman.. she realli look damn good in the show alrt..and i muz sae she look much much better in there compared to the looney tune movie that she starred in...i think haha.. god.. she realli make me drool last nite haha... i want to get the dvd or vcd!!!

Thanx Dora for your support.. but have not been training sia.. so realli scare haha.. hope tmr physical training i can catch up and buck up....

Alrt.. change my blogskin again.. pls dun scold me alrt.. have no choice.. if u have visited it u shld have seen the problem rite... my skin aint working.. not displaying the nice background pic...*sigh..i always face blogskin problem.. YUP so i have no choice.. but to change a new skin... but i'm confident, no one will share the same skin as me lolx...

Alrt.. tmr will be having creative presentation for cell bio.. hope my group can do a nice presentation.. coz we're the slackest grp haha... we nv meet up alrt.. we sep our work loads and tmr meet up early in the morning to fix all the pieces tog and prepare for the presentation.. superb rite.. lolx... alrt.. shld not boost abt it, coz it aint suppose to work like this.. but u noe... New year season.. everyone juz busy collecting "ang bao" But i didnt collect that much i guess... though is a good 3 digits haha... but glad that the army recruitment center has gave me money yipee!!!But muz learn to be thrifty from now haha... Anw.. i still wan my money back from Sharon the anni nite one!!! and serene for the kayaking course...

Well.. gotto stop my bullshits here.. gotto finish the cell bio stuff... if not tmr duno how to present.. my fair princess starting too... last episode!!! muz watch haha *dash


Friday, February 11, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 12:56

Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying each n every moment of their new year right now.. am realli enjoying it ha.... but i guess i need to go on diet soon.... N the worst part is the vertical marathon is on nxt sun...N SAT I will be out eating at nite... damn... but the thing is i'm not prepared yet.. not been training since the common test week.. sigh.. i realli feel like withdrawing.. dun wanna be the burden of my team..*feeling like shit
Arrgh... tmr skool starting.. sigh sigh sigh... n the worst thing is lessons onli gonna end at five!!!! wats up man... why cant the government give us holiday till mon.... damn shitty alrt... wanna slack somemore... guess tmr everyone sure hav tat super sian look during lectures.... realli lucky tat tmr is not having an early lesson...*phew.. able to catch some slp... or i'm realli dying alrt...
Today wake ard 5 plus and wash up n den ard 6 plus plus leave for Geyland Serai.. yup.. the place there does bring up lotsa memory.. i guess only szewei, guozhen and Auf noe abt it haha... Am realli super tired right now.. but cant slp... gotto help my dad in cleaning up the mess left over... yup.. today is my grandma b'day.. as usual a swam of relatives and friends arrive... alrt.. i hate crowds.. but guess.. i still like to see my cousins yah.. esp my Da Jie.. long long time since i last seen her... realli admire her.. been to some many countries alone.. realli a "miss independent" ..*thumb up
Thanx Ah Gal Jie too for the KFC treat though we have some many food at home still left untouched.. god.. buffet food realli taste sux.. wateva.. wat left to be eaten have all been eaten.. realli realli get to start training for the coming race.. realli stressing out umb up right now... damn...Lotsa projects not done yet...ITA, CATS SKIT WRITING, CELL BIO!!!! *GOING CRAZY SOON..... STRESS IS BACK TO HUANT ME AGAIN.. NO TIME NO TIME

Sunday, February 06, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 03:42

Yipee... finally can happily slack and watch tv... comon test is over... but realli doubt that i can realli do well... guess the obc paper still got me killed... watever...Got my love hina vcd woo-hoo... realli enjoying every part of it haha..alrt.. am spending money again... on vcds...*spank but am waiting for Hellsing though..

Today bringing my meimei go cut hair.. den mayb meet shuwen or serene in town... today gotto realli shop till i drop alrt.. haven even get my new year stuff... ahhh 4ever so last min...haha but money crisis...damn-- i realli got lotsa things to buy alrt... my ah pai shoe.. my ah pai pants... arrrggghhh.. juz so many things... more money more money!!! SHARON SERENE MY MONEY!!!*ROOOOAAAARR My grandma is ill again.. god-- is realli scares me to hell... last nite she cant breathe... so is like yst i didnt realli have enough slp too... juz pray that she's gonna be fine...

Mood: Grey as the words
I am running away from u... u hear me..i'm...running
tons n tons of missed call u gave.. but i juz ignored... i duno why i did it... but i'm juz too scare to pick it up...
I'm afraid to ever start a conversation with you... I duno why...
Mayb u're juz too nice juz too caring.. mayb i'm not yet prepared for this relationship...commiment to you... i cant do it..i duno...
Mayb till the time i lose you, i'll learn to cherish ya... but right now... i dun think i'm feeling like, what u do...is like when i hear love songs.. u're not the one that came to my mind.. and u're not the one that i'm urging to hold on to...mayb i'm better off being alone... alone in my own world....
I aint a good girlfren i noe... missing for a goood 2 days.. not messenging u and cal ya... but i duno wat can i say and wat can i do... Mayb u're cursing me rite now.. or mayb u're still worrying sick abt me... but seriously i duno wat i wan and wat i'm doing to u as well as myself...*complicated
Mayb i'm a person aint deserved of any love and care in this world or 'mayb i have forgotten even of how to love someone or even being love... but now... this relationship stuff.. is juz blowing me up... and guess this is not wat love shld be rite... too much apology, too much excuses, too much avoidings....but no feelings...am realli sorry... i juz have to say i am the most SUCKEST lover that u ever had...but i still have to say... i'm better off being left alone... juz alone...

Thursday, February 03, 2005
rumbles & whines posted at 02:36

Yst was a realli grt day for me...besides the sucky cell bio common test paper that i've sitted for yea... it was realli sucky... juz hope i can pass..*praying hard Oh yar.. bac to the sub.. was a grt day yst becoz finally met my sec skool classmates haha.. am realli happy... catch up with Khailing a little and Sok a lot... As usual Sok and I spend the whole bus journey chatting with one another... was realli feeling good man... been so long since i have realli have a good chat with some one... moreafter is my sec skool pal...man.. i realli missing u guys....

Yst on msn saw ailing too...so long since i last see her alrt.. but heard from the others tat she's doing well... but realli hope to see her again...Oh yar... sorry Ruiping and others tat i did not join u guys for pizza on mon... coz have to mug for the cell bio test u see... sorry yar.. i realli wish we can have another dinner tog again... realli yielding for another MEET UP PEEPS....

Anyway Sok.. i muz realli comment on ur contacts and ear rings.. is realli nice alrt.. PURPLE haha.. guess Dora will envy u like hell.... she's a purple lover too....Lucky that she nv see you.. or not.. she'll case u over for the lenses and ear rings...

Yst suppose to reach home and sleep... but did not alrt... went online instead.. actually juz wanted to play some little games first b4 heading to bed.. but in the end logged on to msn and spend my entire afternoon online....realli deprived for sleep...yup.. onli went to bed at ard 2300++ realli damn tired... thanx to the cell bio yar... i realli hope i can have a good return for my result though.. realli mugging hard for that paper... but when i saw the paper.. i felt so unprepared alrt.. i realli doubt if i can do well for this time common test... but yst have realli spend my entire day slacking haha.. damn cool alrt... so long since i have a time to slack infront of my comp n tv set... realli feeling good inside...Finally catch my CSI.. skip some many episodes of it le.. ahhhhh... today have HELLSING.. yippeeee Buttt...... Today and tmr.. gotto realli chiong for the last paper for FRI... the KILLER OBC paper.. realli realli hope i'm fully prepared for her paper... i dun wish to fail alrt... realli gotto add more oil for her paper man.... JIA U JIA U JIA U....Gonna be over soon... Anyway luck to everyone taking common test!!!

V'day planning for outing?!?!?! guess onli Sok, Rong and Sok yin will be the three spending tog again haha

*hungry.. waiting for my ah ma chicken rice....=x